
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cozy Little Elk

Sweater: Chicwish
Scarf & Dress (worn as skirt): Thrifted
Pendant: Modcloth
Tights: Hue
Boots: Delia's

Aren't big cozy sweaters the best thing since sliced bread right now?  Does anyone know where that phrase came from?  What makes sliced bread so wonderful anyways?  

Ok, enough of my being random here - all it has been doing lately where I live is snowing.  Yes it's getting old and it's making me wonder if Punxsutawney Phil was truly correct in his early spring prediction.  Can you tell I'm a bit stir crazy?  

Nonetheless, this whole layering - oversized sweater, skirt, tights, my grandfather's thick socks, & old boots is my uniform as of late.  It makes this winter thing just a tad more bearable.  And by layering I mean - I may just be wearing long Johns too ;-).  The Mr. and I wore the same colored pants/tights.  We are just nerds like that.  

So here's hoping for an early spring.  Fingers crossed darlings!

Love bunches,


  1. Haha! I was going to comment on the fact that your legs matched! I love it. I cannot believe you found a sweater with a collar on it-that is just too darling. It looks so very cozy too and I just love everything about this! It's supposed to blizzard here yes-much more snow to come so they tell me!

  2. Your outfit looks so comfy :) By the way - happy birthday to your son!

  3. your outfit is adorable! i am in love with that sweater :)

  4. So adorable (as always). I'm hoping for early spring as well. Can't stand the cold and snow anymore :( Need suuuuuun!

  5. You look beee-you-teeee-ful as always my friend. And I love that sweater. I am so so ready for the snow to be gone - we are getting more this weekend! Sending you some sunshine and a big hug! xo

  6. You look so wonderful and cozy!!! This sweater is ammmazing, love it, perfect for the chilly days we're experiencing here too. I really wish spring would hurry up! I love that the Mr. is wearing bright pants! You two are too cute

  7. Love love love your jumper, also adore your headscarf, where did you find it? xxx

    ps. This is my blog:

  8. You always manage to make layers seem sleek. There's definitely a science to that.

    That necklace reminds me of a big ol' eye. Love it.

  9. I was just calling that groundhog a liar!! Lol I need spring bad! And oh my goodness I want this sweater! Its so darling. And you always have the cutest hair things! Also I love that you included your man in this post! He's very stylish too, what a perfect couple :)

  10. Hattitude Style Blog

    love love love this outfit! oh my goodness. i love the sweater! what a great pattern. you look awesome as per usual!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  11. You look so cozy! This winter sure has been crazy cold, huh? I'm so ready for spring! :)


  12. That sweater is so cute!! And I love the way you're wearing that scarf :)


  13. You look so cute in all those layers though.

  14. I guess people used to have to slice the loaves from the bakery. Speaking of awesome sweaters though, kudos you!

  15. eee you are just so cute! i adore everything about these photographs.. your outfit, the location, etc. the scarf looks great in your hair too! i always forget i can wear scarves in other ways besides around my neck.

    lindsey louise

  16. Thanks so much for your comment, it means a lot!
    Your outfit is stunning, I like how you combined the items!

    Have a great day,

  17. Oh the deer, the headscarf, the polka dots, the collar, the boots! This has to be my favourite blog outfit I have seen in ages, I love everything!! xx

  18. That is one gorgeous cozy sweater. I love the whole outfit on you. Big sweaters sweem to be all I've been wearing too, and am also so ove this snow business. Were scheduled for more today ... sigh. It was lovely, dry and bright yesterday, albeit extremely cold, so I was happy yo have a great walk about, but damn if I didn't get too far from home to easily return, when I realized the extra camera battery I brought with me had actually been drained. Eek, I was without camera! Aren't those the exact times that you see the best photo ops?! :s

  19. I looove this outfit, so adorable! That sweater would be perfect for my weekend in the poconos :D It totally looks like an awesome "up at the cabin" sort of outfit. Beautiful and so cozy!! I can totally relate as the cold is really starting to get to me. I have super sensitive skin too so after a while my hands get really dry and my face gets itchy- it sucks, haha! But I am keeping my fingers crossed for an early spring too, I hope you have an awesome day, Marisa!! You look fabulous! :)


  20. Marisa, I am living in my large sweaters, but I don't dare photograph myself in them because... well, I look too cozy, like a ball of cozy blankets. You are adorable in this sweater! :)
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  21. I've always preferred big hunks of ripped bread myself! But this sweater is awesome indeed! It's so cute on you - it's very you. You seem to layer well too - I really don't layer well. My version of winter layering is adding a scarf. I need to move somewhere where it doesnt snow, I was not made for it!

    <3 katherine / of corgis & cocktails
    enter to win a custom made dog or cat collar!

  22. I love that sweater! So pretty and cozy it makes me wish for winter all over again....just a bit though.
    Almost Endearing

  23. oversized sweaters on cold days are the best! and love the colour-coordination in your tights/trousers:-) xx

  24. Perfectly comfy styled outfit. I love the chunky knit and the colourful scarf. You look beautiful. xx/Madison Have a great lovely weekend.

  25. I do think spring is coming sooner than it usually does for us though. . .I hear birdies chirping!

    Very cute outfits! My husband thought your husband was cool in this (he's next to me). ;)

  26. I am in love with the sweater! the whole comfortable yet chic look is amazing and looks great on you! So perfect for the colder climate (;
    Thank you so much for your sweet comments! It made me smile from ear to ear :D xx
    Hope you're having a superchic Friday!
    Kisses from LA,


  27. Beautiful colors and prints as always ! This sweater is amazing !

  28. When I first saw the photo of you in your sweater, before seeing you write "cozy" I immediately wanted to cuddle up in bed with a sweater just like it! It definitely feels cozy, even across the internet!

  29. such an adorable sweater Marisa and I am so jealous of the beautiful snow and layering! I cannot wait for it to get a bit colder in Australia so I can at least throw a cardigan on! Hope you're doing well xo Ilana @My Modern Vintage

  30. I love that sweater and just the whole thing put together is amazing :)

  31. This is a very fashionable and cute uniform if you ask me; and may I add that the Mr looks very fashionable himself, too ;).

    Have a wonderful week, sweet Marisa! ;D


  32. You have the best sweater collection in the world.

  33. This sweater is seriously amazing. I second Jessica about your sweater collection! Also, I saw what you put up on Facebook :D CONGRATS! Can I put something up in the Flock Together group about it for any of the girls who aren't friends with you? This is so exciting!

  34. Where does everyone get those nice comfy looking socks!?

  35. Hi Marisa! Just catching up on old old posts here! I love the colors you've combined in this outfit...and that sweater! YUM! Makes frigid cold a bit more bearable. I'm already getting excited for fall fashion over here in the middle of July...shoot!

    perfectly priya


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