
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Starr Garden and Lychee

Outfit Details: Dress: c/o Cute Vintage // Hat: UO // Bag: Antique Mall // Shoes: Thrifted

Finally...I am back, nestled safe and sound in my home sweet home.  It's been one fine week away and I spent the latter half of it in Philly as my hubs was away on business.  So perfectly it concluded with an afternoon spent on South Street upon his arrival home.  We thrifted, we park strolled, we froyo-ed - I indulged with a concoction of lychee, cake batter, taro, raspberry, pistachio yogurt topped with blackberry, coconut, cookie dough, kiwi, jimmies and mochi.  Yes, this girl likes a bit of everything. 

So that's that.  We made it through a bad storm and tornado warning on the drive home - and if you know me, tornados are one of the things I am most scared of in life...haha.  I was a complete nut the whole ride home checking the weather channel app every other second to assure that we would be ok. Goodness gracious, I do have the tendency to make things more dramatic than they probably need to be.

Alright darlings, wishing you one perfect Saturday.   I'm off to catch up now:)  See ya soon!

Love bunches, 



  1. your bag and shoes are lovely :)

  2. oh, my god, glad that you're safe, marisa. driving thru the tornado must be thrill experience! btw, really refreshing my tired mind to see your pictures here. you look really fresh in green, and that fro-yo really make me do a big gulp right now, hehehe. loving your bag and dress too. have a nice weekend! :) xx.

  3. Great shade of green. Loving your bag.

  4. tornado warnings sound very scary. Glad you are okay. These pictures are lovely and this dress is adorable!!! I love that color on you!

  5. Super cute dress! :)

    Glad that you got home safely. Tornadoes are one of my greatest fears too!


  6. These colors are so gorgeous!

  7. great outfit and photos!

    from, helen at

  8. that bag... that bag... THAT BAG. you've featured it before, yes? it sure is beautiful :)

    oh no, i'm sorry your ride home was so upsetting! i might be odd, but i once drove through a rainstorm/ tornado in the countryside and found it a very uplifting experience. i'm just glad you made it home safely.

    you're gorgeous. xx

    1. I wish I could be that laid back when it comes to thunderstorms and extreme weather. It's just not in my blood I guess...ha. I actually just picked up that bag at my local antique mall ...first time on here, but I do have another one that is similar:)

  9. That handbag is just darling and you know I'm a fan of you in hats (especially the floppy variety) <3


  10. that's great...
    i like that photos.... very nice..!!! which supported by the beautiful lighten....

    by the way..,,would you like to visit my blog???

    i'm the 528th Follower.... please follow my blog also...

    see you... :)

  11. loving your dress!


  12. other than the storm/tornado warning, your time sounds lovely! and you're making me hungry for froyo...!

    and you look so lovely, woman...! <3 this is the perfect summer outfit!

  13. Storm+tornado sounds so frightening! Nature sure has a scaring power. Lately Italy has been hit by a major earthquake and even I felt a little tremor even if the epicenter was hundreds and hundreds of km away. Scary, I tell you.
    ANyway you look lovely as always :) your shoes are gorgeous!!

    Life is a romantic poem

  14. To be honest I would probably freak out over a weather warning like that too! Scary! I love these colours on you! Your shoes are too cute! :) It looks so nice and warm where you are, perfect watermelon weather I bet! :D (I've gone a little watermelon mad!) Enjoy the sunshine sweet Marisa! :D xx

  15. Love these photos, I love all the up close details :) The dress is gorgeous too. I have no idea what a few of those ingredients are that went into that concoction! xx

  16. Your frozen yogurt sounds absolutely amazing! Definitely what i pick! Hehe

  17. LOVE your outfit! I love to mix all the fruits and fun toppings with my frozen yogurt too :)

  18. This color looks so good on you and I love the first photo. It's so bright and crisp. Lovely. And the photos of your city (or is that philly?) look insanely beautiful. I want to adventure with you!

    1. Thanks Jessica! The photos are all from places on South Street in Philly. Where I actually live is a far cry from a city...hehe:)

  19. I love that dress! That's one of my favorite colors ;).

    Do you really like mochi? Like the Asian mochi??? So cool! ;) I used to hate it as a child, but then started liking it, especially the salty one, yum!

    Thanks for giving me your address, Marisa! I shall ship your package soon! ;D

    Hope you have an amazing week!



    1. we never have tornados here but i can understand that you are scared of them, but i´m glad you arrive save at home!
      really a cute dress! and i love this fabulous hippie bag!

    2. I loved the mochi MIki! It was actually my first time trying it and I didn't know what it actually was until I googled it...hehe. I'm assuming it was asian b/c the owners of the froyo place were asian. The salty kind sounds really interesting. This was more on the sweet side.

  20. Reading your post make me hungry, LOL. Thanks God you and your hubby safe. And thank you for your comment in my post =)

  21. what a lovely wall behind you on the first picture ! Your bag ans shoes are beautiful !

  22. What a happy colorful post! I love your style - it is always so cheerful

  23. So glad you survived your tornado warning! Your fro yo sounds so tasty, I think I am a new convert to the froyo club! That dress with that bag are perfection, and I love your detail shots too!
    xo Hannah

  24. Such lovely photos. Just like before, I'm diggin' this whole look.

    I'm sorry about that tornado scare...I've never experienced anything similar to that, so I can't even imagine what a a scaredy cat I'd be.

    Xoxo Mama Wolf.

  25. Totally in love with your shoes. Such a pretty outfit. You always wear the nicest colors :)

  26. Lady, you look absolutely lovely! These are such pretty colors. I am not a fan of tornados. I had my first experience with one recently, and I was so freaked out!!

  27. Such a lovely outfit, I love the hat and the bag!! Ixx

  28. whether layered with a skirt (um, that was SUCH a cool idea!) or on its own your dress is a score and a half! so totally YOU - the detail shots from your afternoon stroll are tremendous. glad you didn't get hard hit by that awful sounding storm, yipes! remember, if you need another cuddle buddy i'd happily ship myself out there to hang with you three incredibles....a girl can dream right?! xo ♥

  29. i wish your shoes werent thrifted because i want them so bad. so. so. bad. and philly sounds great. maybe we should be going to philly next weekend instead of're going to have to tell me where this amazing fro yo place is! ugh yummyyy!!! and this dress (i'm jumping sorry!) is such a perfect color, i love greens like this.

  30. Love your posts and loved you at Little Slice of Special :) Now following.

    Feel free to stop by my
    xoxo Jamie

  31. Hello darling! You look marvelous in that minty green hue! I can totally relate to you about that because would've had a complete heart attack if we were driving down the road with a tornado warning going on.. eek! They're my number one fear too haha. :)
    I love froyo! I am mainly a junkie when it comes to that though - I always get chocolate on chocolate on chocolate with chocolate whipped cream hahah. Devil's froyo I guess you could call it :).
    have a good week darling!

  32. I just love your blog! I too love colorful, bright things, and I like the clothes, and photography of this post!


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