
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fleet Little Fox

Sweater: Gift from Mom
Hat, Skirt, Shoes: Vintage thrifted
Blouse (dress): UO

Hello there darlings!

Well, this weekend proved to be yet another perfectly packed one which included a candy jar making craft night with friends, a hockey game (which I will admit I was a trooper at...fear of heights and the nosebleeds are not an ideal mix), and more drama practices because...hooray, the high school team that I coach advanced to the next competition level.  Anyhow, with snow on the ground and frost on my nose, staying busy seems to be the best remedy to beat the winter blues.  Finding vintage berets at the thrift store also seem to help keep my cold little ears warm.

More importantly, a month or so ago I mentioned that exciting things were ahead for me and my family and indeed they are!  In fact, I've been hiding something for far too long now and it's about time that I clue you in on my sweet little secret...though some of you many already know if you have seen my instagram ;-)  The truth is this family of foxes are adding one more to their fleet.  That's right ....

Looks like Keane will gaining a baby brother and mama will have a house full a boys on her hands.  22 weeks along I am and couldn't be happier.  It's hard to believe I'm over half way there!  So far along baby boy is growing healthy and strong and mama is just feeling a little more tired than usual.  

That's about all for now.  This mama is craving a cup of herbal tea and an oatmeal cookie :-)  Off to the kitchen I go to hunt.

Have a lovely Tuesday!

Love bunches,


  1. Congratulations on your lovely news. I'd never have guessed until you pointed it out. You're in great shape. Love this outfit too xxx

  2. gorgeous colors!! i adore the sweater and collar!! amazing shoes and skirt!! so cute hat!!

  3. Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you! Cant wait to follow along and watch your belly finish growing!

  4. when you posted a while back about big things in store, my first thought was "baby!!!" i'm so excited for you 3! i love your little family, even though we've never met in real life. praying for you!

  5. YAY!!! So. Awesome! I'm so so so excited for you guys! I also can't wait to see how you grow - I am betting I end up bookmarking everything you do for style inspiration when I get to having children one day. I LOVE your sweater - so cute and perfect for this post! And your shoes - adorable. I want them.

  6. yey for being a mom of two boys!!!! It is great! You'll see!!! Hehehehe. YEY! I'm really really excited!! You look adorable by the way!

  7. This outfit is so fun, I like how you use color on your blog. Following on Bloglovin : )

    Ali of

  8. Oh my goodness, congratulations, that's so exciting! A house full of boys sounds like it will be crazy but good :) roommate owns that sweater, and I'm always jealous whenever she wears it ;)

  9. I lvoe this location and your skirt! Such an awesome outfit :)

  10. I love how you styled this whole look! And congrats on your new addition!

  11. I couldn't be happier for you and your family!! This is so exciting, and a house full of boys! oh my!! As someone used to being in a house full of boys it may be crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way :)
    I love the fox sweater and this pretty teal skirt on you, looking lovely as always!!

  12. CONGRATS MARISA!!!! SO exited for you and your family. :))

  13. congrats to you! ah, such a cute little family!
    i adore the colors here, the beret (because i have it too!), and the fox sweater. i need more colors in my closet.. must go to target to get more colored tights!

    lindsey louise

  14. Congratulations, Marisa!!! Not only do you look beautiful here, but I'm so happy to hear that you are adding one more to your little family! You and Keane in pictures together are already too cute... another little one.. yikes! So much cuteness! So, so happy for you :)

    I love that last picture as well, with the little shoes :) xoxox

  15. Another adorable fox sweater in your possession!? What an amazing gift from your momma! And speaking of Momma's I know I said it before but congratulations again!!! I am so excited to watch you on this amazing journey! I just noticed the tiny shoes in the last picture which is absolutely adorable, your family is just the sweetest!

  16. Oh my goodness, where did your mom get this sweater for you? It's amazing. And it looks wonderful layered over the dress. Congrats again! I'm so excited for you! :)

  17. Congratulation, such lovely news. ps. I love your jumper.. anything with woodland animals on are adorable!


  18. congratulations, marisa! the last picture is adorable, and i'm really happy for you and your whole family:-) xx

  19. What adorable pics. I LOVE the shoes! And congrats to you!!

  20. ah girl you were hiding it for so long!! I've already told you but wanted to say congrats again, so exciting Keane will have a little brother! Love your outfit too, the fox sweater is perfect w/ the turquoise dress & somehow you look cute & smile even in that snow! super cool you coach a hs theater group, i didnt know that!

