Outfit Details: Dress: Miss Selfridge (2010) // Hat: Vintage via Antique Mall // Necklace: Etsy // Purse: Vintage from Grandmother // Tights & Shoes: Modcloth
If you follow along with me on Instagram (Shadesofmonet), then you may already know that I spent my Saturday last weekend at well, probably one of the most enchanted looking weddings I've ever been to. Of course I took the opportunity to really play dress up and put on one of my fanciest vintage hats - it's not very often that I get to feel this fancy schmancy, you know?
Anyhow, it was quite a unique situation as I really only met the lovely bride and groom once and my hubs was the one performing the wedding! Long story - but in a nutshell, he performed a wedding for friends of ours a couple months back and the DJ at that wedding loved him so much that he recommended him to this other couple who was looking for someone to perform theirs. Imagine that! So of course, my shy self was feeling as awkward as ever sitting in the last row of wooden benches all alone surrounded by a host of family and friends of the bride and groom which obviously all knew each other (and the reason why I did not bring a camera along with me.) As if that were not strange enough, the groom's sister (I guess that's who's side I was sitting on) came up to me and complimented my outfit but then proceeded to ask who I was and how I knew the groom....for some reason I had a sneaking suspicion that she thought I could be an ex-girlfriend or someone like that. Oh geez, nice. So of course, I explained myself and all was good in the world.
But really it was a very beautiful wedding with a truly sweet and beautiful couple, their families who were as appreciative and welcoming to us as ever, and to top it off we sat at a table with the funniest couple who reminded us of Chandler and Monica from Friends. We were laughing and celebrating all night long and that's just the way it should be.
Cheers to celebrating life and love and magical weekends.
Love Bunches,