
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cherry Keane Sunsets

Outfit Details: Top: Modcloth (sale) // Hat: UO // Brooch: Antique Mall // Skirt & Shoes: Thrifted // Bag: c/o Cute Vintage

Happy happy weekend darlings!

Hope your Saturday is a swell one.  Today is pretty low key for me and the fam and little house projects like painting our front door are in order.  Sounds excited, right?  (Note my sarcasm...ha!)  Anyhow, my favorite kinds of evenings are ones like this where we grab some coffees (it's pumpkin spice latte time!) and find a peaceful little deserted spot on the river where we can watch the sunset and yes play with trains...any Thomas the Tank Engine fans out there? :)  

So that is all - the front door beckons so off I am to prime and paint.  Wish me well!  Any exciting plans on your horizon?

Love Bunches, 


  1. Ahh! Completely adorable. That skirt is too cute for words! I love when you post pictures of the little guy.

    My nephew was a HUGE Thomas fan was he was younger, and my niece liked them too for a little bit. Now they are getting big. My nephew started high school this year! :)

    Enjoy your weekend! Learning some new songs on the uke? :)


  2. Love your skirt! These are some lovely pictures. :)

  3. yess, pumpkin spice lattes!! i've been craving them, and finally had one the other day. it was lovely :) anyway, both you and your little guy are adorbs. i really love your shirt! don't you just love modcloth sales...


  4. Enjoy your priming and painting :) You look wonderful, and the little guy is just so adorable! I want one like that when I have one :) Also, all this talk of pumpkin spice lattes is making me very sad... It's not available in the UK!

  5. I love love love your pictures! And your outfit too, plus your little guy is adorable! Have a great week-end :)

  6. I'm about to go bowling as it is raining a bunch right now....heavily. It is really pretty. . . .and now the sun is shining through it which is soooo cool. It is a sun shower, and this is the third one today. Anyway, I love that Kaene is of course holding a Thomas do my boys. hehe. SO CUTE! You look lovely

  7. That hat looks adorable on you. Great photos too.


  8. you are so beautiful, lady! i just love that first image of you. and your son is adorable. :)) i really dig this outfit. my comments have become a little sparse on your blog, but i just wanted to let you know that i read all of your posts! <3


  9. I love this look! That skirt is beautiful! I hope you enjoy your weekend.xx

  10. i think painting the front door sounds exciting, actually. what color? and i love this bridge area - i want to go off and take photos here it's such a pretty bridge. and i LOVE that top. that v neck with the lace back is such an amazing little surprise. your outfit is so pretty - and you look adorable in hats.

    and that photo of your son running is SO adorable!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  11. Gorgeous photos! What a fun glimpse into your life :) I think all little guys love Thomas the tank engine!
    That long skirt is just divine on you-what a lovely print! My husband saw a girl today with a big floppy hat on and he said he liked it...which surprised me because he NEVER notices fashion. I need to get a hat like yours now-especially if it's hubby approved!

  12. Oooh painting the front door sounds fun! What color did you guys choose? I think I may be addicted to changing the scenery around my home too much. I love it! Haha :).
    I seriously love your print mixing so much. I must recreate some of your outfits asap!! and oh my goshhhhhh that CUTIE. i die when i see him!!


  13. painting your front door, eh? What color? Bright red? Turquiose? I love houses that have front doors with a pop of color.

    I hope you're Saturday night turns out exactly as you hoped. I don't worry about being a Thomas the Tank Fan. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and proud of it!

  14. I really love this outfit. I'm officially going broke because of pumpkin spice lattes.

  15. Oh man, I love the back of your top and the floral maxi skirt of course! How wonderful! Hope you had a great Saturday!

  16. Ouu the back of that shirt is AMAAAZING. Agh I'm so glad I don't have a starbucks directly on my commute to school, I find myself buying a pumpkin spice latte everytime I walk by a starbucks :( It's bad.


  17. That second photo looks so dreamy! And I love the detail on the back of your shirt, so so pretty :)

  18. I love these photos!! The striped top and floral skirt are so perfect together and the back of that top is stunning. This looks like such a perfect afternoon. Amazing!

  19. Actually, painting your front door sounds like a great thing to be doing! =)
    I love your outfit so much, but not as much as that view! Wow.

  20. the second picture is stunning! and i love doing little house projects like that, haha! :) xx

  21. eek, I still get childhood flashbacks from the Thomas theme. Your little one is proper little man, he always looks in a rush to get up to some mischief!

    You look lovely, I love that skirt with the platforms xxx

  22. these pics are too cute. i love your blog, following you now! i have a new outfit post, would love to know what you think hun!!

  23. I love your shirt! these photos are cute. Keane is just about the cutest little boy ever!

  24. Replies
    1. oooh that little man!!!! how adorable he is ;) and i love that picture of the sunset! it´s really like you said, there is something magical in just enjoy that last summer days of this year;) the back of your top is just wow!
      wish you a wonderful week marisa darling!

  25. Awesome photos, as usual! Awe, Keane! :D

    Hope you started the week off with a huge smile, sweet Marisa!

  26. Oh my, you looks so flawlessly beautiful in the photo underneath Keane (who by the way, is getting so big!) This outfit is very lovely and flatters your body so well. Hope you're having a lovely Monday!

  27. What a GORGEOUS combination of prints! Stripes+cherries, how lovely! And your little boy looks so happy :)

  28. I'm always super jealous of you ladies who can mix prints so well!! i can not do it to save my life but i always love it when i see it on someone else!! i need to take a print mixing class! xoxo


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