
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Outfits: Streets of Philadelphia

 Outfit Details:
Sweater, hat, bag: Vintage, thrifted
Dress: c/o Oasap
Tights: We Love Colors
Boots: Michael Kors via Marshall's

Phew, what a week it has been thus far for me and the wee fam!  As I said in my last post - we spent the first half of it with no water due to a frozen and very broken pipe and what an eye opener that was.  Truly makes you appreciate the littlest things in life, like running water and beautiful friends that brought groceries over to us while the Mr. was also very sick with the flu, watched our little ones for a bit to give this tired mama a break, and opened up their shower to us, so we weren't grease balls.   Yeah, it may have been rough at moments, but we all survived!  

Prior to all the exciting dramatics that occurred this past week, the Mr. and I spent a couple days in Philly and again got a chance to explore the city.  It just never gets old to me.  The weather was crisp and just perfect for prancing about the brick streets with no coat - just a big cozy sweater over my dress.    On this day I had the best Mexican Mocha one could ever imagine and thrifted a pretty red coat with an assortment of vintage buttons down the front and a corduroy skirt with pups embroidered all over it.  It was a winning afternoon all around.  You know, the kind of day that makes the tough ones ok.  

So there you have it.  It's Thursday and I've got an inkling that the sun is going to shine and it's gonna be another sweet weekend all around.  

Love Bunches, 


  1. I always love the sweet stories that accompany your outfit posts! Not to mention I love, love this look! It's a fun combo, but still goes together very nicely. Also, those boots are a mega-steal, I think! Philly has been on my list to visit since I saw the movie Invincible, I think that's a pretty lame reason, but anyway. Sounds like you had a lovely trip and I can't wait to see that dreamy coat :)

    perfectly Priya

  2. I love the way your outfit posts are turning more and more into photo stories. These shots capture the mood so completely.

  3. great outfit and awesome area for pics! i love the reflection pics!

  4. Such beautiful photos! I love the dress and sweater combination :D

  5. You're in my stomping grounds - Philly!

  6. I love that last shot- perfect light reflecting off the brick. This is a cozy look. Glad the husband is feeling better.

  7. that jumper is really lovely and i love the peeking polka dots too! glad to hear you have water again (that can get awful, if the situation lasts too long) and your finds sound wonderful:-) xx

  8. Stunning shots! How I wish I had a man who loved photography as much as yours clearly does. He is sooo good. With every posts of yours I see that is set in Philly, I want to go there more. And you can be certain that I'm calling you up for a cup of tea together when I do eventually get there! xo

  9. oh no -- glad you survived without running water, ah!! love your philly photos. do you remember where you thrifted the jacket? i actually live in the area and love finding new shops!


  10. Sounds like a hectic week indeed! I'm glad things have settled down :) And you look soo cute. Love the combination of fair isle + polka dots~

  11. Oh gosh, that just happened to my neighbours, when we were away. So sorry to hear about that, especially during the cold. I love these fantastic captures, and you look darling as always. Happy New Year! xx/Madison :)

  12. Ohh that sounds awful!! I can only imagine how frustrating that must have been for you guys, we had no power the other morning and that was eventful. But I can't imagine more than a day!! It's wonderful you have such great friends :)
    LOVE this layered look, you are rocking that knit sweater and I love the colour combinations :)

  13. whenever water, or electricity, or such things are taken away we realize how much we take them for granted. It's kind of interesting to see peoples' reactions to being without too.

    I love your boots in this!

  14. Your life sometimes sounds like a great adventure to me; with those stories about being snowed in, having no water, no electricty etc. its always important to appreciate the little things, and how great that you were able to spend some time in Philly to have some valuable time together :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  15. I havent spent much time in Philly (only been there twice actually) but these photos make me want to go back! This outfit is perfect, I rarely layer a huge sweater over a dress but I love the look, you're totally inspiring me!
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages
    ps those pictures that reflect in the puddles are kick ass

  16. Wandering around Philly in a cozy sweater sounds wonderful :D Especially after such a tough week. Oh my goodness, thank God for your friends. What lifesavers! Everybody in my family has had the flu for the past week and a half. My lifesaver this weekend was just lots of chill time on the couch and coffee ;)

  17. Awe! I love coming here and seeing your wonderful photos, Marisa! You make me feel I'm in a different world where the weather feels more like winter!

    I so agree with your statement about the little things in life. Being in Buenos Aires, I realized how blessed I am to have such comfort here in America.

    Hope the Mr is fully recovered by now! And hope you have an amazing 2014! ;D

  18. MArisa, you and Philly were made for each other. And those boots. They are like a dream! Now that you mention it, it's been so long since I had a Mexican (hot chocolate) mocha! Sooooo good!

  19. I'm so sorry about your water situation, but it does sound like this trip made up for it! I can't wait to see this new coat! I'm really in love with these photos and kinda envious of you being able to bundle up like this. Your trips to Philly make me want to visit even more, I read that it is known for it's unique neighborhoods, and I would love to explore it!


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