
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Custard and Ice

 Outfit Details: Dress, Bag, Belt, Shoes: Thrifted // Floral Crown: DIY

What's a gal gotta do to keep cool on a sweltering hot 90 something, full blast humidity kind of day?  Eat gallons and gallons of water ice and custard of course.  Well maybe that's an exaggeration, but I'm sure I can't be that far off, right?  It's been so bloody hot that I feel like my face is melting off, tell me I'm not the only one...hehe.

Anyhoo, with the sweet little kiddo away at the grandparent's house - this day is dedicated to my dapper fella.  A day spent out and about with just the two of us beckons.  It's been a long white, so I am giddy as a school girl.  I must be off darlings but catch you real soon!

Love Bunches, 

One more thing -
The winner of Hattitude Jewellery's Vintage Recycled Necklace Giveaway is ...

 ** Laura of Thrifting Through Life  **

Thanks a million to all who entered:)


  1. Have a wonderful time with your fella!! That sounds like a good time :) This dress is ammmazing, I love the colour on you, and it's so pretty with the wedges and that floral crown. Perfect look for a hot day :D

  2. Hattitude Style Blog

    oh marisa you look so darling in this outfit. I love love love the dress with the DIY crown. I'm going to have to make one this week for my uncle's hippie party this saturday!
    is that ice cream purse for real? it is SUCH a gem.
    enjoy your day with your hubby!
    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  3. You are definitley not the only one with a melting face. Mine is melting as I type! very cute outfit. :)

  4. Marisa, This outfit is LOVELY! The dress, the shoes, and oh em gee that amazing ice cream purse! I have been drinking so much ice water and eating too much ice cream. It's so ridic!
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  5. Every post is better than the one before, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I love the dress, sandals . The gorgeous flowers in your head, and the coolness of every pic.
    I want, want, want that bag, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    You are off to my pinterest Bloggers love, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  6. I hope you can stay cool dear, I cannot take that much humidity. What a beautiful colour ...that dress is gorgeous on you! Happy weekend.

  7. I hope you can stay cool dear, I cannot take that much humidity. What a beautiful colour ...that dress is gorgeous on you! Happy weekend.

  8. What a gorgeous dress on you... I love the colour! I hope you can stay cool, I don't do well in so much humidity. Happy weekend. xo

  9. Your flower crown is fantastic. I love the whole outfit.

  10. You look so lovely! I wish I could look as good in this horrific weather, I'm literally a hot mess! I haven't even been brave enough to venture outside for longer than a few minutes in days, it's just too icky!

    1. i have to agree with sacramento every post is better than the one before (if this is possible) you definitely took all the fabulousness of the world here! i love that dress and the ice cream bag!

  11. Enjoy your time together! Your bag is too sweet!


  12. I love your floral headband! So pretty.
    Have fun on your date day with your fella. That custard looks delish!

  13. So gorgeous! I love all the colours, as always! I hope you and your fella had a beautiful time together! :) I am very jealous of the heat your patch of the globe is getting! :) xxx

  14. Just had some froyo and that and ice cream is what I usually turn to when it's hot (or cold)! And I ADORE what you are wearing- the details are priceless! What a treasure of a find with the dress and the ice cream cone print bag! -Jessica


  15. Oh my gosh I am loving these! The red and orange look SO good together! How cute are you eating your ice cream with your ice cream purse!

    It is FINALLY in the 70s here after 3 weeks of near 100 or over. So, I totally feel you on the face melting off feeling. It has been too gross to even enjoy the sunny outdoors because you are miserable within 5 minutes! Froyo has been the only option!
    Thanks also for your email today, I will make sure to follow up on all the cool opportunities you are offering asap!
    xo Hannah

  16. Ahhh, I just wish I could pull off those beautiful flowers! It reminds me of that one gorgeous Frida Kahlo painting that has mix of oranges and reds. Such a cute outfit!

  17. Mmmm I can never say no to ice scream =)
    U look lovely =)

  18. AWE, Marisa! This outfit is wonderful and the ice cream is a great complement, haha! I could totally use one of those right now :p. Today is probably the hottest day so far this year; one good thing about Cali is that it always cools down at night; I'm always cold after 8pm! Crazy!

    I also love your flower crown! I've been meaning to make one myself, but I don't trust my skills, hehe.

    Hope you and the hubby are having a wonderful weekend! ;D

  19. That bag! It's so precious, what a find!
    It's been so warm but I actually wish I could have more time to enjoy some of the heat - I'm inside in air conditioning all day for work! :(


  20. I just love your blog! It's so pretty! xx

  21. I love days spent with just my husband! What a nice refresher :) You certainly look very lovely! That color is simply stunning on you- coupled with the flowers in your hair I'm sure your man was very proud to have you on his arm- have a wonderful day!

  22. Yeah, that's been my solution for all of this heat too. Great minds!
    Anyway, these photos are lovely, and you look beautiful! That dress is perfect on you :)

  23. Such a cute outfit! Isn't the PA weather just been awful? Thought it would be good for me to escape to St. Louis for a couple of days. I got here and it was a 107 degrees! Fail. :P

    Yay! Thanks to you and Hattie for hosting such a lovely giveaway! :)


  24. you may be melting your face off but I'd love to be there! it looks gorgeous!

  25. gelati! ah i have NEVER had the whole ice and soft serve thing before coming here but i love it! yours looks delious. and i love your red dress - the print and color are just wonderful

  26. I love your floral crown. I really need to get on with making mine!

  27. Amazing outfit as always :) and I hope that you manage to get through the summer days :) Ixx

  28. Just stumbled upon your blog and I completely broke out in a smile when I saw your happy blog layout and perfectly wonderful summer pics! You look darling and not melty at all!

  29. Your flower crown is uh-maaazeee-ing. seriously! so cute.

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  30. Hi there! I absolutely love your outfit especially that cute bag, I am so excited because i just recieved an email from Chantilly and I won her lovely giveaway of the vintage suitcase!

  31. such a lovely outfit! and water ice and custard sounds good to me! :) x

  32. Such a pretty dress and I love the flowers in your hair! Custard must be different where we are - it's yellow, warm, made of eggs and vanilla? We wouldn't ever put it with ice cream. How do you guys do it?! xo

  33. You are always the cutest, I seriously want to raid your closet. Please send me some of your thrifting luck!

  34. Cute outfit! Love the belt with that dress. Enjoy the ice cream (custard?)

  35. You look so absolutely gorgeous girl! You are certainly stunning in red- I adore your dress and flower crown so much!

  36. love this look an dI love the flower head piece!!

  37. I really love your shoes! How nice!
    It has been really hot lately but you look great even in the heat!


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