
Friday, November 22, 2013

Home Inspiration: Living Rooms

 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 //

Hello again!

As I move forth with my little ol corner of the internet here, I really want to start sharing more of myself, my passions, my loves with you all besides for just what I am just wearing on my back.  Because let's face it, there's more to life than just clothes.  Anyhow, as you may or may not know, the Mr. and I moved to this sweet little mountainside town in PA almost two years ago to the date and with that we purchased our first home.  With a new home comes lots of new ideas of how to decorate and I really adore doing just that.  I will fully admit that HGTV is on in the background of my house nearly 24/7!

As I mentioned in my last post, we recently painted our living room and I can gladly say that it is the first room in our house that is ALMOST complete.  Can you believe it has taken this long?  We've been redoing each room little by little over the past two years but never got close to having anything complete...until now!  I think many homeowners out there are in the same boat.  

Enough rambling, the photos above were some of the inspirations I used for my living/music room.  I'm a sucker for lots of color and for mixing vintage and modern pieces to create a bit of an eclectic look. Once the last light fixture goes up in our own living room, I will be sharing the actual space on here with you all...I actually can't wait!  So until then, I wish you one merry happy weekend my darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. I absolutely love pretty much all of your decor picks here! I love off-setting bright colours with more neutral and muted shades and I like a good balance of vintage and modern. Judging by these pics I can't wait to see how you decorate your lovely new home!

  2. Hi Marisa! I think it's so important that you use your blog to display any and all things inspiring you! These are really lovely picks for interiors, and I can't wait to see pictures of your totally finished living room/other rooms! Home decor is so fun and I feel like it can just be on-going, there are always things to update :)

    perfectly priya

  3. Oh btw- I finally just read your FAQ (and why had I not read them yet??) and I have to say: i LOVE The Sound of Music. It's my dear mother's favorite so I love it as well. I always love your hairbows/accessories. I have definitely wondered about your blog title so I'm glad that was cleared up!

    perfectly priya

  4. More to life than just clothes?! Are you sure??? Haha, juuust kidding. I hope you'll take pictures of your own room to show us!

  5. Congrats to you and the mister on your new home! So exciting! I actually can believe it is taking "long" (timing feel so subjective nowadays)! My friends recently purchased their home a year ago and are still in the midst of doing so much. It ain't so easy! So kudos to everyone who manages that on top of life and work!! haha


  6. It's great to see more aspects of your life and get to know you better. These are such beautiful photos. I love the gorgeous colours and patterns. Everything fits in absolutely perfectly together.

  7. It is fun to see more of your style reflected in the decor as well as in your clothes. Hope to see pictures of your living room up here soon (hint, hint!)

  8. Ooooh I love all of these. You have such wonderful taste. And I am constantly watching HGTV! I get so angry when couples only care about countertops, etc... I just want a house with character! I definitely want to see photos of your abode! :)

    xox Sammi

  9. Cant waitt to see the pictures of your living room! I like those inspirations. As I already told you, we are also thinking about changing a few things in our living room. Now that it comes closer to winter, I want to have it even more cozy than it already is :) Its the room we spend most of our time in, so its also important to have it nicce and cozy in there :)
    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for your last comment - they always make me happy!

  10. wow, what an inspiring pictures, marisa. make me wanted to have a cute little house someday :) i bet your house gonna be as cute as your style. can't wait for the picture. have a nice weekend :) xx

  11. This is a different post and I like it! I want to learn more about you :). I can't believe decorating takes so long ... David and I started living together over 2 years and a half ago and we always talk about ideas to make our home look more like us but we have barely done anything :/. We're big procrastinators, though.

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, sweet Marisa! ;D

  12. i love the flower wall on the second picture! once you get your own home, there'll always be something that needs to be done:-) (not that i have my own house, but we used to have a three-floor house, so you can imagine there was a lot to fix/redesign all the time!) looking forward to seeing your lovely living room! xx

  13. These are all so dang cozy! I want to crawl inside of them.

  14. I love your inspiration! All the public rooms in my house are decorated, but, sadly, my bedroom has been last on my list. I need to work on that!

  15. Oh my that are such lovely inspirations and i would die for those wallpapers! We've also loads to to on our house, but it seems to never be finished... Have a fab day and please share more inspirations! XX Tani


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