
Friday, August 9, 2013

Sunshine State

Scarf, Necklace, Sandals : Vintage - Antique Mall/Thrifted

Greetings from sunny Florida darlings!

I'm on location in Orlando having one fine week of sunshiny bliss.  The National Fine Arts Festival my youth drama team competed in was a grand ol time and the kiddos did one swell job.  This mama duck couldn't be any prouder.  As for the fam and I - we are catching plenty of peaceful moments by the water & beneath the palm trees.  It would be quite easy for me to pick up & relocate to this sunshine state - that's for certain!

So for now, I'm enjoying our last day here and soaking in as much of the sights and sounds as I possibly can.  

Talk to you soon!
Love bunches, 


  1. Sounds idyllic- and what a cutey <3 <3 Loving the polka dots too.. you can never go wrong with that print xx

  2. That first picture is sooo cute it's ridiculous!! I love this dress, it's absolutely perfect on you. Such a great fit and the polka dots are sweet. Enjoy Orlando!!!

  3. What a cutie! I love the outfit, that dress looks lovely on you :D

  4. Oh, adorable Momma and adorable baby! Sweet, sweet post.

  5. sounds fun! i've enjoyed the instagram pics of your trip too! you couldn't be more darling!

  6. Your dress is adorable! And so is your little one :) xx

  7. Such a cute dress! Your baby makes these pictures even more adorable too!

  8. I really love those shoes! Could you possibly tell me what brand they are?

  9. Oh my gosh I'm dying of cute. You and the newborn, aaaah. Too cute. Also, you look stunning, that dress is fabulous and I love the headscarf <3

  10. Aaaaah I'm dying of cute. You and your baby together are too cute to handle. Also, you're looking stunning! Love the dress and the headscarf <3

  11. I love this dress and I actually have a similar one :)
    I didn't know that you were wearing glasses!? They suit you really well! I just bought two new pairs... but have to get used to them first ;)
    Have a wonderful time in Florida!

    Lots of love!

  12. awh the little baby! you both look so beautiful here! i really love your polka dot dress here, i want a simple one just like this!

    lindsey louise

  13. It is great to see an appearance from the little man! He is adorable and you are beautiful!

  14. You look so adorable - that dress is amazing, got to love the polka dots! Also, look at your little guy - so. cute.


  15. This dress is adorable and you look so cute :) You sure are way more hip than my drama teacher was. And sounds like a nice little adventure you are having in Florida.

  16. This dress is adorable and you look so cute :) You sure are way more hip than my drama teacher was. And sounds like a fun adventure you are having in Florida.

  17. This outfit is practically perfect in every way, my dear! Love the colors/patterns/tiny details - including your babe! :)

    <3 Megan

  18. Those sandals look absolutely perfect! I love this look of primary colors. Looks like an amazing getaway. When I was growing up in Oregon I always dreamed of moving to Florida because it was sunny and I thought there were flamingos everywhere. Kind of funny that in all my traveling I've still never been to the sunshine state!

  19. Hi, Marisa! AWE! You and your baby boy look so adorable!!! ;D Hope you're having a blast in Orlando and congrats to your drama kids!

    I missed coming here! :p

  20. It is a cute dress. I like dot patterns.
    Your baby is so lovely.
    I am healed.


  21. you look gorgeous w/ the pretty polka dot dress, head scarf & big glasses. tot reminds me of an old photo of my grandma back in her youth, in the very best way possible. love the shot of you holding the little guy. Florida looks so pretty!
    Cuddly Cacti
    Mitla Moda

  22. These photos are adorable. I love your dress. It's exactly my kind of thing. In fact I saw a similar one when browsing the baby wear section in h&m the other day and my husband joked that if we are having a girl I'm going to be dressing it like a mini-me! I can't wait to find out what we are having. Your new born looks adorable. It makes me so broody! X


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