
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Outfits: The Blues

Outfit Details:
Hat, Shirt, Bag, Boots: Vintage, Thrifted
Lady Tie: Gift from mom via Flapper Girl, Etsy
Skirt: Gap

So the wind and single digit wind chill are certainly making me feel a bit of a hot mess today...isn't it ironic?  Don't you think?  Dare I say I've got the blues?  That wouldn't be truthful though...I am more than thrilled to see a bright blue sky for the first time in a while.   Can you see the blue theme going on here?  I'm wearing quite a bit of it too.  

Anyhow,  after a jammed packed weekend of birthday partying, baby showering, adventuring with a good friend who stayed the weekend for a visit, thrifting, indian food chowing down, & practicing for my youth team's district drama competition, I'm all tuckered out.  There's nothing too exciting on my plate for the next couple days, and that's a real nice thing for me at the moment.  I've been on full speed ahead, so no complaints here about slowing down for just a little. 

So that's all for now darlings.  There's a very large cup of coffee calling my name.  

Oh and you want to know how cold it really was on this day?  ... So cold & windy that the Mr. took every one of these pictures from the driver's seat of our car!  

Love Bunches, 


  1. Oh Marisa this blouse is so cute! I would wear it right away, right now with the jeans I am wearing right now ;)
    I had to laugh when I read that your Mr. took those pictures from the drivers seat. That so fun! Anyhow, they turned out awesome as usual :)
    Lots of love to you dear Marisa!

  2. This blouse is gorgeous!! I am loving it with the skirt and that bag, such a great colour combination. I think it's hilarious that he took these pictures from the driver seat, it must have been chilly! You're brave :)
    Enjoy your down time!

  3. He took them from the driver's seat? Lol. Creative, never would have thought of doing that.

    How fun to see a ladies tie. Haven't seen one for a while :)

  4. HAHAHA I love that he stayed in the car for these! I love the pretty blue tones here and I am always amazed how well those cute lady ties pull everything together so nicely! Enjoy your more relaxing few days and go enjoy your large cuppa joe!
    xo Hannah

  5. the print of that shirt is just beautiful! and haha, i love the last photo:-) xx

  6. Very adorable outfit! That's so funny about him staying in the car!! hahaha!

  7. I grew up in a really windy area (although the temps didn't get that cold) so I know how much the wind sucks haha. Cheers to you for managing to take pictures in that weather. Loving the blue theme and your lady tie is just too cute :)

  8. Awe, the husband was really cold, hehe, but hey, he did his job ;p! I love the shirt and the lady tie; that reminds me that I need to wear mine more often. I'm so bad at wearing accessories! I either forget to put them on or don't think they'd match my outfit. I'll make it a point to wear some neat accessory tomorrow, hehe.

    Hope it starts getting warmer soon in your neck of the woods! ;)

  9. Bahaha, from the car! I never would have guessed =P

  10. Oh my goodness that is too funny!!! Josh and I had similar situations when we did photography for a living. I'm glad you got some sunshine though!! Vitamin D is always a plus:). I love your outfit as well, you're such a doll.

  11. you look beautiful darling I hope you are well. How is your new little boy going?
    xo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  12. That top is so adorable! I really love the print!


  13. I love this shirt - the pattern is adorable! I hope that you and your family are well.



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