
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Scouts of Summer

Blouse & ring: Modcloth (Sale)
Skirt (Dress): via swap 
Hat: eBay
Bag: Thrifted
Shoes: UO

Hello Hello there darlings, 

Well my weekend was chock full of lazy lakeside afternoons with friends, a town fair, family visiting from Philly, and baking cornbread for my church's chili cook off on Sunday afternoon.  Life is surely good, right?  Anyhow, I can't help but love this time of year - when things are slightly slow before autumn comes on at us in full force.  The thing is there really is not much to say except for just that.  I'm savoring every summer moment with my boys and the Mr. and I've certainly appreciated all the evenings where we sit out on our back deck drinking coffee while Keane plays with his cars and Clayt is just being his sweet little self cuddling and cooing on my lap...more baby photos to come :-)  I'm telling you, it's the simple things that make me so very happy these days.

How about you?  What's making you smile at the moment?  Please do share.

Love bunches, 

Psst: If you haven't seen already - I'm so excited to be the featured Style Gallery Star on the Modcloth blog this week...take a little mosey this way to read more.


  1. Pretty, pretty you!<3

    Love the new look with the glasses-lovely pictures too!

  2. Lovely pictures and outfit! Great blog as well. :)

  3. That sounds like such a lovely weekend!! I love spending days relaxing like that :) It's hard to believe summers almost gone though.
    You look so lovely, this plaid top is fantastic tied like that, and the red hat is perfect on you!

  4. These photos are gorgeous, it looks like such a lovely place, and I adore your tartan top! So cute xx

  5. These pictures are so pretty Marisa! And you look so pretty! I always like it when people are able to be happy about the little things! Life is not about big targets but about small hapinesses (can you say this ;)?) every day! For me it's like that and I think its great that you see it the same way!
    Lots of love!

  6. Oh, Marisa. I really like this look. There is something- just a trace- girl scout about it (Or Moonrise Kingdom). Or maybe it just reminds me of camping. But so lovely and fun, like a scout all grown up :D

  7. Such beautiful photos, Marisa! Loving this hat on you and the plaid top. :) Oh, and congratulations on being picked for the Style Gallery star thingy over at ModCloth!!

    xox Sammi

  8. Your color combos are always spot on and your man is so well-dressed. My favorite thing right now is planning out all my (and the man's) A/W outfits and wardrobe needs. And maybe even a thrifting excursion soon!

    xo Ashley

  9. GIRL you seriously rock a beret like no other, they look amazing on you! I love the tied up plaid blouse and the matching birdy ring. I am really trying to enjoy this in between time of year as well, it sounds like you had the perfect weekend!
    Hope you're having a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  10. Stunning photos. I feel like I'm a bit of a broken record saying a similar thing every time I see one your photo shoots, but man, you guys are goooood! So very pretty. What a location, made extra fantastic with lily pads for crying out loud. xo

  11. Aww girl you look so cute! The outfit is adorable, I really love the beret on you, plus the photos look amazing, especially the second one has such a nsotalgic and beautiful feeling!
    Ah, autumn. All summer long I've longed for it to come and now that it's a little bit chillier (20 to 25°C mostly) I'm not happy. Bah! :D

  12. That sounds like a perfect weekend and that lakeside looks like a beautiful spot. The photos show it beautifully. I've been off work and have really enjoyed going for walks in the countryside, catching up on good books, cooking and sitting in the garden eating dinner in the evenings. Sometimes it's the simple things that are the most enjoyable. Unfortunately I'm back to my 60 hour a week job on Monday.

  13. What lovely and vivid photos dear, that last image is right out of a storybook. You look great! I too, really adore autumn season, it's one of my favourites, all of the stunning colours of nature takes my breath away! :) xx/Madison Have a nice w/e.

  14. lovely, lovely photos! i feel like the last days of summer are always among the best:-) also, you look darling and that ring is very pretty! xx

  15. Congratulations on the Modcloth post. They've used some lovely pictures. How did I miss that gorgeous pink dress and ice cream tights?! Some lovely pics here too. The lily pond reminds me of 'The Lady of Shalot'. Xxx

  16. You look gorgeous. Giving four-eyed girls a good name! And bring on those baby photos :)

  17. I love seeing you in your glasses- such a cute look! Once again I'm jealous of your wardrobe and your beautiful surroundings. Congrats on the feature- it's much deserved and was really fun to see that collection of your outfits! I just got back from vacation with friends in Colorado and that made me smile, but coming home- not so much. Post vacation blues ;)

  18. mmm chilli and cornbread sounds pretty perfect right now. and wow, i have to second lisa, i'm always swooning over the scenery in your pics, looks like you live in such an amazing place Marisa. glad you're having a wonderful time in life right now : ) oh and of course, absolutely darling outfit per usual & cute glasses.
    Cuddly Cacti
    Mitla Moda


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