
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Neighborhood 1

Outfit Details: Blouse: Vintage in my shop // Sweater: Modcloth (old - last remixed here) // Hat: Target // Necklace: Etsy // Shorts: Topshop (old - last remixed here) // Shoes: Gift

Just another simple, sunny but cool day down by the dam where I live.  In moments to ourselves, the hubs and I just love to take walks around our neighborhood, which is nothing short of peaceful.  On occasion, I'll get a question from another blogger asking how I spot the perfect place to take a photo and will I take time out of my busy day to drive to that place.  I guess the answer really is - I don't have much time, so most photos you see on here (unless I am off visiting my hometown or my inlaws in Philly, with the occasional vacation trip) are taken right smack dab in the center of my neighborhood.  I like to keep things pretty true to life on here.  It's quite a strange little place as it doubles as a year round development with single family homes but also a resort area with condominiums where people buy time shares and vacation in the summer.  (You can see these condos in back of me, behind the dam).  So that's the story and this is my current town where I am living.  I've spent a lot of time lately down at the lake with friends, kayaking and just laying out on the beach.  Not every day is that laid back, but I will take each little moment that I can get to soak up the sunshine and beautiful surroundings.

Like I promised, I will be back soon with a very easy and pretty DIY :)

Love Bunches, 


  1. LOVE the outfit :) especially the blouse and cardigan so lovely!! Ixx

  2. such cute picutres... i wish i could be as creative with my clothes as you!

  3. i love your shoes with the little aqua socks! such an adorable detail. this just looks like an outfit for traveling to me - i dont' know why, i just feel that. i love this location - you find all the best spots. you just live in such a beautiful area - i have to drive or stop somewhere to take photos (my apartment area is on a VERY busy road and i walked down it once and almost got hit. never again....progress ave if you know what i'm talking about) i wanna come visit your beautiful little lakeside community - it looks perfect

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  4. It's so nice to go for walks with loved ones, this sounds like such a good way to spend an afternoon. It's definitely relaxing too! I love those shorts they're so cute! And that cardigan is so awesome!

  5. Oh M, you are absolutely a doll. Your comment on my Saturay's Studies really touched my heart and I'm so glad you felt lead to read it. It's nice to know that someone else can relate to the difficulty of everyday life and I say that you are truly strong since you have a little one to take care of! You'll be in my healing prayers, love.

    You look supremely gorgeous, little miss sunshine! I adore those shorts with that top and sweater- your style just blows my mind every time :).
    Have a wonderful Tuesday deary ♥♥

  6. I am loving these photos. Your outfit is fantastic. I love the colors. Especially, the pop of blue with your socks.

  7. This is too cute! I love the outfit and the pictures and your words. You have a very nice blog. (: you got yourself a new follower:D Check mine out too, if your herat desires. :)

  8. Lovely outfit! I can't wait until it cools off enough here for me to wear cardigans again!

  9. I really love your photos and am endlessly amazed at the beautiful place in which you live. You're so lucky xxx

  10. What a great place! So beautiful. And those shorts are so fantastic!


  11. I was also wondering how you manage to fins such varied and beautiful places to take photos :). I can't believe you got to wear a long-sleeved sweater! :O Over here it's been really hot these days, like desert-hot.

    Have a fab week, sweet Marisa! ;D

  12. I just love how you mix different prints <3 that last photo is stunning! You definitely live somewhere very picturesque.. I would love a lake next to my home! xx

  13. You live in a beautiful neighbourhood!
    WHY IS YOUR OUTFIT SO PERFECT? I swear every detail of this, from the shorts to the collar on that shirt to the cardigan is just the very best, ahhh!!


  14. i love your outfit, so perfect! and such pretty pictures:) xx

  15. Your neighbourhood really is lovely, you lucky thing. You also really inspire me to wear shoes with little socks - it looks so cute on you! That hat and those shorts are so sweet - you always look lovely!

  16. such a pretty outfit :) i love your brogues! x

  17. Such a pretty sweater! The only Hemingway I've read is the Old Man and The Sea... what would you recommend?

  18. I have absolutely LOVED your last few posts! How cute are all your pairs of fun shorts? I especially love this flowy floral pair. You are so beautiful! I always love your photo locations-You live in a beautiful place!

  19. Love love these photos! Also, I dont understand how you are wearing a SWEATER in summer!! This heat and humidity in the city is KILLING me.

  20. and you live in a really gorgeous neighborhood, then, Marisa! I should take more strolls around my neighborhood to ave some variety to my blog posts. I am totally loving the shorts, by the way!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  21. Your neighborhood is beautiful and keep rockin' those gorgeous gams, girl!

  22. You take the most beautiful photos and your outfit is gorgeous.

  23. love the shorts! llooovvveee the sweater! beautiful!

  24. So, I was scrolling through my blog comments trying to reply to people and came to your page, and saw the first image and had to stop everything I was doing at work just to take my time looking through and reading. I LOVE this outfit. LOVE LOVE LOVE.I love the neutrals with the light blues, I think it reminds me of the sand and the ocean and summer! You look just as cute as can be!
    I love that you take the pictures around your neighborhood, as we always say, we are both so lucky to live in such pretty areas! I can drive for 5 minutes and be at a little trailhead, or really just wander a few blocks to a stream or something! Sometimes I feel like I should be more the lifestyle/ street style blogger standing on a crowded sidewalk, but that really isn't usually my lifestyle!
    I hope you are having the best of days girl!
    xo Hannah

  25. Hattitude Style Blog

    it reminds me a bit of whistler in British columbia where you live. resort like picturesque but every day people live there and get to enjoy the beauty.

    this is such a clever outfit. i'm going to have to try to recreate it come the cooler months, today in toronto, all you want to wear is your skivvies! (but no one wants to see that!)

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  26. It's official, you have the cutest style ever! I'm dying over this outfit, and all of your others! These photos are great :)

  27. I love how detailed and special each of the pieces in this outfit are and how pretty they work together!

    And I love the way you describe the location scouting. I seriously just see potential spots when I'm driving like "ohhh tall grass, ohhhh a run down house, ohhh graffiti" and write them down on my phone and go back to my list when I need a spot or I'll just drive and stop whenever something looks like it could match my outfits. It's not really about time at all.

    1. oooh gosh you are so cute, when the very first picture of you popped up here on my pc you put me a big bright smile on my face;)
      it seems when you are smiling the sun is shining;)

  28. I live in the most picturesque little place in Oregon. The Dundee Hills. I live on a vineyard surrounded by orchards. I posted pictures a while ago. The thing is though my boyfriend lives in town (not that nice), and since I work in town we mostly hang out at his house, so when we do take the walks around the "neighborhood" its actually a neighborhood and not a gorgeous vineyard haha but I'd like to take more walks by my house as oppose to walks by his apartments.

  29. Oh man, that sweater is a treasure.

    xoxo mama wolf.

  30. Thank you so much for your sweet comment!
    This outfit is wonderfull, The shorts are so lovely and the color combination is great!


  31. Yer adorable, awe!

    That sweater is just lovely. I love the orange flowers on it--little details like that really make a piece! That's neat how you take your outfit pictures around where you live. I do the same thing. I would never be able to drive to exotic locations all the time to do outfit photos, but that doesn't mean once in a while it'd be a bad thing. :)

  32. OMG, how sweet are you! Your smile is 2nd to none <3 I luv the layering and those shorts are lovely on you.


  33. Look at your cute smile!! It is so cool! I really adore your photos for this post! They seem so fun.


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