
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Outfits: Zelda

Outfit Details:
Dress, Blouse, Hat, Bag: Vintage, thrifted
Belt: JCrew
Tights: Modcloth
Boots: Delia's

Hello there darlings, 

It's snowing.  Yes, nothing new here.  So naturally I gathered up a couple of my gal pals - who happen to be teens that are part of the youth group I help out with and we hit the road for some thrifting, some Panera, and some picture taking.  Girls just want to have fun, ya know?  

The night was filled up with bowls of piping hot soup, Vampire Weekend on the radio and snuggle-umptious sweaters that we each snagged up at Salvation Army.  Not bad for a frosty evening out, eh?  

Anyhow, this is what I wore.  The hubs said I looked like a character from Zelda.  (To him this was a good thing).  And just for the record...I'm totally wearing my dress backwards, if you haven't already noticed.  Sometimes a good "alteration" doesn't require a needle and thread.

So that's just about it.  I'm currently in the kitchen making funfetti cupcakes.  The snow brings out the baker in me.  How about you?

Love Bunches, 


  1. That sounds like such a fun day!!! I want to go thrifting with my gal pals now. You all look super adorable, I love that dress with the top underneath it. And your green beanie is so cool, I wish I looked cute in hats!

  2. Amazing pictures, what an amazing location! The both of you look great!

    XO Imke

  3. Adorable outfits!! Hats are one of my favorite parts of winter! :)

  4. My husband would totally say something like that too! You are a cutie though.

  5. I LOVE the backward dress tip! I do that when my clothes have different necklines or prints! It's totally doubling my wardrobe. And I think calling this outfit a Zelda outfit is so totally a compliment! <3

  6. I had no idea you were wearing that dress backwards haha. Great idea. I think the colors of your outfit have a Zelda vibe but it is a cute outfit nonetheless :) And how nice of you to volunteer for a youth group. Sounds like a fun night.

  7. Ooh look, guests! Also, excuse me while I go try on all of my dresses backwards.

  8. What an adorable outfit! I'd have never thought of wearing a dress backwards! It looks perfect ;). It was nice to see you hanging out with your teenage friends, too. And you have reminded me of the fact that I still nee to try Panera; I have heard wonderful things about it and there's one not too far from home. Mmm, I'm hungry now, hehe.

    Hope you're having a great week, Marisa!

  9. What a fun day! All the cold brings out is me is a desire to drink too much tea and not leave a nest of blankets. Such a good idea to try the dress on backwards and I love all the complimentary colors, such a cute outfit.


  10. What a genious idea to switch the dress around- I must add that to my bag of tricks :) What a great hat in the perfect shade of green! Sounds like a super fun day and I'm glad you are staying warm and having fun!

  11. There is definitely something fun and Zelda-esque about that outfit! I love doing things that just nod to that kind of thing rather than being outright cosplay. Though obviously cosplay is awesome too.

  12. I don't think I would have thought to wear the dress backward, that's brilliant. Very cute and cozy looking outfit - I think I have those same tights!

  13. This is so cute! I can definitely see the Zelda comparison! I'm loving the shirt underneath your jumper - it looks like you gals had a great time!



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