  21. AHHH! Congratulations! That is so so so exciting! And a little boy too? They are the best. :) Can't wait to see pictures of the new little one!


  22. Amazing outfit! You look like you should be an extra in a Wes Anderson film or Glee. LOVE the fox jumper, it's adorable. I want to steal your style.

  23. Show me a fox and I'll love it! Your weekend sounds really wonderful!

  24. Oh ! Congratulations for the coming baby ! He's going to be born in a beautiful family !
    I love this look ! The sweater is amazing, and the detail of the flowered collar is everything !

  25. Wow! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! A baby! My fiance and I are lately talking a lot about when we should start having kids, but as we both do not really earn any money yet we will probably wait another 1-2 years. I am really really happy for you and your family!


  26. Very cute :)


    Coline ♡

  27. another little cub to add to your clan, that's fantastic news! You look really happy, well you always do anyway. I love the sweater and the collar of the dress, I'm after a similar colour and shape skirt so I'm jealous of that! It all looks great on you! xxxx

  28. This has to be the best autumn winter outfit ive seen. i love the fox jumper and the hat is lush. Absolutely lovely blog


  29. You and your great sweaters - I want your collection, too!


  30. Aww so happy for you Marisa!! Another gorgeous little boy no doubt ;) And that fox jumper is so cute! xx

  31. AHHH Congratulations! That is so exciting for you guys :)


  32. Congratulations!! I'm late to the party - just found/followed your blog and I love everything about it! Can't wait to keep reading about your style and your upcoming little one ;)
    xo, B |

  33. oh marisa, congratulations again!!! :) And I am so totally swooning over that adorable sweater! I need that foxy thang in my life!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  34. Oh my gosh, congratulations! It's an accomplishment to look this adorable and svelte at the halfway mark! Hope you're feeling good and can't wait to see all the bump styling to come.

  35. Ah! I love this outfit and I'm so excited for you! You two clearly make beautiful babies and I can't wait to see this one grow!

  36. Okay, my mind is thinking way faster than I can type! I am in love with this outfit so so much! You look absolutely adorable with your fox sweater and that oh-so perfect collar! Thank you Mom! haha (:
    Congratulations by the way! :D So exciting xx
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, Marisa!
    You are so sweet

    ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

  37. CONGRATULATIONS Marisa!! I am so excited for you three! :) I can't believe you were able to hide it so long! Your announcement is way too cute and this outfit is perfection. I love love love that collar with the fox sweater! Gorgeous.

  38. Huge congrats Marisa, what lovely news! Delighted for you xo

  39. Oh my goodness! What wonderful news. Congratulations to you guys. I am so happy for you. xo

  40. oh lady what wonderful news! huge congrats!! cant wait to see you all cute and heavily pregnant heehee and of course cant wait to meet the lil guy xxx best wishes to you and the family xxx

  41. I'm SO SO excited for you and your family! Seems like babies are in the air :) You look darling as ever with the cutest bump! Big hugs!

  42. Wow, congratulations! I hope everything goes well! And great outfit, love hte combination with the bright blue and the sweater.

  43. Love how the hats look on you.

  44. I'm so happy for you Marisa! I can't wait to see all your pregnancy outfits and the arrival of another sweet boy :).



    Southern (California) Belle

  45. WOW congrats! wonderful news!
    btw love your outfit so much! maybe your best one!
    love all these colors!

  46. OMG! Congrats, guys!!! ;D YAY! Keane's becoming an older brother! Is he excited?

    And how come you have Instagram and I'm not following you?! I remember looking you up, but maybe you used a different name? I need to find you!

    Tight hugs!!!

  47. Ahhh congratulations!!! That's so exciting. I also just adore your sweater, especially paired with that collar! So darling. xx

    Allie @

  48. The knit of the handle of the fox is lovely.



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