
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Day Sunshine

Outfit Details: Top: Vintage // Skirt (dress) : Vintage, upcycled (remixed here) // Hat: Anthropologie (old, on sale) // Brooch: Gift from Sister // Shoes: UO// Tote: Cute Vintage

As a perpetual night owl - I most often think the sunset is the best part of every day, especially on nights like this, which I will admit are few and far between.  Nonetheless, I found this scenic little spot to catch the sun bidding us goodnight and it just seemed to be the perfect farewell to this summer day.

I'm all kinds of giddy at the moment because in a few days I will be leaving for Hilton Head Island, SC with my parents and my son to scout out and book the perfect house for my little sister's beach wedding in November.  The poor hubs and sis have to stay back home and work, but Keane and I and my parents will make it well worth it for when November rolls around.

Anyhow, I must be off for now.  There is much to do and of course much to pack:)
Talk soon darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. This top and skirt look made for each other. I love the color combination/prints. That sounds like such a fun little trip! I've never been down South, I'm not sure I want to, but I do like the water. What a wonderful location for a November wedding!

    Oh, and the sunset photo is dreamy!

  2. Sometimes I feel I might as well not even leave a comment because you know exactly what I am going to say!
    But, here it goes anyway! I LOVE THIS!I love the color palette, its just so happy & I love how you tied the shirt up to wear over the dress- genius! The setting is beautiful, especially in this light. I love that you quite obviously work to find the prettiest settings, it adds so much more (and takes SO MUCH more time, as I know well) then just stepping onto the sidewalk.
    Also, I will email you my giveaway photos/ info tonight! I have "giveaway" scribbled across my wrist so I can't possibly forget when I get home from work! Talk to you soon lovely!
    xo Hannah

  3. Have a GREAT time on vacation lady!! You deserve it.
    Also, you look lovely : ) I can tell you're the happiest in summer : )

  4. I love the mixing of florals! This looks like it was a perfect time of day for photos.
    Penniless Socialite

  5. I so love sunsets too! These pictures capture the scene so beautifully. I particularly love the last one of your cute self from the back. Great that you have a family wedding coming up, plus this journey to go find the perfect spot! So exciting.


  6. Sunsets are the bestest. I love them especially when you've viewing them from very picturesque locations like this one! Wow, Marisa! :) And I love the colors in your outfit a lot. Have a beautiful time!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  7. These photos are beyond gorgeous...actually all the photos in every one of your posts are just simply stunning! I'm loving your floral on floral look here, you've got such an adorable style.

    xo erica

  8. Such a cute outfit :) I hope you have an amazing get away!! Ixx

  9. Wow these photos are stunning, the lighting is always magical.. I love those two prints together, they were made for each other! Have a fun trip :) xxx

  10. I love all these purples with the sunset and your cute hat! you always find the loveliest backdrops

  11. Love the color mix!
    You look so adorable!
    Lovely pics!

  12. The perfect clash of prints, the perfect photos. The feel of each one of your post is a work of art.
    Love, love, love to have found you.

  13. oh I went to hilton head island with my family when I was about 10, have a great time. The carolinas are great. You look beautiful, the photography here is great. I don't seem to be able to capture good light for an outfit post at sunset but these look beautiful. Love the mix match prints xox

  14. Oh yes ! The combination of these 2 prints is genius !!!

  15. The patterns go so well together from the top and the skirt/dress, Its so cute! Ooh sounds like you're going to have an amazing time searching for the perfect house. I love things like that haha! Have a lovely week!

  16. Nice blog, can we follow each other? Visit my blog and let me know what you think! :)

  17. I know where Hilton Head is! Such a lovely town! It's close to Savannah Georgia where I went to school. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  18. I love the hat you are wearing in this picture! Your blog is great :)

  19. Such a lovely mix of patterns and colours :) You really know how to put things together lady :) xox

  20. I love the hat you are wearing in these pictures! Your blog is great :)

  21. Oooh I've heard Hilton Head is beautiful! Lucky lady, I'm dreaming of beaches right now! I love all your flower prints together- your outfit screams summer and I could gush about every piece... Knotted tops have been my favorite lately, and I swore in the '90s I would never do that again :)

  22. I feel like it's been ages since the last time I stopped by your blog and I have obviously been missing out! Your photos are as lovely as ever. I love you you really work on the photography aspect of your blog as well as the outfits and include photos of the scene around you - which, in this case, is extremely impressive. Your outfit is just summery perfection, too. I especially love those adorable shoes. Have a fabulous trip!

  23. Gosh, what an absolutely gorgeous outfit! All the colours in it are made to be together.

    Emily Jane xo

  24. i love all the colours! and i love how they are all matched up together! instantly your new follower :D

  25. I love the mix of floral prints!

  26. hilton head sounds SO much fun! and these are such lovely photos - this location is lovely. it's not harrisburg is it, though? i keep thinking it is, then i don't...hmm...i love your mix of florals - and your cute shoes! and i'm always so jealous of how adorable you look in hats.

    1. It's actually Wilkes Barre - it does resemble Harrisburg a bit though - like on Front Street or that bridge behind the train station:)

  27. At first I thought you were in Paris! Such gorgeous pics! And I love how you mixed and matched the florals and colors. So perfect.

    1. Oh my, I wish! This is just a very small city close to where I live in PA:)

    2. wow this fotos look like taken from a romantic movie scene, i also thought you were in france;) those shades of blue florals look wonderful on you darling!

  28. ah, i love these pictures:) and you're looking pretty in the sunset! x

  29. I think that this outfit and your love of sunset make Shades of Monet seem to appropriate. They look like his kind of colours. It all looks so beautiful.

  30. I agree, I thought you were in Paris! These pictures are beautiful and your outfit is darling, I just love the brooch and adorable shoes. Enjoy Hilton Head, it's such a pretty place!

  31. vintage flower prints are so pretty!

  32. No one mix prints like you, gorgeous :)

  33. What a poetic post! Love it! And wow, you're so lucky to be able to travel to SC. So wait, you're going to look at a place for sister's wedding and your sister herself can not go? :O Poor thing!

    Have a blast and take pics! ;D


  34. Fabulous print mixing and I just love these pictures - they are gorgeous!


  35. I love how wonderful these two patterns look alongside one another. It almost looks like the same pattern but in inverted colors- very beautiful! Have fun on your trip-sounds like you're always off having some kind of an adventure!

  36. love the photos, you look lovely!

  37. Sunsets are so lovely. I adore the spider web shot!

  38. Oh gorgeous sunset pictures my sweet! I've just been catching up! You are looking beautiful as ever but also you are just glowing lately! All that sunshine I hear America is getting?! Jealous! We have had 90% rain this spring and summer! Hard to schedule things for those far and inbetween sunny days! I love your outfit you look so darn cute! :) I hope you have a wonderful time looking for that perfect location! :) Zoë xxx

  39. aah! what a lovely pics,nice blog ! maybe we can follow each other if you want? :)

  40. lovely as always. these pictures are so beautiful. All of your photos look like a fairytale

  41. I love the sunset too, but my favorite time of day is the gloaming- it always feels so magical to me.

    Beautiful outfit as always. I really like those shoes!

    Have fun in SC!

  42. great outfit!kisses from Italy


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