
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nifty 50

Dress: Modcloth - Bday gift from the Mr.
Hat: Vintage, antique mall
Brooch: Gift from sister
Tights: Modcloth
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

Another weekend spent in Philadelphia was just what the doctor ordered for this gal after weeks of feeling a bit of cabin fever and very snowed in here on my little mountainside in this small town.  So onto the city we went.

On this particular day, all I was craving was a milkshake - and not any old kind, but rather one of those fabulous homemade kinds with all the bells and whistles.  Of course I knew it was meant to be after reading posts from Katie and Hannah that talked about milkshakes and diner trips and all that delicious jazz.  So anyhoo, the Mr. and I ventured off in search of the perfect milkshake and that brought us back to Nifty Fifties - a kitschy little spot complete with a jukebox, the best milkshakes in town, and cheese fries to die for.  So that's indeed what we had.  Banana coconut custard was my flavor.  Score.  That's all I really needed.  I was in total state of bliss.  And I lived happily ever after.

Oh and afterwards, we went for a walk at a pretty little park by the water - to burn the calories from our indulgences of course ;-)

The end.

Love bunches darlings,


  1. Beautiful, beautiful combination :)
    Adore that dress with the house-pockets and those leggings..

    Shubhi's Revels!

  2. Nifty fifties is my favorite spot to get fries and a milkshake! I only go there like once or twice a year .... otherwise it'd be dangerous!

  3. Your coat your coat, I must see a full photo of your coat! I think I might be in love with it.
    Also, mmmm milkshake and cheese fries =) xx

  4. sounds like the best place for a milkshake! Also that dress is beautiful, your Mr made a fine choice! xx

  5. banana coconut custard sounds delicious! I haven't had a milkshake in a looooong time, but now I think I may have to get one ;) I love that dress your husband gifted you! It's so adorable and so very you, Marisa!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  6. Yum! I'm totally craving milkshake now :p; it's been a while. Maybe I can schedule that as a date this weekend; it's our anniversary, so the Mr can't refuse, hehe.

    Have a wonderful week, Marisa! Your dress makesme smile :D.

  7. These photos are so beautiful!! What a lovely trip to get away from home for a bit. This dress the Mr. bought you is absolutely darling, love it with the bright tights!! And now all I want is a milkshake or a smoothie of some sort, mmmm

  8. Hooray for milkshakes and diners! Your milkshake flavor sounds divine and I now have a huge hankering for a pile of cheese fries! Your hubby did an amazing job on the dress it is so cute, and I love the photo location- the tiles on the building roof dome are beautiful!
    Glad you had such a nice little trip!
    xo Hannah

  9. that dress was made for you! love it!

  10. I had an oreo milkshake the other night. Even though it is cold out, they are just too good to pass up! I really love your house dress!!! So beautiful!!!!

  11. I <3 milkshakes and your dress/tights pairing!

  12. That dress is so cool!

  13. I'm so jealous that you got this dress! I've been in love with it ever since I first saw it on Modcloth. It looks stellar on you, just your kind of piece! And this sounds like the most perfect afternoon, now I want a milkshake :)

  14. I'm in love with that dress!! And the brooch is so cute on it!


  15. Just you saying the flavor of you milkshake- yum! Also, you are so cute in your little houses dress! It is very you.

  16. Oh my, this dress is as darling as can be! How sweet that your guy got that for you. Ah yes, a milkshake is just what one needs sometimes...and banana coconut-what a fun flavor! Our place has an Elvis flavor that's bananas, peanut butter, and honey but I haven't tried it yet. Also, your backdrops are always so enchanting, a wonderful set of photos all around! Have a blessed day Marisa darling!

  17. I LOVE the accents on that dress. And those tights are a great color, one I don't see very often.

  18. oh my gosh, these photographs are wonderful! i adore the dress (okay, is that a ABM for modcloth dress?! i swear, i think it is!).

    lindsey louise

  19. This dress is the sweets thing I've ever seen and I need that milkshake right now.

  20. What a wonderful dress! I'm loving the details!

  21. Hey gorgeous! You look amazing and unique as ever and that diner looks to die for xo

  22. What a lovely dress ! And your shoes have the perfect heels !!!

  23. the mister has good taste! that dress is beyond adorable and so becoming on you! :)

  24. Sounds like a great place to go - I wanna go now! We were just in Philly this weekend too funny enough! This dress is perfect on you - I alwayas thought it looked perfect for you when I would see it on modcloth. The tights are the perfect pairing with it. And that coat!!! LOOVEEE it

    <3 katherine / of corgis & cocktails

  25. You are the cutest, Marisa! And I love how you don't let cold temps stop you from a milkshake craving! That sounds like such a delicious flavor! Phili looks so fun- you always make me want to go there. I love this dress, those houses are adorable.

  26. i love love love this dress.. i have had a crush on it since the beautiful mess items landed in modcloth! its so cute! and you've dressed it so so well! xxx

  27. ooooooh my! That dress is so so so adorable, i'm so jealous! x

  28. You have just reminded me that it has been far too long since I've had a milkshake! Sounds like you had a great trip to the city, and you sure looked cute doing it. xo

  29. oh my, that milkshake looks and sounds utterly heavenly! I also really love your dress, the house pockets are very clever indeed! also the collar is very cute and suits you to a T xxx

  30. That dress is just so so so perfect! I have been swooning over it for ages! You are quite the lucky gal! It looks like you had such a wonderful weekend!


  31. I love that dress!! I would totally wear this outfit even though I can't wear dresses that much :( Ixx


  32. oh and another time you are wearing my favorite coat;) i love that mustard color so much, looks so good on you and gosh what a darling dress! those houses on it are sooooo cute!!!
    you are the sweetness in person;)
    love and kiss,mary

  33. Aw this outfit is just too cute, and I love the little brooch that you paired with it, just adorable!



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