
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Amusement II

 Outfit Details: Dress: Francesca's Collections (sale)// Scarf: From Grandmother // Cardi: UO (remixed here) // Shoes: UO

Several weeks back the Mr. and I headed off the beaten path just a bit to peruse a local pop up flea market.  Unfortunately we got there a tad too late and all the vendors had torn down however the grounds were still open, so this defunct amusement park where the flea market is held, was all ours to explore.  

Talk about eerie.  It was not hard to see this once lively little amusement park was just a skeleton of it's former self.  Decrepit spider web laced buildings, a carousel pavilion without a carousel inside of it, and a single wooden coaster left to stand in all it's overgrown tree engulfed glory.  

So there you have it - I may not have found any flea market treasures, but I sure found an old and rusty, and still quite charming little gem.

Have a beautiful Saturday darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. you look super cute in your otufit! and the photos are super pretty :)

  2. Yikes, it does look a little scary there. But your photos are beautiful. Your cardigan is so adorable!!

  3. These pictures are THEE coolest things ever; such an awesome spot! Plus, I really like your outfit. Those shoes are divine.


  4. more gorgeous photos!! You find the best places to go! Love those shoes xxx

    1. you have like an inner instinct to find always the most magical places and you also achieve always looking like you totally belong to this magic! oh and this is the loveliest weater i´ve seen darling!

  5. So my exact thoughts while scrolling through this post were... "aw such a cute headband!" "that cardigan is so pretty!" "OH MY GOD THAT DRESS!!"

    You have such pretty taste is clothes :)

  6. That is really strange but sounds so cool!!

  7. What an interesting and beautiful spot to explore! And done so in a very charming outfit. I sure do like your cardigan.


  8. Wow i'd like to go there and discover that place. It looks so charming, magical and vintage ! Super nice photos you took ! Oh and of course i love your outfit, the cardi is so sweet and the shoes remind me of Daisy Duck :) Have a fabby weekend ! XX Tani

  9. Marisa, it has been FOREVER!
    I missed so much :(
    But here I am ready to read all that I've missed

    first of all, your cardigan is so darling! I love the primary colors all sticking out :)
    and it's too bad about the flea market, but at least you have a good spot for outfit pics ;)

    The Sweetest Escape 

  10. oooh eerie buy very enchanting!

    I really love that pear cardigan with the multi-colored pears and the beautiful striped dress :) And oh my gosh, Marisa, those heels are beautiful!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  11. Wow what a beautiful (and kind of depressing) location! I bet it was thriving and gorgeous at one time- filled with children's laughter an noises of screams and carnival rides.It's sad that more and more things front the past are disappearing each day for the growth of the world. It's crazy.
    On the other hand, you look so gorgeous deary! You seem to brighten up the location and lift the spirit of it. I love how you match with your different prints and lovely head scarf. You are always a charmer!

  12. Pretty cool place...lovely photos! I love that dress and your hair up in that scarf! :) -Lo

  13. These are some gorgeous photos. This outfit is simply perfect too.

  14. Although the market was closed, I love the location that you took your photos. Gorgeous contrast colours in your outfit as well. :)

  15. you know, i love to visit the old amusement park. i don't care is dead or haunted, i just love it. i don't know why :D some said i'm a weirdo, but reading this post i think you enjoying too being there :) you look pretty as always, marisa. you cardigan is the cutest i ever seen :) i always love read shoes too :) have a nice monday :))

  16. i love that cardigan. and I've decided; i think you need to start selling head pieces! i would love to buy one of those pretty scarves..

  17. I enjoy your photos so much Marisa - love your individual, unique style xo

  18. The missing market/amusement park give the place an interesting vibe! Love these photos and the outfit! :P

    Have a great week, Marisa! ;D

  19. This is the exact same place from Corgis & Cocktails post! Now I really really want to go!

  20. I love these! The flea market closes down at 2ish but it didn't seem like it went on inside the park anymore. It was solo easy to get in thoug, just freaky. I love that we keep going to the same places at almost the same time! Let's meet up in August or September! I'm emailing you now!

  21. gosh, this location is a dream!

  22. You always find the coolest locations for your photos. I love your dress, and of course the colors. (I sound like a broken record, hahaha.)

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  23. absolutely adore these colors on you.

    and congrats on eight years :)

  24. What a fun/eerie place to explore! Too bad the market was closed but at least you could wander around. Turquoise and red are one of my favorite color combos. I have a pear skirt from UO that looks like the same print :) Cute outfit girl!

  25. The location for this shoot is so awesome! I would love to wander around there and explore. Fun!



  26. lovely as always. and I need those shoes!


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