
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Outfits:Mellow Mushroom

Outfit Details:
Dress & Tights: Modcloth
Blouse: Anthropologie (on sale)
Hat & Bag: Vintage, thrifted

Ello there darlings, 

We are officially snowed in again...same old story, right?  Anyhow, as things have been incredibly busy for our little fam, I am happily taking this day and declaring it an official lounge day.  This meaning that I may just be in my pajamas all day long, building blanket forts and reading Dr. Seuss with the kiddos, soup and hot chocolate will be gracing the stovetops, and for the Mr. and I...we will be searching for the perfect show on Netflix to cozy up to once the evening comes around.   Call me crazy, but I'm welcoming the snow with open arms this time around.  

And psst...I am completely smitten with my mushroom blouse right now.  The Mr. was ever so sweet to get me it as part of my bday present last year.  Ok that's all now.

Have one cozy and snuggleumptious Tuesday my friends!
Love Bunches, 


  1. anything that has mushrooms on it, i want.

  2. you have the prettiest dresses! lovely as usual.

  3. You always brighten up the winter doldrums.

  4. That blouse is amazing! Your Mr has some good taste :) I love snow days but we haven't had any yet this Winter. I'm still hopeful, but I think we might have missed out this year. Your outfit is so beautiful and colourful, perfect way to brighten up a cold day xo

  5. Mmm, soup and Netflix :) I love that mushroom print! Very adorable, and it goes great with the peter pan collar and rich red color.

  6. Adorable as always. Love the train track pics!

  7. Beautiful and impressive. I've got that dress from modcloth but I've never styled it for the cold weather before. Your post gives me a lot of fabulous ideas.

  8. At first I thought the mushroom top was cherries. So pretty, love the colour. Your idea of a lounge day sounds perfect. At home, all snuggly with the fam. Just need to add a couple of naps and it would be my perfect day too! xx

  9. That mushroom top is a total dream, and I totally love the way you styled it! He definitely is a sweetie to get it for you! That sounds like an amazing way to spend the snow days. We've been hoping for snow around here, so mind telling Jack Frost to send some our way? ♥♥♥

  10. Yet another combo of yours I am so in love with!!! These layers, and the print on the blouse- so cute!!

  11. The red of the mushrooms seems to match that red dress really well!

    Enjoy the snow day.

  12. You cutie Marisa! Totally love your dress ♥

  13. Such a great outfit! I love the fun print and the colors, especially the yellow coat with it all. :)

  14. The colours in this look are so perfect!! I fall in love with that jacket every single time I see it. And this dress with the blouse under it is lovely. Hopefully the snow stops!!

  15. You look so adorable! Love the layering :D

    The Hearabouts

  16. Great outfit! I love the dress and the mushrooms :) Stay warm!

  17. i've got that dress too, but have been feeling a little sick of it lately. you're giving me some inspiration to put together a similar look :)

    glad to hear you & the fam are good! xxo

  18. What a perfect present! The print is so adorable like you, Marisa! <3 I hope you are having a lovely snow day. No snow at my end today, but that could change quickly!

  19. I'm missing snow days since moving out of the Midwest. I never thought I'd say that, but it's true! Being snowed in is just the perfect excuse to cuddle & be lazy. It sounds like you're enjoying yourself :D

  20. Hi,such a beautiful photos.I love your red dress and mushroom blouse!


  21. Oh that blouse is amazing, as is the dress- love the whole outfit!

  22. I'm officially obsessed with this outfit, my friend!

  23. You've just described a perfect day! And that mushroom blouse? My, oh, my! It's so beautiful and totally matches the landscape :p.

    ... Now I'm totally craving hot chocolate :p.

    Happy weekend, Marisa!

  24. love these photos so much, the red dress, the crossroads, the snow, you!! wonderful!

  25. Snowed in here too (typical). Anyway, love that mushroom shirt, what an awesome present! I need to be better about layering tops under sleeveless dresses, its such a fun way to remix the summery dress!
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  26. You are so cute and beautiful! I love these shots. Yey for being busy with all the Misters in your life! ^_^

  27. I just adore this coat, and the blouse too! Nice work, Mr. Marisa :)

    perfectly Priya


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