Blouse & ring: Modcloth (Sale)
Skirt (Dress): via swap
Hat: eBay
Bag: Thrifted
Shoes: UO

Hello Hello there darlings,
Well my weekend was chock full of lazy lakeside afternoons with friends, a town fair, family visiting from Philly, and baking cornbread for my church's chili cook off on Sunday afternoon. Life is surely good, right? Anyhow, I can't help but love this time of year - when things are slightly slow before autumn comes on at us in full force. The thing is there really is not much to say except for just that. I'm savoring every summer moment with my boys and the Mr. and I've certainly appreciated all the evenings where we sit out on our back deck drinking coffee while Keane plays with his cars and Clayt is just being his sweet little self cuddling and cooing on my lap...more baby photos to come :-) I'm telling you, it's the simple things that make me so very happy these days.
How about you? What's making you smile at the moment? Please do share.
Love bunches,
Psst: If you haven't seen already - I'm so excited to be the featured Style Gallery Star on the Modcloth blog this week...take a little mosey this way to read more.