
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Outfits: Spring in my Step

Dress & Brooch: Vintage
Hat: UO
Blazer: F21 (very old)
Shoes: Michael Kors via Marshall's

Why hello there, 

Has everyone sprung forward yet?  I tell you, though that hour of sleep we all lost is pretty darn precious to me, this is quite certainly my favorite time of the year.  Longer days (period).  I am singing the hallelujah praises on that one!

Anyhow, as spring is almost many of you, I decked myself out in brightly colored florals.  It was just one itch that has been waiting to be scratched for some time now.  Though it's still pretty cold, thank you Mr. Sun for popping out from behind the clouds.  Now let's hope that this snowstorm Vulcan that all the weather peeps are predicting is just one big fluke.  I'm not sure my nose or my arms can take another goose bump.  So that's just that.  I am counting down the days till spring in hopes that warm weather will finally grace us with her presence and tending my garden plot, long evening walks, and kayaking the lake can be here again.  Fingers crossed.

Until next time darlings, 
Love bunches, 


  1. So lovely and colorful! I love the scarf you threw on, it has such a pretty pattern. I'm looking forward to spring activities as well! I will attempt to have a garden for the first time now that we have a house and I'm going to have to research how to do everything, haha. I'm afraid everything will die on me! I haven't much of a green thumb.

  2. I think we're all counting down the days too, it's been a BRUTAL winter all over and we're all sick of it. I love this brightly coloured dress to embrace spring. It's a gorgeous colour on you, and looks great with the black blazer :)

  3. Here Spring totally arrived, so just come to Germany if things take too long over there ;) I love your cute dress and the hat you are wearing! You are just such a pretty lady :)
    I am hosting a giveaway on my blog, for the really first time. Have a look at it if you like :)
    Lots of love!

  4. I'm liking the longer daylight hours, definitely! I miss that hour of sleep though. It throws me off!
    But anyway, I just love the way the prints on your dress and scarf look together. Such a fun mix and that blazer looks great on you too!

  5. I love kayaking! I haven't done it in so long. Hopefully that can change soon though now that the boys are getting bigger too. I want to have adventures with them. Your outfit is so cute!! I love the longer days myself. I feel so sleepy so fast when it gets dark early on!

  6. Spring is coming! Spring is coming! I'm so excited. Kayaking sounds like such a wonderful idea.

    I'm loving your dress - the blazer is so perfect with it!


  7. i just love that dress! and the print of your scarf is really pretty too:-) hope that the weather gets warmer and warmer both over there and here! xx

  8. Okay, it is weird that snowstorms are getting named now. But I hope it misses you and you get that spring, you are certainly dressed for it in cute florals :D

  9. I love that your dress matches the sky! Combined florals plus kitty pin = hooray :)

  10. We boycott daylight savings in Arizona but I do love that the days are getting longer! I hate getting home from work when it's dark already, all I want to do is be lazy then :) Love your bright colors and florals, and how you're transitioning them with the traces of snow into spring!

  11. You look so lovely in your spring inspired florals :) That blue and green dress is just adorable. I really enjoy having the longer days too. It is so nice to come home from work and be able to take a walk while it is still light out, not having to be cautious of cars who may not see you or suspicious people lurking in the shadows haha.

  12. i love that scarf, and i've so been wanting a hat like that! i'm so with you on losing an hour of sleep. but for me, the tradeoff of having more light in the day is well worth it.

    hope you're well, marisa!!


  13. It is cute flower dress And cat brooch! I love cat. So lovely.


  14. beautiful! I love these. It's been too long since we talked! We've been blogging friends for a long time and I don't want to lose that! XO

    I am so happy about the long daylight days, too! :)

    love, polly

  15. Your floral dress is amazing! it's so youuuu <3

  16. You look great dear. Lovely dose of bright colouring. I like the scarf especially puts me in a spring mood. I really do hope spring comes asap, cannot wait to wear sandals again.:-) xx/Madison

  17. Hahaha! I'm still crying about that hour we lost last week :p. But I'm all for longer days, yoohoo! I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that we have been turning on the AC these days because it gets quite hot in the house during the day. And now that I think about it, we've had the AC on at work, too.

    Can't wait for spring to be officially here, though! :p

    Love, LOVE this outfit from head to toes! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  18. I really love your mix of prints and that you are so bright and beautiful compared to the dullness of winter. You are looking so gorgeous! I hope you guys are getting more sun and that you aren't being hounded with another snow storm! I haven't seen the weather news yet, but I'm hoping it's bright and sunny!

  19. I love how you mixed the prints - it really gives off a spring vibe! :-)

    Have a fantastic day,


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