
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Outfit Details: Top (Dress) : Vintage (remixed here and here) // Skirt: Kickstarter gift from Chantilly Songs (remixed)// Scarf: Grandmother's// Brooch: Vintage // Shoes: Thrifted

Hello Darlings, 

This past week has been nothing short of relaxing and I am enjoying that quite a bit...maybe a bit too much:) It's always a lovely thing to catch up with loved ones and that's exactly what we have been doing.  Cake and pie is not in short supply and neither is delicious food.  Why does dinner always taste better when it is cooked by mom?  Anyhow, Albert and I snuck away for an afternoon and hit all my favorite places in my hometown - the antique mall, an old fabric store where my mom and grandmother took me to pick out fabric for my dresses when I was little, my favorite Thai cafe, and the local Starbucks - because I can never have enough coconut mocha fraps this time of year.  Anyhow, we were close by to this tiny old amusement park that my family took me to once in a while when I was a kid and it is sadly now defunct.  I'm oddly obsessed with creepy and rusted old defunct parks like this.  We were both so curious and eager to enter and explore, but I chickened out as there were men mowing the grounds.  I can be a bit of a scaredy cat I will admit.   Oh well, maybe next time.   So there I stood at the entrance mysteriously enchanted by this once lively little place.  

Wishing you once fantastical week!
Love bunches, 


  1. Sounds like a lovely afternoon, and as usual your clothes are beautiful and I adore the mix of bright colours! I'm also jealous of your coconut mocha frap...we don't get such exciting flavours in the UK!

  2. LOVE this color combination and the styling is just perfect. It sounds like you're having a great time, creepy amusement parks aside!

  3. Relaxation weeks are the best. You guys are always so busy I'm glad you had some scheduled down time!

  4. You seriously have the best skirts!! I love the print and pattern of it, so perfect for spring and summer. I especially love it with this top. You look so pretty and happy here, it sounds like you had an absolutely lovely time visiting your hometown :)

  5. Hello, gorgeous! Oh my goodness I simply adore this! That sounds like a wonderful relaxation to me - well anything with an endless supply of sweets sounds wonderful to me hehe :). I can really relate to you on being attracted to places like that! Anything left from my childhood I would consider revisiting soon for the fear of it being gone before I get one last chance of seeing it. Isn't it amazing/scary how the world has evolved so much since then? Sigh.


  6. yayyy, you're wearing the skirt again!! i'm so happy you like it, and it looks so good on you! i think it fits your style so well, and you pull it off amazingly :)) and you're right- food from mom is always the best.


  7. so true, mom's cook always taste good! :) so sad about the amusement park. i know one amusement park that i love to visit when i was little, and now it's on very bad condition :((
    i hope you don't get bored if i said "i love your outfit" again and again. your top/dress is so pretty, and your shoes look so classic. you look great, marisa :) xx.

  8. Hello dear, this is a wonderful outfit - as always ! Those shoes are totally cute. Sounds like you had a fabby day out AND i also can't have enough coconut mocha fraps ! :) LOVE them !!! XX Tani

  9. I love this outfit. The skirt is seriously amazing and I love how you mixed the patterns. I'm a complete chicken too when it comes to things like that. Theres this old mansion in a park near us that reminds me of the house from beauty and the beast and I've always been so freaked out to go near it haha! Maybe one day... Hope you have a lovely rest of your week!

  10. Wonderful clash of print. You look like a true painting in a very happy atmosphere.

  11. oh how cute you look always! i loooove checks, so this skirt really got me, i have to buy a lot of checked fabric for autumn dresses and skirts;) and even if i normaly don´t wear a lot of flats i love yours here! i didn´t know that game before but i will have a look for it;)

  12. Sounds like quite the place to explore, I love creepy abandoned places! Lovely as usual, the skirt is a beauty and those vintage flats, the colour is just stunning! xx

  13. You look gorgeous! I really am in love with your shoes too! xxx

  14. I have been the same way too - a little lazy and catching up with old things and people. Isn't it such a great feeling, although I do feel a little guilty for not running around like my head is chopped off. I'm glad you're enjoying your time at home, you sure look wonderful in that awesome outfit!

  15. I am a total scaredy cat! I've probably missed out on some fun adventures because of it :) Or... maybe that's why I'm still alive!! Chantilly did good- this skirt was meant for you!

  16. I love the shot of your pretty loafers against the paint splattered pavement! Once again, you are the master of primary color mixing! Im so happy for you that you are having a nice relaxing week! myself cannot wait for the weekend!
    I think broken places always give more interest to a backdrop then something shiny and new! But its totally a pain actually getting near the intriguing places! Happy thursday!
    xo Hannah

  17. What lovely colors all put together! Love the blue and red/rusty color. Sounds like a fun time revisiting old places, I love doing that also. Always brings back so many memories! Have a lovely weekend coming up!

  18. That is so cute about what you two did in your hometown! you look delightful in this outfit!

  19. That sounds like a perfect weekend! ;D And, awe, my mom would make my dresses, too, when I was a child! I don't think I appreciated that enough as a kid :/.

    And, hey, you've just been drawn the winner of little giveaway! ;D Whenever you have the chance, please e-mail me your address at Thanks! ;p

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  20. So, this whole entire look is just perfect! I adore your skirt. Next time you gotta explore that place, it sounds like fun! I mean what's the worst that could happen if you were caught? :]

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  21. Lovely and fresh outfit ! I love the mix of delicate prints and colors !


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