Thursday, June 30, 2011

Of Smiles and Strawberries

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.
~Lee Mildon





Outfit Details:
Dress: Darling via Asos (Gift from hubby)/Cardi: UO/Hat: Target/Purse & Necklace: Vintage via Grandmothers'/Shoes: Thrifted


Hello darlings!
Hope you are having a swell week. I'm just busy as a little ol bee preparing for the big move. Lots to do finishing up at my job, finalizing application papers for the house, and the quite dreaded packing. (Groan) I've promised myself this time around I am not going to get overwhelmed. Anyhoo, my outfit today is courtesy of my closet. Nothing new...and seeing that I will not be working at least for a little while after we move, I am really making an effort to "shop my closet" and thrift more often...and I'm quite content with this.

It's Thursday and a three day weekend is nearly peeking it's head around the corner to say "hello". I am smiling very big right now just thinking about this:)


Monday, June 27, 2011


Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.
~Walt Whitman






Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage/Flower: Etsy/Hat: UO/Socks: Topshop/Shoes: Thrifted


One thing I am positively sure of when I have my own house, I am determined to have a garden. Whether big or small, I do not care. I just want to master the art of the green thumb and wake up to this in my back yard every summer morning. Speaking of houses, my husband and I just bought one. It's our first and our very own. I couldn't be more excited and feel more blessed.

Anything you darlings would like to master the art of?

Happy Monday my dears!


Monday, June 20, 2011

La Forêt

There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.
~Washington Irving




Outfit Details:
Headband - Made by me/Blouse & Skirt: Vintage/Necklace: Modcloth/Ring: Miss Selfridge/Shoe: UO



It most definitely was quite a relaxing weekend doing next to nothing, taking many walks, eating too many sweets, and enjoying Father's day with all the beautiful men in my life: my hubby, son, father, and 2 grandfathers. They are too wonderful for words. Sounds cheesy, yes, but I couldn't feel more blessed to have them all around.

Hope you darlings had a lovely and relaxing weekend as well. Early night tonight, yawn, yawn...I'm off to bed.
Sweet & serene dreams!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Box of Stars

Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are,
the things you never want to lose.
~From the television show The Wonder Years




Outfit Details:
Sweater: Thrifted
Pants: Grandmother's
Scarf: Modcloth
Necklace: UO
Shoes: Seychelles


Today I felt like wearing something very out of the ordinary for me...pants! I've gotten several questions, even an email asking if I only ever wear dresses and the truth is ... most of the time I do simply because it is what I feel most comfortable ...flowy, free, and not confining. However, today was a new day and I came across this little striped number in my grandmother's drawer that was the most loverly shade of seaside blue. Now I was so completely tempted to work them into an outfit, especially after seeing sweet Michal of North County Girl in her quite amazing pants outfit a few days earlier.

If you've been reading along I know it seems I've been wearing a lot of my grandmother's clothes lately. Since she passed away in February, she left behind so many lovely things. Some of those things being a whole drawer full of jewelry and some clothing. I feel very comforted sitting down and sorting through it because I know that this is exactly what she would want me to do. As a little girl, she always let me rummage through her little star covered jewelry box and wear whatever I pleased. It was always something I looked forward to when I visited her house. I love thinking back and remembering this. And as she looks down on me, I know she is smiling, remember these things too.

Have a gorgeous weekend little darlings!



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where you'll find me

I've packed my bags and headed over to guest blog for Kerri at Old Lady Chic today. Follow me over and say "Hello", if you get a chance.



Monday, June 13, 2011

Rabbit Hole

Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them,
and pretty soon you have a dozen.
~John Steinbeck





Outfit Details:
Cardi: UO (on sale)
Dress: Vintage
Shoes: Modcloth


Right now, things are very busy for me. At this very time, I feel like sliding down the rabbit hole into a whole new world away from the hustle and bustle. On a positive note, I have some pretty exciting things going on. Fingers crossed that everything works out for la familia and I. Oh and yay!! - upon returning home from work on Friday, my hubby surprised me with an Iphone. Not that I care about the type of phone I's just so nice to actually HAVE a phone again after my last went missing for several months. It seemed to have gotten swallowed up by the dark hole under the bed one day when I was packing. Mysteriously enough, it never appeared again.

That's all for now darlings. It's a whole new week full of plenty of sun and near perfect says Al Roker. Do enjoy yourselves!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mad Hatter

There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.
~ The Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland






Outfit Details
Dress & Scarf: thrifted
Hat & Vest: TJ Maxx
Bracelets: Forever 21
Socks: Modcloth
Shoes: Seychelles


Looking back over this past month - though really it just begun, I realized how much I've been wearing hats in my posts. I do hope this doesn't bore you too much. Funny thing is I don't really wear them at all during the week, as this would not fly at work. But seeing that I take most of my photos on the weekend, a hat is the most perfect and easiest accessory to shade myself from the heat of the summer sun. Ok not really...I admit...It's much easier to throw one on than to gussy up as much and do my hair. Once Saturday rolls around, I'm really not into making as much of an effort as I do during the week. Are you the same way? Anyways, I spotted this tangerine hat the other day hanging on the rack all by it's lonesome and as it cost next to nothing, I just had to snag it up.

Have a relaxing weekend darlings!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dreams and Their Pockets

Lucky, lucky me
I can live in luxury
'Cause I've got a pocketful of dreams
~ Bing Crosby







Outfit Details
Playsuit, shoes: UO (on sale)
Cardi: Modcloth
Hat: Grandmother's
Necklace: JCrew - gift from Mother
Ring: Miss Selfridge
Socks: Topshop

Hello darlings!
Spring is in full bloom and summer is nearly here and there's nothing I love more than being outside and soaking in the beautiful sun, even more so when I am able to enjoy this with Al and Keane on a perfect sunny afternoon. So I leave you with just that, a simple little clip of us...nothing fancy, just us, a kiddie pool and the summer sun.


Sunday, June 5, 2011


"A man is never lost at sea."
The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway







Outfit Details:
Romper, shoes: Modcloth
Hat: Anthropologie (on sale-60%)
Cardi: UO


These photos were from my final day in Philadelphia during my mini holiday over Memorial Day weekend. I thought, what better than to go seaside...err riverside actually but nonetheless it was fun and relaxing and this is another special spot that Al and I like to go back to time and time again. Please excuse the repeating of accessories here, as you know packing can be a challenge and I try to take as little as possible or else I would get carried away and then we would need a trailer. I do promise however that my socks are clean:) One fun thing is that I scored this pretty turquoise hat at an Anthropologie sidewalk sale during our day downtown Wayne. Hooray for cheap finds and long weekends! Here's to many more.



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