
Friday, July 6, 2012

What I Ate // Summer Edition : Mango Avocado Salad

As the weekend is just about upon us, I thought nothing better than to share one of my favorite summer recipes with you.  Who doesn't just love fresh produce in the summertime?  Really, the two things just go hand in hand.  This little mango avocado salad is something that I make all summer long and is surely one of the most simple recipes known to man -  definitely not rocket science, if you know what I mean, but a tasty little morsel it is indeed.

What You Need:
2 ripe mangos
1 avocado
1 small red onion
1 jalapeno pepper
A handful of cherry tomatoes
Cilantro (optional)  - I used a small handful - but you can use more or less depending on your taste preferences.
Shredded Coconut
Juice of 1 lime

How You Make the Magic:
Chop up all your produce and mix together.  Top with shredded coconut.  Squeeze the juice of your lime over the salad and finish off with a drizzle of honey and stir.

I told you it was easy :)

Catch you tomorrow darlings!  
Love Bunches, 

 ** Pssst - Last chance to hop over here or click on the sidebar to the left to enter the giveaway to win a vintage recycled one of a kind necklace from Hattitude Jewellery Shop.    The winner will be announced tomorrow.  **


  1. this is just delicious! i could use some right now!

  2. Do not tease me with this right now. It looks delicious!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  3. This looks SO GOOD Marisa! Definitely going to try it, I think in part because it looks so pretty and colorful, and obviously, because it sounds so yummy! Happy Friday!! :)
    xo Hannah

  4. this sounds so good!! and uses all my favorite produce here in the DR.. i am trying this for sure!

  5. Two of my favorite food together : avocado and mango! I'll certainly try this salad!!
    Your blog is lovely!

  6. this looks so delicious! I must try it!

  7. this will be so great this weekend when its 105 outside! Who wants to eat something hot? Not I!

  8. oh em geeeee this sounds so delicious, Marisa! Why have I not put avocado with mango yet? They're yummy together!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  9. Looks delicious ,great Meal for Summertime! :)
    i´m a new Follower

    Lovely Greetings from Austria ♡

  10. mmm, this sounds really good and makes a very pretty salad. And I just happen to have everything I need except the coconut. I foresee this gracing my table very soon!


  11. I always eat things like this too! I love to make the weirdest (my friends say this haha) combo's of healthy stuff.

  12. this looks gorgeous, the colours alone are so appetizing! I love avocado :p Perfect for summer, though we don't have much of one in the UK! xx

  13. Hi its me I made another google account but still same blog :)
    I am now your 567th follower haha! Ixx

  14. That looks delish!! Mango and avocado are two of my favorite things, I never thought about putting them together! :)

  15. yum!! this sounds and looks amazingly delicious! and perfect for summer! I must try!

  16. This sounds amazing! I love the flavor combos you have going here- I think I need to make a run to the grocery store :)


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