
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Outfits: Rose Tinted

 Outfit Details:
Dress: Vintage 
Hat & Bag: Vintage, thrifted
Top & Tights: Modcloth
Scarf: Won via Streets & Stripes
Shoes: Gift from mom

Happiest hump day darlings, 

It's hard to believe we are half way through this week already, but indeed we are.  According to the weatherman, another storm in this never-ending snowmageddon is headed our way starting tonight.  Yes, break out the pot of soup and piping hot cocoa once again, because it's gonna get cold up in here, up in here ;-).  

Anyways, last Saturday gave the fam and I an actual day out of the house we've been hibernating in as of late.  So what did I do?  I explored old abandoned buildings of course.  Well, kind of, not really...but in the next town over from us there are a lot of old industrial facilities that are no longer up and running, so it kind of gives the explorer in me a nice place to poke around take some photos.  Nothing like the feeling of being out and about after spending a whole week snowed in.  It's like a whole new found freedom...ha.

Ok that's all for how.  I have a Valentine's party to plan for tomorrow which will most likely be canceled, but if so, that will only mean more cupcakes for me.  Either way you look at it, it's a win. :-)

Wishing you a sweet week.
Love bunches, 


  1. These photos are really stunning, it looks like such a fun place to explore. And your print mixing is so lovely in this look!! Those bright green tights are perfect with this look. I am definitely going to be huddled up with some sort of hot drink ASAP.

  2. Love this eclectic look. You're rocking the Ugly Betty thing today, in the best possible way.

  3. You always have the best colour/print combinations! I'd love for you to go through my closet and create colourful outfits for me! LOVE those green tights!
    We have another major storm hitting here Friday through the night/early morning... up to 45cm of snow. YIKES!

    Also, I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award :) The details are on my blog if you're interested in participating!

  4. I can always count on you my fellow colour lover, hehe. You look marvellous, such a smashing outfit, especially with the tights! xx/Madison

  5. These colours go so well together. Eclectic is definitely the word Kx

  6. Love this outfit. Love the way the green tights pop against the clashing patterns. Extreme weather seems to be a permanant feature on both sides of the Atlantic at the moment. Crazy stuff xx

  7. you look SO cool, lady. you're rockin' those green tights like no other!


  8. The wintry background in these pictures is so pretty! I hope you're not snowed in too long. We're getting an ice storm right now that's looking pretty rough.
    But anyway, I love the colors in this outfit. Your green tights are awesome! I'm actually wearing a pair in a very similar color in my most recent outfit post. I love the cute layering in this outfit too. That scarf looks incredibly cozy.

  9. I'm hoping there isn't too much snow blowing your way, Marissa!!! <3 Keep warm and stay safe! I cannot believe how adorable the pattern in that dress is! Too cute.

  10. Used to love exploring abandoned buildings (had a bad scare with a neighbor once that ended that) and this looks so much fun to poke around in.

    That blue and green make such a fun combo!

  11. Such lovely rich garden colors! And an overabundance of cupcakes is definitely a win! But so would having a lovely party, so you're right, it's great both ways!

  12. What a fun place to explore and what an AMAZING outfit. I love the little strawberries! My home town has great places to explore but Nashville is a little too urbanized. So jealous!


  13. Those building make such a cool backdrop. And wow, you really know how to work with color. I love how everything you're wearing is a different color :)

  14. Love them all, but those long cardigans for women really rocks!

  15. That dress is just so perfect! Also, I really love the shirt underneath - such a great pattern clash!


  16. Hope you had fun at the Valentine's party if it finally took place ;). It's nice to read you here after a few days! I know you posted at Flock Together, but this is like visiting you in your own home, you know? ;p

    Happy Valentine's Days and happy long weekend!


  17. this look is so colorful, so charming <3 i love it :)

  18. you have such a way with colors and patterns and your backdrops make me so envious!

  19. Oh what a lovely outfit, those shoes are pretty amazing!
    Love your glasses btw! Have a fab monday! xx Tani


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