
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Teacups and Early Sunsets

Outfit Details: Dress: Thrifed & altered // Hat: Target // Necklace: Etsy // Bag: Chantilly Songs Kickstarter gift // Socks: UO // Shoes: Clarks (gift from hubby)

As the days are getting shorter and the weather has seriously cooled off, I am finding that warm cups of cider, heavier blankets, cozy hats, and pumpkin spiced anything is really getting me into this new season.   As my hubs has been battling a fall cold, I spent a good part of my afternoon yesterday outside on our hammock reading (or re-reading)  some Hemingway, taking in the cool breeze but still basking in the bit of sunshine that sneakily peeked through the trees.  This all being during the hours where my son takes his nap.  The evening was filled with sweet potato quinoa and was finished off by a sunset kayaking run on the lake with a friend.  It's hard for me to not miss the warm summer weather, but little moments like this make it all the easier.

As for this dress - I just had to mention it.  It was a dowdy old thing down past my ankles before I hemmed it up, but I just couldn't get over the peter pan collar and teacup and menu print - so I snagged it up at my local thrift.  Better yet, my hubs bought these shoes for me six years ago and I hadn't worn them once.  I guess back when he bought them I was more into pointy toed heels and such, but how very nice to find them now packed away in a large container in the back of my closet.  It was like an early birthday gift.

So that is life as of late.  It's 9-11 today and I can't help but to remember seeing that tragic day unfold 11 years ago as a young student in my college dorm room.  My heart truly goes out to the families who lost loved ones that day and has great respect for the many heroes that stepped up to keep our country safe.  You will never be forgotten.  
Talk soon darlings!
Love Bunches, 


  1. you look so sweet. you did a great job altering the dress - it's precious!

  2. You and your hats...such wonderful style.

  3. ah the print on this dress! Gorgeous. Reading Hemingway in a hammock- what bliss.. I also would not say no to warm cider <3 xx

  4. You look so lovely! I love how you altered that dress; simply adorable! Oh my goodness, sitting in a hammock reading some classics sounds so wonderful right now, instead of reading textbooks. Bleck. :)


  5. Im waiting to see your outfit post with the new sailor neck from instagram!

    1. Ha, yes, thanks Tia! A simple little DIY on the actual collar will be up tomorrow or Thurs, but I have yet to actually wear it ... I need to get to it :)

  6. you're wearing my bag!! ahhh, i feel so special!

    i always see dresses and skirts with too-long hems that i want to chop. my boyfriend got me a sewing machine just before i left for camp, but i don't know how to use it! i'm hoping it's at least easy enough for me to figure out how to hem things, eventually. anyway, i love your outfit, and that last picture is just gorgeous!


  7. So gorgeous photos, especially the first one!!
    xx Viola

  8. What a neat print on the dress! I love these photos - the light leaks are so beautiful here!!! Magical :)


  9. Those shoes look beautiful to me, but I guess that's the joy of changing tastes. I hardly ever get rid of clothes in the hope that one day I will be inspired to change the ones I like or suddenly find myself loving them.

    Also you really make me want to look again at all the old lady dresses in the charity shops and see if I could make them something cute...

  10. AHHH THE DRESS! So cute, great job fixing it up, the print looks absolutely darling! I was thrifting yesterday and saw two to three long dresses with cute fall prints and then the price tag said $19.99, and I am a huge cheap-o and had to put them back! Usually the long kind you need to fix up, especially of the early 80s sort, are about $6 where I thrift. Oh well!
    The shoes are also adorable, love finding things I once planned to giveaway that are new to me again! As for the weather, its still in the high 80s here, and then supposed to drop THIRTY whole degrees on Thursday (ugh!) I hope you are having a wonderful day!
    xo Hannah

  11. You are an incredibly talented writer, Miss Marisa! Not to mention absolutely gorgeous. Great job on the hem. If you have a basic sewing machine the possibilities are endless! Thank you for the inspiration xx

  12. Hattitude Style Blog

    oh dear oh my oh me! i love knee high socks. I have not been on the blogosphere as much lately, but i always managed to come back to your blog and check it out. the last few outfits have been STELLAR. i am LOVING the print on print on print. IT's my favourite!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  13. How cute it that dress! Good that you could see past the dowdiness to the terrific. I have to start thrifting more with possible alterations in mind.

    I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment regarding 9-11.

  14. I am just loving ALL of your outfits. your style is so adorable & fun! love that dress w/ those socks & shoes :)
    Oh, My

  15. Aaah how excellent of you to see the potential in this dress! It looks awesome, and the print is darling.

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  16. What an amazing find for this dress, it's awesome that you were able to see past it's hemline. I love it, such a pretty pattern and those lace knee high tights are soooo cute. You look adorable.
    I wish I was still in new york for the memorial today!

  17. I am so jealous of your adorableness and ability to find and alter amazing dresses such as this! Every time I try to hem a dress it always turns out terribly. i need some practice hehe :)
    Fall weather is starting to hit Georgia too and it is so nice. I can't wait to hear the constant crumple of leaves blowing in the breeze. Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year!

  18. Gorgeous outfit, the socks are ridiculously cute x

  19. We are still over 35Âșc here, so just dreaming with cooler weather.
    Loving your dress, and every pic, my magic Marisa.
    I have a niece called Marisa( In Spanish Marisa comes from Maria Luisa)
    How are you called a Spanish name???

  20. The print on the dress is so charming.

  21. Wow! What an adorable outfit! I love the shoe-socks-hat-combination! So beautiful!
    And what a lovely blog you have! Will be around more often from know on ;)

    Love from Germany :)

  22. I can't believe you forgot about those darling shoes! And your socks are wonderful. I can't believe it's cooled off so quickly, I really miss summer. You look gorgeous in that dress and hat!

  23. I think this is the most excited I've ever been about finding a new blog!
    You make me want to go out buy a bunch of sweet vintage patterned dresses. Yippie!


  24. look at you! you look super-cute!! <3 really love your style on this post. i love the dress print, and of course that princesses looking socks :)
    and my best prayer to all family of 11 sept victims... O:)

  25. Thank you for your comment on! Im waiting to see photos of your next bike riding tour :)
    Would you mind following each other?


  26. You did a great job hemming this dress, now it looks cuter than ever! And those red shoes are jsut adorable :) YOU are adorable!

  27. HI girl!. We love you hat, gorgeous!. You look really cute. Nice! We r following you right now!
    girls from VOGUELE

  28. you did a great job altering it - it looks GREAT on you now! and the print is SO cute. i am starting to get more into my fall habits too - i'm exciting for hot tea and yummy soups!

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  29. Is it getting cooler there already?! Here, days are definitely getting shorter :(, hate that! But temperatures have been as high as 106F!

    Love how you rock those socks!

  30. you look so wonderfull like always!


  31. oh goodness!! this outfit is just perfection!! you are so pretty!!

  32. your hubby picked out great shoes! I want them and your socks! I love socks and tights sooo much!
    sweet potato quinoa sounds so beyond delicious!

  33. Your blog is so lovely! I´m following you now. I would love to welcome you on mine too =) I just started recently and I´m always have for comments, improvement suggestions and the like! =)
    Take Care!


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