
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Outfits: Doubling Up

Hat, Bag, Ring, Shoes: Vintage, Antique Mall
Collar Clip: Gift from mom via Vivi Dot, Etsy
Tights: Modcloth

Hello there darlings, 

It was just last weekend that the little fam and I hit the road to venture back into my hometown to celebrate my oldest son's fourth birthday with our closest family.  Yes, I have a four year old on my hands now, as hard as that is for me to believe.  It seems that with turning four, Keane has discovered the new found love of taking photos with his mama and he is quite the little charmer in front of the the lens, ha!  Anyhow, it was incredibly lovely to celebrate his special day with bright blue skies and a shining sun - a refreshing contrast from the grey skies and copious amounts of snow we've seen lately.  

As for me, I'm donning another fantastic frock thanks to Sammi.  This double-bowed beauty was much fancier than anything I've worn lately, but I quite love that.  It's nice to feel perfectly pouffy and pretty and put on your sparkliest shoes from time to time, cold and snow or not, right?  

So that's just it.  It's snowing again now (surprise!), so I'm hitting the hot cocoa like it's going out of style. ;-).  Until next time!

Love Bunches, 


  1. These photos are so darling, you two are quite the adorable and stylish pair! I love the way you layered a top underneath this dress, and those polka dot tights are so perfect here. His little fox sweater is too cute!

  2. You two are sooo adorable. He has gotten so big. :)

  3. You two are soooo adorable. He as gotten so big. :)

  4. Ahh it looks SO cute on you! I knew it would!! Great color, and I love all the things you've styled with it. <3

    xox Sammi

  5. He really is so charming in front of the lens :) And you look adorable in this red dress! Beautiful pictures once again!
    Have a great day dear Marisa :)!

  6. the dress looks just darling on you! and that ring and those shoes, so gorgeous! not to mention how sweet you both look walking in the snowy weather:-) xx

  7. Gorgeous look. I love the dress and tights together. And these pictures are just wonderful!

  8. like your dress!! you have a great fashion sense in matching the dress with turtle neck it!!

    xo josephine

  9. Oh my, this is just the cutest outfit! It's got such a fun, 60s vibe. And your son looks so much like my cousin! He sounds like such a cutie.

  10. He utterly matches you! I love that his fox sweater is totally something you could be wearing another day.And of course, it goes with your orange pinafore. That first photo is amazing. I'm actually wearing an orange pinafore in my latest outfit photos that I was about to give away because it didn't seem to go with anything. But I might be letting it stick around. Only just thought of wearing it over a jumper rather than a top!

  11. Happy birthday to Keane! He's growing up fast! You both look fab and so stylish!xx

  12. Love the way you've styled this--the use of the collar clip is fantastic! And your son is adorable!! :)

  13. Your guest is quite handsome and charming indeed! =) I hope his birthday was excellent. I love your shoes and polka dot tights.

  14. I love this dress so much! I love to wear orange and it has bows :p! Also, I'd have never thought that gold shoes would match this dress, but they just do.

    And how cool is Keane enjoying taking pics of his mom?! :D

    Thank you so much for your kinds words the other day, Marisa! ;D May you and your family have a wonderful weekend!

  15. This dress looks perfect on you and I LOVE it with the adorable, gold shoes! I keep wanting to pair similar tights with my red and orange dresses- I think they are just meant to be together. Your little man is so cute, I can't believe how much he's grown in the time I've been blog buddies with you! One of my nephews is 4.5 and it's such a great age, he says the cutest things :)

  16. You two are so cute! Love those polka-dot tights.

  17. omg you both are so cute <3 you look PERFECT!

  18. These are so lovely photos. Your style is great!


  19. My goodness, 4 years old already! Time flies so fast these days. I love Keane's outfit so much, literally makes my heart swell. Not to mention his seriously stylish mama! I'm glad you guys got some sunshine on his day :). XOX!
    lyndsey of hellolyndsey


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