
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Outfits: Winter Riding Hood

Outfit Details:
Sweater: Modcloth
Blouse & Skirt: Thrifted
Hat: Handmade by friend
Tights: We Love Colors
Boots: Michael Kors via Marshall's

Negative temps today darlings!  Oy vey, let's hope Punxsutawney Phil does not see his shadow come February 2nd, because I'm not sure about another 6 weeks of Old Man Winter is what anyone desires.  Floppy knit hats, my trusty boots and layers of tights are the name of the game these days to keep me from getting frozen and from being stuck in the house.  Yes, when the windchill hits minus 30, it can be very easy to complain but nonetheless, this past weekend brought me 

- plenty of time to make music on my ukelele.
- teach myself more about my new accordion and attempt to play a song on it in front of people!
- a visit from my sister and her hubs and making my sweet potato soup for them.
- dinner at a friends house....cheers to great company and great food.
- bowling at a bday party.
- almost completing decorating our living more thing to do.
- scoring a vintage 60s lamp and a plethora of perfect winter sweaters at the thrift store.
- some of the most gorgeous sherbet colored sunsets.

So in spite of living in what feels like Siberia at times, these little moments of sweetness are just enough to keep the heart warm.  

How about you?  How are you finding ways to make the most of this wintery weather (if in fact it is winter for you)?

Love Bunches, 


  1. I think it sounds like a great weekend, even though the weather is so bad and cold and its difficult to spend time outside.
    Here its not too cold so I still ride my bicycle everyday and do things as usual... well, maybe I spend a little bit more on the sofa, watching movies I wanted to watch since a long time and having hot choco ;)
    I love your pictures with the beautiful sunset! You look really cute in this red and beige outfit :)
    I woudl love to know what you think about my latest post, since I am wearing a dress made out of balloons and its somehow crazy ;)

    Lots of love!

  2. This outfit is so much fun! Hopefully you get some warmer weather soon.

  3. Ohh these photos are so dreamy, Marisa!! It doesn't even look cold in these! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, and this outfit is just so darling. <3

    xox Sammi

  4. Oh oh so cold but you have the cutest squirrels on your cardigan.......just perfect.
    Happiness to you.....v

  5. I love your plaid top and WHAT an adorable sweater. The sunset looks beautiful over the lake, but I here ya on the frosty temps! Colorado has been quite a tease with being 5 degrees then 60! Sweet potato soup sounds so wonderful, I just bought sweet potato pumpkin from the grocery store but may have to try my own hand at it! :)
    XO hannah

  6. Sherbet sunsets and sweet potato soup! It certainly sounds magical. . .

  7. What a beautiful lake!! And your sweater is also lovely :)


  8. I love that you are so positive. And that you are learning to play the accordion!

  9. I am vowing to be more positive like you. Just so you know.

  10. Such gorgeous surroundings in these pictures! You look so cute with your hat and that sweater is adorable. I've always wished I knew how to play accordion - that's so cool that you're learning how to play. It's so weird that you and the rest of the country are experiencing such cold weather when we are having a heat wave and a drought in Cali.

  11. That sounds like such an amazing weekend, it's always wonderful to spent time cozy inside and with amazing friends. This is such a great outfit too, love that skirt! And these photos turned out quite stunning :)

  12. I love that you have a ukelele, I can just imagine the setting. Your cardigan is so adorable and look so cosy too. Hope you enjoy the weekend. xx/Madison

  13. Love this woodsy look.

  14. loved all the pictures but the last one is so dreamy!

  15. This outfit is just so darling. What a charming sweater. x


  16. it looks so beautiful (and chilly) over there! your outfit is charming and it sounds like you managed to do a lot of nice things despite the weather! xx

  17. You look so lovely! That hat is amazing! And I'm feeling you about the weather - so cold.


  18. Hi! Really really beautiful photos.
    I love sunset,sky,sea,and moon.


  19. Lovely outfit for winter, Marisa. I love the cardigans. And I wish I can hear you played an ukulele :) xx

  20. You are so adorable and gorgeous. I love your cardigan especially, it is so sweet. I seriously need all your clothes in my life.

  21. Oh, my! I can't imagine getting dressed to endure negative temps! I'd put every single item in my closet on. Here it's been colder than the past few weeks, between 50s/60s and I'm really cold :/.

    Love the sweater and the hat!

  22. sounds like a very cozy weekend! I can't wait to see pictures of your living room (I do hope you share them!) and these pictures are gorgeeousss, I just love the backdrop, and your fun winter layers! hope you are having a wonderful week so far!!

    perfectly Priya


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