
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sunny with a Chance of Palm Trees

Dress: Modcloth (sale)
Jacket & Bag: Target
Scarf, Brooch, Boots: Thrifted Vintage
Socks: Miss Selfridge

Oh hello there,

I'm back and settled in safely from my trip to Orlando.  It was a splendid week it was, and I'm already missing the palm trees and daily thunderstorms that quickly swept through the afternoons.  But you know...all good things must come to an end - and it is rather nice to get back to a real routine again.  So there's not much more to say than that.  I'm ready for some more summer adventuring, some more concerts, and some more soaking up sun by the lake.  Isn't summer just wunderbar like that?

Speaking of all things wonderful...such was The Lumineers concert the Mr. and I went to a couple weeks back.  Here's a wee Insta-video I made on the way to the show...

Gosh I love music.

Until next time darlings, 
Love Bunches, 


  1. lovely photos and the video's really cute:-) i'm glad you had a good trip! xx

  2. This dress is so lovely, I love the combination of these two colours. Your denim jacket and pretty headband are the perfect accessories. I'm glad you have a lovely time in Orlando, and when you went to the Limineers, I am so jealous! Both must have been great experiences

  3. Your orange dress is so adorable! Love how you styled it with the booties and fun socks peeking out. And I wish I could pull off head scarves like you do :)

  4. I love your outfit! Your baby is so cute. :D

    Mostly Lisa

  5. Sounds like it was a wonderful vacation! I am dying to go to the beach before the summer's end...we'll see if I can sneak away from work!

    Clayton is just as sweet as can be. I love those tiny feet! Also love your dress.

    perfectly priya

  6. You are looking so bright and cheerful in this outfit.

  7. What a cute and sunny outfit, Marisa! I also loved the video and maybe it's a cliché but I awwwwwwwwed at you two holding hands in the car <3 hope you had fun at the concert!

  8. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Looking good hot mamma!

  9. you look really fresh, marisa. and i love the picture of building and trees :) and look at the little buddy sock, aww, so cute! :) xx.

  10. I love all those colours together, especially the green in your hair! xx

  11. i love the colors in your dress! glad you had a nice time in the sunshine state!

  12. Ahh favorite dress, you styled it SO perfectly! I have been eying all the cool stuff from FEED at target I love the idea behind it and everything is so cute. I am so glad you had a nice trip, but its also really nice to get back into a good routine! Your darling baby boy looks like such a sweetie, I hope you all get some great lake time in this weekend!
    xo Hannah

  13. you and the baby are so lovely <3 i just can't stop looking at you both <3 my heart is melting!

  14. Absolutely beautiful dress love the colour combination. Gorgeous little one!

  15. Well, it sounds like you enjoyed yourself very much. You look great, I just adore the orange/yellow combination ... bold hues always looks so lovely on you. Wishing you a happy weekend. xx/Madison :)

  16. Oh man, I forgot how much I love this dress. It's so perfect on you. I'm glad you had a nice trip -- it looked beautiful.

  17. This is soooo pretty! Love the colors in those pictures! I am happy that you are having a good time! Enjoy pretty lady :)


  18. This dress is so cute on you! I love the fun, summery colors! That jean jacket looks perfect with it too.

  19. Oh, the dress is amazing!! We love Modcloth!!
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    Chic With The Least
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  20. I love the sherbet colors of this dress! Vacation coming to an end is always hard but at least you have a few more weeks for summer adventuring. I bet the show was so good! I haven't been to a show in too long but we are going to Kurt Vile this weekend so I have that to look forward to :) Hope your week is off to a good start!

  21. These are so cute picture!
    I used the site that you told.
    I was able to process it into a very wonderful photograph.
    Thank you!


  22. Awwww the new baby! Where have I been!? He's so precious :) Congrats. How do you look so fantastic all the time?! I always love your color combos.

    xo Ashley

  23. oops i got my posts mixed up and the Florida comment was meant to go here and i was going to comment on you & hubs here, that' what i get for opening multiple tabs of your posts haha. so sweet about you & hubs memories from 10 yrs back cuddling and staring up at planes. oh the sweet old slow days right? glad you could take a little detour though to relax at least! & i love seeing your remix of this dress!
    Cuddly Cacti
    Mitla Moda


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