
Friday, February 21, 2014

Outfits: Jumper

 Outfit Details:
Sweater, Hat, Skirt: Thrifted, Vintage
Tights: Hue
Shoes: Clarks

I've had the best of luck this year with finding comfy cozy sweaters at the thrift I guess you could say a chunky sweater over a dress or skirt has been my uniform all winter long.  It's funny because I was never much of a sweater kind of gal til I moved to the frozen, to the mountains of Northeast, PA actually, but now that I am here, I want nothing more than for my arms and my nose to be warm and not all goose-bumpy and chilled as ice.  Move aside fussy dresses & high heels.  I'll get back to you once spring peeks her head out from behind the curtain once again.  

Oh and that bridge...isn't that a tad creepy?  Fact: when I was in 9th grade, all the melting ice and snow from the blizzard and flood of '96 made it collapse and off it went floating down the river never to be seen .... or fixed again. Wanna see for yourself?...Check out this video which is a tad frightening but also humorous at the same time:

See what I mean?  Anyhoo it's Friday and I'm so thrilled that the weekend is here!  Wishing you one cozy and relaxing weekend darlings!

Love Bunches,


  1. Wow that is a bit creepy! love the vintage jumper, perfect for chilly days! stay warm! xx

  2. Adorable outfit!! That little house in the first picture is so cute! That bridge video is a bit creepy, Pittsburgh is surrounded by bridges, I'd freak out if one collapsed!

  3. wow!!!! what a crazy video I never knew that happened. I remember the flood of '96 though there was like 2+ feet of water in my basement. oh mother nature!

  4. creepy but i kind of like it! gorgeous pictures as always

  5. Okay the history of that bridge is a bit... well, I'm glad I never had to walk or drive across it before it washed away.

    It certainly seems cold but you look cozy in that sweater.

  6. Yay cozy sweaters! I bet the warm colors help too ;-) I'm glad the bridge didn't collapse while you were on it!

  7. Wow, that is quite something with that bridge! I've been living in sweaters and jeans lately and don't think that's going to change anytime soon. The wind is howling out there right now and another big freeze is coming our way next week. Sheesh, enough already! I do love your sweater. Nice find!

  8. Wow! That's kind of cool about the bridge though. It just leads to nowhere.
    Also you look so cozy in that sweater. My sister and I always find the best sweaters at the thrift store too.

  9. that house is adorable! I can see you living in it! :) And you have totally been sweater lucky, Marisa! I'm so jelly. I love the colors in that sweater!

  10. great jumper! :) love it so much :)Irene Wibowo

  11. love the jumper! love it so much.:) Irene Wibowo

  12. The colors in that sweater are soo pretty, and how lucky that your guy looks charming, too! Mine isn't really interested in fashion (ie: things other than tshirts) whatsoever! haha

    <3 Megan

  13. Love the colorful jumper! This whole outfit just looks fun and the bow flats are adorable.

    xo erica

  14. Such a sweet little sweater! I need more cozy sweaters for the crazy Tennessee winters we've been experiencing!

    Junebugs and Georgia Peaches

  15. hi hi, i found your blog via flock together blog and i fall in love with your fashion blog.i love the way you present your blog and the outfit pictures are all attractive!! can't wait for more posts to come..

    xo josephine

  16. Marisa thank you so much for your sweet comment! It was such a pleasure to look through your last posts! So many cozy, beautiful outfits and so many smiling faces and beautiful pictures! I really love how you always manange to put together beautiful pictures and outfit pictures in one post! I usually have either pictures of beautiful places or pictures of outfits but I rarely manange to make both at the same time ;)
    Lots of love to you and a great and sunny start in the week!

  17. Oh, my! That video IS creepy and scary. I love sweaters, but hardly get to wear them, not here in California, anyway. When I lived in Argentina I had one big problem with them, if I decided to wear one, my coat wouldn't fit, haha! I guess I should've bought bigger coats :/.


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