
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Outfits: Seasons

Dress & Shoes: Modcloth (Both sale)
Hat, Bag, Brooch, Ring: Vintage, thrifted
Belt: Vintage, belonged to mother

Hello hello again, 

I gotta say, after a straight few weeks of being far too cold to venture outdoors, it felt rather sweet to put on a dress again and go coat free to boot.  Spring is in the air and I am beginning to feel it.   I've been in a bit of a rut lately stylistically speaking because it seems that with the frigid temps, all I want to do is put on the biggest, coziest sweater and slouchy hat I can find, throw on some leggings (yes, I did say leggings) and boots and call it a day.  Not that there's anything wrong with this, but I always feel more myself in a dress.  So bring on the warmer spring air.  I am more than ready.  I'm sure most of you are too, right?

Anyhow, it's been incredibly busy as of late.  I know, I know...this is the song I've been singing in every post this month, but it's just so true!  With warm weather comes new places to adventure, new projects to take on, and new memories to uncover.  Within the next few weeks I'm hoping to sign up to take lessons for my bass guitar...I can play, but I want to get better at it, finish a new song I've been working on (I've been writing music since I was 16), and complete a DIY coat rack for the baby's bedroom.  I know typing this all out will give me the kick in the pants that I've been needing as the winter months have brought out the evil slacker in me.

So that's just that!  What new things are you planning to take on with this fresh new season approaching?

Love Bunches, 


  1. This skirt is so awesome and I love the atmosphere on the pictures which somehow feels more like fall than spring.
    You should definetly try the nut milk! I make mine in the morning while I am waiting for my tea water to boil - its done that fast! When you tried, please let know if you love it as much as I do :)
    Lots of lvoe to you sweet Marisa!

  2. What a beautiful dress and I love the accessories you paired with it! It sure does look cold in these pics, but you find a way to still look so lovely in the dead of winter. I never did figure that out when I lived somewhere with a winter :) So cool that you write music (and play so many instruments!!!) I wish I had a knack for that. You should share some videos sometime!

  3. Beautiful! Both you, the skirt, and the water :)

  4. Coat free has been the best thing about the past couple of days! Love this look, that skirt is so unique!
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  5. The color blue is so pretty on you, just makes your skin glow!

  6. wow,love your dress!! the hem's part is just like a drawing!! perfect!!

    xo josephine

  7. Love this outfit. The second picture is hands down my favorite. I'm jealous that you have time for music lessons. I live in a house full of instruments because of the boy and cannot play a single one. I used to be able to play a little bit of guitar but I'm horrible now.
    I totally feel you on the being more ME in a dress. I don't even own a pair of jeans anymore. Dresses are way better. I'll tell anyone who asks.

  8. You look so adorable in this outfit and I am in love with the print of your dress :) That is so cool that you are going to learn bass, I wish I could play bass. Coincidentally, I am planning to reteach myself how to play guitar. I guess Spring inspires music making haha.

  9. Bass guitar! Cool!
    Love the skirt in this outfit. I too have been in such a stylistic rut (even though, hellooo, I'm in Paris! I should be totally into the fashion here!) but it's also cold, and expensive to buy new clothes... plus the majority of my wardrobe is still back home! Sigh!


  10. I love love LOVE this outfit! That dress as a skirt along with that top is perfect! And that belt is so lovely - don't you love when you find things that were a relative's?


  11. that pretty dress looks wonderful on you! and hooray for not needing a coat, although the snow in the pictures still looks lovely:-) hope you get to realize all your plans, i haves so many things to do this spring, like looking for a house and a job, and i've started none of them, eek! xx

  12. you look so wonderful !! i love your beret <3

  13. It's seriously so hard to fight off the evil winter slacker come spring!!! I LOVE the beautiful scene on your dress & the fact your were able to go without a coat finally!
    Have a great weekend :)
    xo Hannah

  14. Yay to taking on bass guitar classes! I love music so much and yet would never dare to give any instrument (or singing) a try.

    Love, love this dress! Its skirt is so whimsical and just perfect.

    Hope you guys have a wonderful and warm weekend! :p



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