
Monday, November 25, 2013

Outfits: Modern Beatnik

Dress: Brag Vintage
Hat & Bag: Thrifted Vintage
Ring: Vintage // Belonged to Grandmother
Tights: Hue
Boots: Michael Kors via Marshall's


Oh hello there!

Hope your weekend was a pretty one.  Mine turned out to be a bit of a scare with my littlest guy  ending up in the ER in the middle of the night with croup...but long story...and everything turned out alright, thank God.  Anyhow onto something more lighthearted...I'd rather talk clothing right now, because my emotions have been at an all time high and my sleep at an all time low and all I need is something simple to chat about.

I recently spotted this vintage pinafore on Brag Vintage and well, I'm kind of head over heels.  Aren't we all for pinafores, these days?  And to boot, the whole black and brown color combo has pretty much so been dragging me in like a mouse to cheese lately - so yeah, this piece had my name written all over it.  I went a little beatnik inspired here (you know, the original hipsters), and suddenly felt the to urge to run to the nearest coffee house and break out a little Jack Kerouac for my reading pleasure.  

// Jump here to check out my new favorite vintage shop from across the pond: Brag Vintage.  Their cozy selection of grandpa sweaters is the bees knees. //

So now it's Monday Monday and all I want to do is start the Thanksgiving cooking extravaganza.  Gosh, I can never wait for this holiday to come around!  As always we are headed off to Philly to be with the Mr.'s family and again, I will be making the sweet potato casserole and cranberry orange relish.  Also...I saw this recipe for oyster cornbread I might just have to give that a whirl as well!  Oh man, I am really making myself hungry here.  What are your favorite Thanksgiving delicacies?  Do share.  I love talking about way. too. much.  

Love Bunches, 


  1. Love this outfit. Its inspiration is clear, but you manage to make it your own.

  2. Oh gosh, glad the little guy was OK!

    As always, adore this look!

    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  3. **loooove** that dress!! so sorry to hear about your little guy though.. glad he's okay! take care of yourself, lady :) xxo

  4. Sorry to hear about your sorrows from the weekend! So good that everything turned out alright! This dress you are wearing in here is so wonderful! I love how you combined it with the dark blue sweater. I usually wear my dresses underneath ma sweaters but mabe I should give it a try and do it the other way around and just wear the sweater underneath :)
    Hope you get the sleep you need now that the sorrows are over :)
    Have a wonderful start in the week!

  5. Glad your little one is okay! And I looove this outfit. That pinafore really is excellent, and I'm still in love with your granny square bag =P I like how it kinda matches the colorful leaves in the second picture!

  6. Yep, I love a pinafore dress too. I really love how you've done your nails in ultra bright colours to contrast with the black and brown.

    Hope your little one is ok now. What a scary thing xxx

  7. Ahhh that's so scary that he ended up in the hospital!! I am so happy to hear that he's doing okay, very scare stuff for sure.
    I love this beatnik look, you look cozy and cute at the same time! Such great layering skills m'dear :)

  8. Oh, don't you look just so cozy and adorable? Brag Vintage really does have a great selection for cozy items.

    Sounds like you are going to have a great holiday too. Let us know how the cornbread stuffing turns out. Sounds yummy!

  9. OMG, marisa, really glad that everything's all right! wish you and little fam always in the good condition :) btw, really cute to see that your dress really match with the leafs. you look beautiful as always, and i love your vintage bag :D xx

  10. Despite being British I am having thanksgiving this week as my husband's parents lived in Texas for 12 years and are keeping that tradition going in the UK. Last year it was amazing and I am so excited for it. I love cornbread and we never have that here.
    I am sorry to hear about the illness. I hope things are doing better for you.

    I love how the crazy colours in the leaves match the brightness in your bag.

  11. Thank goodness you are alright! The colors in this are perfect! Love that shot of the leaves in the water- beautiful! Alex

  12. This outfit is so cozy and I love the colors on you.

  13. I just love this outfit. You look wonderfully chic. Hope your little guys is well and that you have a nice Thanksgiving :) I always look forward to the mashed potatoes.

  14. Gorgeous! I love this look. It couldn't be more perfect really.

  15. hope clayt and the rest of you are all feeling better! anyway, that outfit looks simply lovely on you:-) i sometimes wish we celebrated thanksgiving over here, as all the food sounds&looks delicious! xx

  16. Glad things turned out okay with the fam :) Love this outfit, especially those boots!

    <3 Megan

  17. So happy everything is ok with your son- that must've been scary! I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving! I love this pinafore, great find and a fun, beatnik-inspired look!

  18. These pictures are so great! I also really love your dress. Now following!

  19. Glad to hear everything is now okay with the little guy. If there is one thing that makes a parent feel how delicate life is; it's a sick child. Such a helpless feeling for sure. It make a parents emotions swirl. Anyway, really, really, really, happy to hear everything is okie dokie!

    I know Thanksgiving has already passed, but I figured I would answer your question about my favorite holiday food since I share your same LOVE of food. My favorite is the cornbread stuffing. (I'm from the south so cornbread is a big thing.) I like firmer stuffing, not the runny/mushy stuff. I'm also a roll hog! So basically, all the carbs, lol!
    Hope your Thanksgiving was fun and full of memories. ;)

  20. croup is very sad. Leto had it as a little baby too but I learned from an emergency first aid book I was given when he was born how to help ease the issue, so we didn't have to go to ER at all, but that would have been so scary and I am glad to hear that all is well. I think it is more interesting to read about your family than about your clothes, honestly, but you are always so beautiful no matter what you wear!!! I never know what to comment about when clothes are the main focus of posts haha. "You look pretty! Nice outfit." but I like leaving long comments. hehe. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving by the way!

  21. It is already winter.
    Dead leaves are colorful and are very beautiful!



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