
Monday, January 13, 2014

Outfits: The Flying Fox

Outfit Details:
Dress: Swapped with Sammi
Sweater & Tights: Target
Hat: UO
Boots: Michael Kors via Marshall's

Foxes and balloons have nothing to do with one another but this sweater/dress duo sure did match to a T and make one perfectly playful combo.  Yeah, it's a bit child-like I suppose and what's a gal my age - which I won't tell ;-) doing walking around doused in prints like these?  Keeping young at heart...that's what.  There's really nothing wrong with indulging oneself every now and again...though I have to admit, I've slowly been gravitating towards some more classic pieces as of late.   But hey, I kind of like feeling like I stepped off the pages of a children's storybook...after all, this wee ensemble had me feeling rather Seussish and I quite like that.

The dress is another swap from Sammi...can I continue to gush over all the delightful prints this girl has to her name?  Jump here to see how the Soubrette Brunette herself styled the beauty up.

Anyways, it's Monday...and what a jammed packed weekend it was again, all in in an old victorian row house, brunch at one of the Iron Chef's restaurants, a hockey game, and my son's baby dedication.  Oh yeah - and we returned home to broken and frozen pipe and now water...yay.  I'm keeping my head up though :-)

So tell me was your weekend?  Wishing you one happy Monday!

Love Bunches, 


  1. am obsessed with foxes at the moment! lovely photos x

  2. Love this outfit, I adore feeling childlike sometimes too..just takes you back to simpler times, you know? Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, mine was pretty good too, got some sewing done and went rocking climbing..which I'm still sore from lol
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  3. So stinking cute, Marisa! And actually, I have this fox sweater from Target so I could totally wear this outfit too, hehe. I love these together. You always put things together in ways I'd never think of, and they always look amazing! These photos are beautiful, too.

    xox Sammi

  4. I always love this jumper whenever you wear it. I love the bright pink and blue matched with the earthy tones of the boots. Perfect. I don't like to reveal my age either. I hink it's so rude when people ask!

    Btw, I've featured you on my blog again. This time your fabulous maternity style. I hope you don't mind xxx

  5. I love this adorable and playful mix and its so nice to see you back in your cute fox sweater! Really wishing I had borrowed this dress from Sammi too! Sounds like a wonderfully packed weekend minus the broken pipe, UGH! Praying I don't come back from vacation this week to one of those either!
    xo Hannah

  6. childlike? pshaw! I think this outfit is PERFECTLY ADORABLE, Marisa. You look darling! So sorry to hear about the broken pipe :( But you're home and safe! <3

  7. that last photograph is so lovely! ah, i love all the photographs here though, the sky is so perfect!

    lindsey louise

  8. Being young at heart is very important- and you pull it off stylishly :D

  9. Ohhhh this is such a great combination!! And I must say this is the most perfect setting for photos, I love them. Sammi really does have the most amazing printed dresses, this one looks perfect with the fox sweater overtop. You rock that fox sweater so well :)

  10. Foxes and ballons both make clothing look super cute and adorable! I love this combination. I wish I had a dress in hot air balloon print. I have never actually seen anything like that before. This is a genius combination!

  11. I love the matching photo's of you and your man with the camera, they're so sweet!
    Thanks for the comment on my post the other day and lovely outfit as always!


  12. balloons and foxes! I'm charmed :)

  13. omg, these prints are amazing *_*

  14. I just love shooting on railways. It always remind of the wild wild west ;) I really love the atmosphere on the last picture! Your outfit is super cute, like always :)!
    Thank you a lot for your last comment! They always make me happy :)

    Have a great day!

  15. that first photo looks stunning! the colors really stand out, as usual... i love the turquoise of the sweater together with the rust-colored boots. i'm also smitten with that hat :)


  16. This is a cute photoshoot! I like the colorful stockings1

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  17. These prints go so well together. I've always loved cute little prints and I'm just starting to realise that I can wear them :) I think I'll hold off on the sophistication for a while ;)


  18. These photos are beautiful, and I really love the colours in your outfit! Your dress is so adorable, that was a succesful swap :) xx

  19. I will always love this fox sweater of yours! ;p And a dress covered in balloons? Yes, please!


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