
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Eighth Year

 Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage (remixed here) // Hat: UO // Vest: TJ Maxx // Necklace: Vintage from mom // Shoes: Seychelles

Life is pretty simple on most days for the wee fam and I.  So after this balmy, white-skyed evening spent at the craft store finding the supplies I need to polish of the four DIYs I have going on at the moment - we took a stop at a local park so Keane could run around to his little heart's content.  He loves to run and run and run - which means, we chase, we chase, we chase.  My shoes were not the most sensible for doing this - so this resulted in some very ungraceful looking leaps, skips, and hops to keep pace.  Nonetheless, it was perfectly fun and as you can see we had a not so happy camper on our hands once it was time to leave.  

Gotta run darlings - it's my 8th year wedding anniversary today so I will be happily celebrating with the Mr.  

Thanks for the best 8 years of my life darling.   Here's to many many many more.  You simply make me feel like the luckiest gal in the world.

Love Bunches, 

And one more lovely tidbit.  My sponsor Hattie from Hattitude Jewellery Shop and Style Blog is offering a 20% discount to all readers of The Shades of Monet Chronicles with the code "Shades".  Pop on over here too see all her new original pieces.  There are plenty of beauties to feast your eyes on :-)


  1. congratulations on 8 years! That's a feat!

  2. your little family makes my heart smile... :) congratulations on 8 years! how wonderful!

    i love your pretty crochet vest in these photos!

  3. Oh my goodness, congratulations on 8 happy years! There's nothing like being married to your best friend and soul mate. Me and the mister have just celebrated our seventh. You have a lovely little family. I love the 'Rad Like Dad' tee. I remember it being a nightmare trying to drag my little girl away from her games. It gets easier as they get older I promise!

    I love your outfit today. I love that dress anyway but the crochet vest finishes it off to perfection xx

  4. Congratulations on your 8 year anniversary! It was so nice to see both your boys in this post. I laughed at your description of chasing Keane in the wrong footwear!

    xo Loulou

  5. Waow congrats on 8 years! That's incredible :)

    LOVE your vest in this, such a funky piece!


  6. wow! your wedding looks like a Guns and Roses video - that's a good thing!! More idyllic shots, you really are a lucky gal. I love your pretty dress and the crochet waistcoat is lovely. Happy Anniversary, I hope there's many more years to come!

  7. Congratulations on 8 years! Looks like you had a fun day out - though I can barely stand in heels nevermind chase a toddler haha! You did well! Have a lovely week!

  8. Congrats on 8 years my dear! You two are a fabulous couple.
    Also, love those shoes!

  9. Aww you have such a cute family! Congrats to you both on 8 years of a loving marriage and a sweet son to boot! xo

  10. congratulations dear :D Wish you the best life!

    And the photos are amazing ♥

  11. Oh, happy anniversary dear Marissa! You and your husband have the kind of beautiful relationship I hope to have someday...I can only dream of having a love like yours!

    And of course beautiful photographs per usual :)

  12. awww congrats darling on your anniversary! i adore the last photo so much-love is such a beautiful thing, isn't it?
    you look so adorable in your little plaid dress and crochet vest!

  13. Congrats dear :)
    You looks so cute and happy, it's amazing to see that :)

  14. Congratulations Marisa! What a huge mile mark, its so weird to find out new tidbits about your favorite blogger friends! Did you ever do a blog post with wedding photographs!? I must search! Can't wait to see what DIYs you are stirring up too! The checkered dress is just perfect for summer and you have THE cutest little family.
    Hope all is well and your are feeling more chipper! :)
    xo Hannah

  15. Oh my god, congrats on your anniversary! That's so amazing, I am so happy for you two, you have such a cute little family.
    And this dress is absolutely amazing and perfect for summer, the colours are the best. And that little vest is the sweetest piece evvver! I need something like this!

    1. oh marisa darling! congrats on your anniversary!there will come many beautiful years more!!! you and your family are so lovely together, i always can feel the love when i see your pictures! the little one is especially cute ;)
      and i also love this checked dress!

  16. Congrats Marisa! That is so exciting; I hope that you had a really lovely day. :)

    Love the dress also; very cute and casual for summer.


  17. congrats darling beautiful pic of your wedding day! hope you are doing well :)
    xoxo Ilana

  18. Oh Marisa! Congratulations to you and yours! Thanks for sharing that gorgeous wedding photo, too! It's a stunning one!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  19. Hattitude Style Blog
    marisa i think all of us need a dose of your wedding photos! they look amazing. have you posted with them?
    8 years! my goodness! congratulations my lovely friend! your little boy looks so much like you. i love the photo of him being not so happy of a camper! what a darling.
    that crochet vest is to die for. i simply looooove it so much!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  20. Congrats on eight years, that's such a great milestone. I really love your plaid dress, you look adorable.

    Sheinside GIVEAWAY

  21. i *love* the pattern of your dress! i miss you and all my other bloggy friends so much!! hope your summer is going great. xx

  22. Awe, happy belated 8th anniversary, guys! Your wedding photo is so sweet! May we see more? ;) Hope you had an awesome day!


  23. Happy anniversary! I hope you had a lovely little celebration together. You have the sweetest little family!

  24. aww.. this is really a cutee look !!!
    i love your fresh colorful dress and the pretty vest =)
    amazing summery look ^^
    and happy belated anniversary guys =D
    wish the best for both of you ..

  25. Love that lace vest! =)

  26. Congrats & Happy Anniversary! Love all the colors in your dress.
    Very cute outfit.

  27. congrats on the anniversary!

    your dress is so cute. love checkers so much this time.

  28. 2004 was a great wedding year!!! hehehe.
    Aww. It is so sad to see little boys and girls crying.
    Your dress is very lovely. Hope you had a splendid anniversary!!!

  29. congratulations on the anniversary, i hope it was a wonderful day for you! and that wedding photo looks stunning! :) xx

  30. Congratulations on your anniversary dearest! Love is the most wonderful things. I always wish only the best for you and your family! :)


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