My next guest blogger is one sweet lady I immediately became fond of while reading her cheerful, upbeat, and encouraging blog. Seriously, in the midst of my crazy year, this girl never ceased to put me in the brightest of moods with her thoughtful words and sunny outlook on life. I absolutely love this girl and I know you will too as she shares some of her empowering little insights with us today. Thanks Lynn for being a wonderful blogger friend and constant source of inspiration. See you soon darlings!
Hello folks, I'm Lynn from
hearted girl and am very pleased to meet you all! The excitement to come over here and be included as a guest on Marisa's space had been bubbling up inside for a while now. Glad to also give Maris a bit of a break after her big move so she can nest n' nook. I'm thrilled to be here sharing a little something I've sort of recycled from my archives. It's called "Nutshell" and the snap-shot is: everyone is given a safety net; something they can trust in to pull them out from tough sitchs, the trick is finding out what yours is.

One of my favorite quotes is from Shakespeare, when Hamlet says “O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams.”
This moves me so because I think about the many times my mind feels thick with thoughts so heavy they would seem to require much more space than my own head could hold. Still there are the masters out there in the world that have extraordinary capabilities & strategic trails to follow when the brain tries to entrench them in any badness. Who are these people and could I get my hands on this super power too??? Gosh, can you say work in progress?!
When I was a little girl it was so much easier, I remember having those super scary boogey man meets the creepy-crawlies while Raggedy-Ann’s head twists a 360 kinda thoughts while lying in the darkness of my otherwise cheerful Neapolitan colored bedroom. My mom taught me to use a word to defend myself from the onslaught, yes people A WORD…that’s it, that’s all. I chose “NO” and would repeat it over and over, after practicing this I found it actually worked! No more would I be at the mercy of those beasties that lay claim in my mind, I could now control (for all intents and purposes) my keep out sign. It was very empowering and remembering all that just now gives me a bit more mojo to give it another go.
We all have our stuff and it’s important to face it when it’s real but sometimes it can feel like a switch gets tripped and the circuits can miss fire you into a place that causes tangles and twists when all you really need is the life line to pull you back out. A sturdy, strong tether that will be your own unconditional keeper of the safe. When moonlight approaches I know everything will be alright.
Thanks so much for inviting me over Marisa! You are the best and I'm honored to take part. It's been a supreme pleasure and thank you to everyone who's joined in on this with me today. High held toasts to you all!!! ♥
background with frame image via night fate