Outfit Details: Dress: Modcloth//Blazer & Shoes: UO//Hat: Vintage via My Soft Parade//Scarf: Thrifted//Purse: Vintage from Grandmother

Oh my, has been quite a busy weekend for me...late nights, early mornings, bowl-o-dromes, cleaning, packing, and piano playing...and a home cooked dinner courtesy of my mother. Brown sugar crusted corn beef, roasted cabbage, and sweet cornbread was just what the doctor ordered to finish out the weekend with a bang. So it's Monday now and I am all for relaxing.
My outfit yesterday consisted of a key piece I will be wearing for my Halloween costume. Any guesses what that might be??? I am thrilled this year with what Al and I...and little Keane are going as. Al and I scrounged around the house to find pieces for our costumes and I am very pleased with the result. Can't wait to show you!
Oh and for everyone who tried to spot the mysterious eye in my last set of photos, here it is...
See it now??
Until then, have a spooktastic week darlings!