
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Scouts of Summer

Blouse & ring: Modcloth (Sale)
Skirt (Dress): via swap 
Hat: eBay
Bag: Thrifted
Shoes: UO

Hello Hello there darlings, 

Well my weekend was chock full of lazy lakeside afternoons with friends, a town fair, family visiting from Philly, and baking cornbread for my church's chili cook off on Sunday afternoon.  Life is surely good, right?  Anyhow, I can't help but love this time of year - when things are slightly slow before autumn comes on at us in full force.  The thing is there really is not much to say except for just that.  I'm savoring every summer moment with my boys and the Mr. and I've certainly appreciated all the evenings where we sit out on our back deck drinking coffee while Keane plays with his cars and Clayt is just being his sweet little self cuddling and cooing on my lap...more baby photos to come :-)  I'm telling you, it's the simple things that make me so very happy these days.

How about you?  What's making you smile at the moment?  Please do share.

Love bunches, 

Psst: If you haven't seen already - I'm so excited to be the featured Style Gallery Star on the Modcloth blog this week...take a little mosey this way to read more.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Taking Heart

Happy weekend darlings!

Take a hop, skip, and jump over to Flock Together today where I am all hearted out...and having a small case of the giggles.

Perhaps I'll see you there!
xo Marisa

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Little Sunshine and Some Tea

Dress: Topshop (2010) 
Jacket: Target 
Floral Crown: DIY 
Necklace: Vintage from Mom 
Boots: Vintage, thrifted

Hello, hello again,

I can't tell you how many times the Mr. and I go back to this little spot tucked away behind the airport when we are in Philly.  It holds some of the sweetest summer memories for us that go 10 years back - Jeff Buckley and Zwan playing in the CD player of his old Mercury Sable, while we laid out on the hood watching the planes fly so closely overhead or sipping coffee at the water's edge.  Who doesn't love simple moments like this when time seems to stand still?  Life is busy these days - which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that I absolutely adore quiet places and moments like this one when we have just ourselves and whatever nature surrounds us.  Cheers to finding more of those beneath the summer sun :-).  

Hope this Wednesday finds you well darlings!
Love Bunches, 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sunny with a Chance of Palm Trees

Dress: Modcloth (sale)
Jacket & Bag: Target
Scarf, Brooch, Boots: Thrifted Vintage
Socks: Miss Selfridge

Oh hello there,

I'm back and settled in safely from my trip to Orlando.  It was a splendid week it was, and I'm already missing the palm trees and daily thunderstorms that quickly swept through the afternoons.  But you know...all good things must come to an end - and it is rather nice to get back to a real routine again.  So there's not much more to say than that.  I'm ready for some more summer adventuring, some more concerts, and some more soaking up sun by the lake.  Isn't summer just wunderbar like that?

Speaking of all things wonderful...such was The Lumineers concert the Mr. and I went to a couple weeks back.  Here's a wee Insta-video I made on the way to the show...

Gosh I love music.

Until next time darlings, 
Love Bunches, 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cool Hues and Sweet Treats

To beat the heat of August, I'm loving cool hues to cool off as well juicy sweet treats to satisfy the soul in AllyHoot Vintage this month.
The Mint Julep Dress // The Pastel Picnic Dress // The Hawaii Five O Dress

Raindrops Keep Falling Raincoat // The Garden at Giverny Dress // Violet Fields Forever Top

The Strawberry Shortcake Dress // The Apple of My Eye Dress// Be My Cherry Pie Dress

And just for a little extra sweetness...get 20% with the code SummerHoot.

Talk soon darlings, 
Marisa Noelle

Monday, August 12, 2013

Cozy Mosey

Hi Hi Darlings, 

I'm all comfy cozy and taking a little ol mosey lakeside over at Flock Together today.  Hop this way to meet me there....


Friday, August 9, 2013

Sunshine State

Scarf, Necklace, Sandals : Vintage - Antique Mall/Thrifted

Greetings from sunny Florida darlings!

I'm on location in Orlando having one fine week of sunshiny bliss.  The National Fine Arts Festival my youth drama team competed in was a grand ol time and the kiddos did one swell job.  This mama duck couldn't be any prouder.  As for the fam and I - we are catching plenty of peaceful moments by the water & beneath the palm trees.  It would be quite easy for me to pick up & relocate to this sunshine state - that's for certain!

So for now, I'm enjoying our last day here and soaking in as much of the sights and sounds as I possibly can.  

Talk to you soon!
Love bunches, 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Southern Bound

Dress: Ruche (borrowed from sister)
Scarf: Modcloth
Bag: Vintage - Antique Mall
Shoes: JCrew Outlet (gift from mother)

Hello hello!

Just a quick pop in today as I am officially southern bound at the moment.  That's right - Florida here I come!  If you remember - months back, the youth drama team that I coach competed in a state-wide competition and made it onto the national level in Florida so that's exactly where I am headed at the moment.  Fingers crossed and wish us luck - it shall be one loverly loverly time!

Now as I am en route...I have plenty of time to catch up with you darlings that I have missed so much!  

Oh and for all you sweet gals who have asked for me to show some baby pics of Clayt - I promise they are coming now my lil ol Mac is back from the doctor's ;-)

Talk very soon!
Love bunches,