
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Outfits: Red Velvet

RedVelvet1 Outfit Details:
Dress: Swapped with Jenna of Smitten
Floral Crown: DIY
Tights: Modcloth
Ring: Miss Selfridge
Shoes: Dolce Vita

Oh this dress, yes this dress! It's not too often on here that I speak so very specifically about what I am wearing - but this little velvet dress had me all kinds of smitten.  I guess that's why I love swapping clothes so much - it's all for getting my hands on pieces like this.  You see, this dress belongs to my fella Flock Together gal, Jenna of Smitten and it was truly one that I did not want to send onto the next gal.  It's a curvy girl's dream of a dress and to be very truthful, the Mr. practically begged me to beg Jenna to offer to buy it from her.  Too bad I'm incredibly bashful and would never in a million years ask - because why would anyone ever want to sell a Red Velvetly smothered dress like this one?  But um, seriously Jenna, if you ever tire of wearing this beauty, you know who to call. ;-)  

// Jump here to check out how stunning Jenna styled this piece as well //

As for this week - well I'm taking it easy.  I spent all last weekend painting my living room and then left for a conference in this mama is wiped!  Right now all I want to do is curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and grab the remote because Chuck has finally been added to Netflix and I'm all for a marathon!  Was anyone else into this show when it aired?  Anyhoo, that's about all.  Have one happy hump day darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. So so cute! Your velvet dress is wonderful. I think those tights are the perfect color to pair with it. The feather detailing on the back of them is so pretty too.

  2. this dress of Jenna's is oh so gorgeous, a perfect length and i adore how the back cut ads a little something w/ fun in a subtle way. you look gorgeous in it Marisa and i love that floral crown on you, so perfect for fall! that is too funny your hubs wanted you to keep it, he sounds like such a sweety!

  3. Ah! This is so incredibly darling-you look gorgeous :) I love velvet.

  4. The dress looks perfect on you. I would never have thought about those colour tights but they work incredibly well, and the feather backseam is fabulous. Somehow the shoes bring it all together too. Of course, I also love the crown - who wouldn't?! Kx

  5. This dress seriously looks so gorgeous on you!! I'm loving it with the velvet crown and those tights. I'm so glad you were smitten with this piece ;)
    If I ever want to pass this off it's awesome to know who wants it!! It does look really lovely on you :)

  6. Absolutely stunning, love! The dress is made for you! xx

  7. This is so dreamy! I never would have thought to pair it with the peacock tights, but it works so well! I might just have to invest in a velvet dress this season.
    Major ShenANNIEgans

  8. I can see why you love the dress so! It's perfect~

    The Occasional Indulgence

  9. I'm in love with the dress, it looks so good on you too! And I adore the detail on the tights, so unexpected :D

  10. Those tights are incredible! Love the dress as well <3 Alex

  11. Beautiful. Just gorgeous. And I love the styling!

  12. oh, that dress looks just beautiful on you! and those tights are amazing, too, not to mention the floral crown:-) i always used to have red velvet dresses as a wee one, and now i really think i should find one again! xx

  13. You look amazing. Love your tights.

  14. Wow. Stunning. Perfect. ..... Ok, I'm having trouble coming up with the right word to describe the perfection of these photos.

  15. gahhh, that dress is so perfect!! you can tell you love it... you look super confident, not to mention beautiful!

  16. This does look gorgeous on you. I love how you styled it with a floral crown.

  17. This dress is so gorgeous! The color is amazing on you!
    Sincerely, Sara

  18. ooh that dress really does look lovely on you! And those tights, wow!! :D xx

  19. This dress is really wonderful! I can understand that you would love to keep it :)
    Which color does your livingroom have now after you painted it? I am thinkng about painting mine but I am not sure about the color yet.

    Enjoy your hot choco and netflix :)

    Lots of love!

  20. So lovely lovely outfit!
    The design of tights is cute.


  21. I fell in love with velvet top I was gifted several years ago, and now I would loooove to add a velvet dress to my collection! Yours/Jenna's is lovely. And those tights! So cool!! Hope you found some time to rest up this weekend!

    perfectly priya

  22. Visiting from Ladies in Navy! I LOVE those tights, are they from somewhere recently or vintage? Such a great outfit!

  23. Love this! Oh my goodness, the tights are so perfect. Loving the unexpected orange crown, too! :)

    <3 Megan

  24. Omg. It looks incredible on you! I've been eyeing this dress since I saw it in Jenna's swap album, and I was afraid it'd be too small on me... but I might have to ask her if I can borrow it... I absolutely love the styling here. The tights, crown and ring are just gorgeous. And that low back! I can see why your hubby wanted you to keep it! :)

    xox Sammi

  25. This outfit is amazing!!! The tights surprised me in the best possible way :)

  26. Awe, that's a wonderful dress indeed! There's something about velvet, it makes any item look festive and classy :). Also, I love the tights, shoes and flower crown!

  27. That dress is so wonderful and looks amazing on you! And those tights are so perfect and unexpected!


  28. you look so beautiful! this is a truly one awesome outfit!


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