
Friday, September 7, 2012

Insta Weekly - Summer's End

Hello there darlings!

It's hard to believe this week is wrapping up already.  This is a little shot of life lately via instagram (shadesofmonet).  I am surely taking in every last bit of summer that I can before we must say, "farewell".   

Catch up with you soon!
Love bunches, 
Marisa Noelle

Photos row by row - left to right:

1.  Cupcaking.  Enough said.
2.  Tea and alterations.  I am smitten with the lacy Peter Pan collar and dark floral print on this dress.
3.  A pretty little friend came to say hello to us in the lake.
4.  6:30 AM kayaking.  Pure beauty.
5.  The Mr's. birthday.
6.  Sunny afternoons of photo-taking and lily pads.  
7.  The little man's first day of pre-school.
8.  Good old-fashioned sunsets on the river.
9.  Happy Friday from the two of us :)


  1. Love the photos, you're such a photogenic family! And that photo of the bridge at sunset is beautiful. Swans make me nervous though! Enjoy your weekend :)

  2. absolutely precious :)

    dottie @

  3. lovely! i love seeing your photos on instagram - such lovely sun

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  4. Lovely photos Marisa, your little man is sooo cute !!! Just followed you on Insta ! XX

  5. it all looks absolutely gorgeous as usual! xxxxx

  6. Love Instagram and Love these photos Marisa! So great.


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