
Friday, March 7, 2014

Etsy Loving: Black & White & Green All Over

Hi there darlings, 
I'm black and white and green all over today with very favorite Etsy finds & a couple of cuties from my shop as well.  With spring (and St. Patty's Day for that matter) right around ye olde corner, I was kind of on a green/nature inspired kick here:

With a name like Foxhole Print Shop, I couldn't help but just be drawn to Nicole's quirky, sweet, and cool shop of inky illustrations.  She was so very kind to send me her Dapper Dandy Dude below who is now gracing the wall in my living room, sweetly watching over my piano corner as I play.  If you are in the market for some wall whimsies yourself, I would highly recommend taking a hop on over to her shop.  Not only are her prices very reasonable, but her illustrations are full of cool detail and seriously as cute as they come.  Oh and Nicole is an absolute sweetheart as well!

Just Keep Going Mountains Print // Roam Free Buffalo Print

Sally Jane Vintage, Quiero June, 
and My Paper Plane (my fellow Flock Together gal, Lisa's shop)

 AllyHoot Vintage:

The Minty Julep Dress // Easy Being Green Coat // The Shamrock Sweetie Dress

Anybody having a hankering for a shamrock shake now?  I surely am?

Wishing you one fine weekend darlings!
Love Bunches, 


  1. I love these gorgeous green pieces.

  2. Awe, love the shoes and the dresses! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! ;)

  3. Ouu what a fresh green! Great picks, I love her illustrations!

  4. I am also pretty much in love with etsy. These days I look for inspiration for my wedding on etsy. There are so many beautiful small decoration things I would like to copy for the wedding party :)
    I love the green dresses and it reminds me that I didnt wear my green dress for quite a while...
    Thanks for your last comment! They always make me really happy :)
    Lots of love!

  5. Lovin' those prints! The green t-straps too :D

  6. I am seriously in love with the shamrock sweetie dress!

    love, polly


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