
Friday, August 3, 2012

Camp Hill

Outfit Details: Blouse: Vintage in my shop // Shorts: Asos - old (remixed here) // Scarf: Vintage from friend // Bag: Vintage - antique mall // Shoes: Thrifted

Happy Friday Darlings!

What I had intended on being here today was one of my favorite summer recipes involving tomatillos...mmm.  Well after having the whole thing typed out - I accidentally hit the delete button and before I could reach my edit-undo tab, good ol blogger automatically saved my changes for me.  Boo.  Beyond frustrated, but as it's such a little thing in the grand scheme of life, I refuse to let it bug me like that.  So instead, you are going to get a two month old post of me in my hometown where I grew up - happily finished and marinating in my draft section waiting so patiently to be published.

Camp Hill, the town where I grew up reminds me a bit of Stars Hollow (any Gilmore Girl fans here?), with it's quaint streets, adorned with grand old houses with meticulous gardens, cozy cafes, and a dance studio to boot.  I love it here and always get the warm fuzzies when I go back for a visit.  

That's all for now my friends.  I'll be back soon with that yummy recipe I spoke of and a pretty nifty DIY.  Tonight I am volunteering at my town's fair :)  How about you?

Love Bunches, 


  1. this outfit is so cute...what an awesome picturesque neighborhood.

  2. soo cute!! Your hometown sounds soo good.. i use to wish i could live a place like the glimore girls! haha :) Have a great weekend!

  3. Looks wonderful, and I love the colour of your shorts. I am such a big Gilmore Girls fan... Have you watched Bunheads yet? It's written by Amy Sherman-Palladino too and I'm excited to see it but I just know it won't be a patch on GG. Nothing could be! Enjoy your volunteering :) I'm off to work soon, in a local club: the festival has just started in Edinburgh so I think it will be a busy one!

  4. best part about your outfit - the socks!

  5. Oh goodness this is a really cute outfit! That is so awful about losing things when you type them! in the future hit control z and it will fix the problem you deleted. test it out. type something, delete a word or letter and click control +z and you'll see. hehe
    Your hometown is cute. I really like it. I look forward to your recipe.

  6. Oh. My. GOODNESS. I say that every time we go through Camp Hill, that it reminds so much of Stars Hallow. I almost expect Jess to show up at any moment - gosh, if only. I ADORE Gilmore Girls - I have all 7 seasons. Best graduation gift ever! :) You look lovely as usual, I'm loving that shirt!


  7. Lovely outfit, so cute!! Have a good weekend :) xx

  8. hehe "marinating in your drafts section" that made me giggle. LOVE the purse and the shoes with those socks, augrhdkjghfkj just too too cute! Love it.


  9. You look too cute! I love love love that purse (ships are so awesome)! I actually have a pair of shorts like those and those exact same shoes, though I haven't worn them in a long time... I think I just might have to do so in the near future!

  10. I love this pretty vintage top, especially with the hydrangea bush, so pretty! I actually miss hydrangae's now that I am seeing them! I feel like I haven't seen many in Colorado, maybe because its too dry or something?
    I am so sorry about your recipe getting deleted! Yesterday at work, I thought I deleted the spreadsheet I spent the last late hours on and had a mini panic attack. Someone better with computers was able to retrieve a saved draft after a few tries thank goodness!
    Lastly, thank you so much for your kind comments about my hair cut! I was being such a huge chicken about it, but I actually took an hour off work this morning and went and got it done, hooray! I am so happy I did it, and its not even that short (probably actually really similar to your length)! Just short for me. I just needed a little push, so thank you!
    Happy friday, hope you have tons of fun planned for the weekend :)
    xo Hannah

  11. Oh god I hate it when I accidently delete something I've been typing out for a while, I've done that with essays for Uni before! SO maddening!
    I love these shorts, they are so cute and look great on you. That little purse is so freakin' adorable!!

  12. As usual, beautiful photos. I'm endlessly impressed by your pretty part of the world xx

  13. I used to enjoy watching Gilmore Girl's haha. You look lovely and those aqua shorts are my favourite. xo Happy weekend dear.

  14. cute outfit darling! reminds me a lot of what flashesofstyle would wear! vintagey and whimsical.

    xx rae
    500+ reader giveaway

  15. this is such a sweet outfit. love those shorts and that bag! and yummm tomatillos, i'm excited for the recipe :)


  16. Wow you grew up somewhere so pretty! I used to watch Gilmore Girls :) Lovely outfit.. Hope you type out the recipe again sometime soon, I'm intrigued! xx

  17. Replies
    1. oooooh that bag is superdupercute!!!! and shorts really look great on you, i look like a dwarf with them :(

  18. Your style is so interesting. I love your box bag!

    Ava Tallulah

  19. awesome outfit. this cute little straw bag is a stunner. i feel a little jealous about it ...

  20. Gorgeous photos and that outfit is beyond adorable
    I'm such a big gilmore girls fan and anywhere stars hollow esque sounds so perfect
    You lucky thing!

  21. I love Camp Hill, it's the kind of place I've been daydreaming about visiting. I love the color of your shorts and how well it goes with your headband. I wish I could get away with socks and shoes like you and look cute! Xxx

  22. While I'm sorry you lost your post, (such a drag), I'm happy to get a post showing your hometown instead! It looks absolutely charming and I can surely imagine you must have been a happy girl there! I am digging your dress shorts too.


  23. So very Gilmore Girls! LOVE IT. And I do hate when blogger messes up like that. It makes me want to cry.

  24. New follower! =) I love your blog, can't get enough of your gorgeous photos and lovely vintagey-outfits!
    I would so love to live in Stars Hollow.

  25. you're looks never fail to be adorable. i love your bag and head scarf!
    i'll look forward to your recipe!


  26. you're looks never fail to be adorable. i love your bag and head scarf!
    i'll look forward to your recipe!


  27. your looks never fail to be adorable! i love your bag and headscarf.
    i'll look forward to your recipe!


  28. Awwwww you look soooooo cute. I love your face in the second photo of you...

  29. I hate when that happens, computers thinking for you ;-( I sure need to do some volunteering soon!


  30. Oh my gosh how ADORABLE are you in those amazingly gorgeous shorts!? I love this outfit so much!
    Oh it's terrible to write an entire post and accidentally delete it or press the back button on accident! It's happened to me countless times. I'm really glad you posted this though because it is just too adorable!

    Your town does resemble Stars Hollow a good bit from what I can see!
    Hope you're having a wonderful week love!

  31. i really wanna move to camp hill. like i wish i would have known about it when i moved here. it's really cute and if i stayed here, i would end up there. and your shorts are ADORABLE! you look so great in green.

    and i ALWAYS delete posts on my ipad and get SO mad!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  32. This is such a sweet outfit! Lovely!


  33. Um, somehow I never realize this.....but we grew up right next to each other. I'm from Mechanicsburg!!!!


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