
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rainy Day Library Adventure

Outfit Details: Dress, Blazer, Shoes - Vintage, thrifted // Hat: UO // Necklace: Modcloth 

Today it rained - so taking pics was not so much in the cards, but you know what was... going to the library! That's right, my little man Keane and I headed off to the library with our friends for story time with a wonderfully eccentric librarian.  Better yet, she was giving out a free book to all the kiddos who came... so naturally I was pretty darn excited as I am quite a children's books enthusiast - that's the elementary education major in me coming out.  Unfortunately no photos of that here - it would have been too weird to be snapping pics when so many other people's children were there too...who really wants to be the creeper in the corner holding the camera?  The day concluded with a banana gelati and plenty of snuggling up to old episodes of Mad Men.  Perhaps rainy days aren't so gloomy after all. 

Rain or shine, I wish you the most lovely day darlings!

Love bunches, 


  1. You and I both share a love for story books and such. I'm a sucker for any Madeline book and I have an embarrassing habit of watching "family" type movies (Finding Nemo- awesome!)

    Love the colors in your outfit!

  2. That librarian was so generous. I ALWAYS love your vintage style <3 <3 What program does you usually use to edit your photos? =)

  3. The dress and jacket pair beautifully! Love the color and pattern mix.

  4. Wow. Love this outfit, especially loving the dress!!

  5. I love those different prints on you, it's so cute :)

  6. Hattitude Style Blog

    marisa what a cute outfit! i love this pattern on pattern. i don't think i would have thought of it! thanks for the inspiration chikita! sometimes we bring my boyfriend's nephew's (3 and 4years) out to children events simply because they're so fun! i'm such a child at heart. I don't think those rascals could sit through story time though without hurting one or other!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog
    Hattitude Style Blog

  7. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a rainy day, I haven't been to a library for ages! :) Love how you've mixed these prints, it definitely works wonderfully xx

  8. I can understand not wanting to seem like a creeper at the library with the camera. That sounds like a really fun time though!!! Free books are always great. You look adorable.

  9. Perfect match of patterns, dear Marisa and wonderful pics by the lake.
    Love the 3rd pic from the top soooooooooo much.

  10. This jacket is just fabulous and it's even better with the dress. You look wonderful!

  11. What a wonderful plan for a rainy day! Libraries in this country offer such a wide variety of free activities for all ages; it's awesome! :D

    That third pic of you in the rain is awesome; and so is your outfit, obviously! ;P


  12. When I saw this is on insta i was hoping there was going to be a post too! Yay for rainy day adventures, you sound like such a good mama! I love your colorful print mixing, and almost all vintage too, hooray! The gelati sounds amazing! We don't have Rita's out here in colorado but I have been there before when I lived in NJ, I don't think they ever had banana though, yum!
    Enjoy your rainy day!
    xo Hannah

  13. This is the cutest outfit I've seen! I love all the patterns & colors! I must admit, I am ashamed I haven't been to a library recently.

    But it looks like you had a blast!

  14. Sounds like you had good time. Rainy days make wonderful library days :)

    That blazer is so cute,I love the floral pattern and the colors. you look adorable.

  15. Oh wow, I absolutely love the print on the dress! It's so perfect for summer (even if it is raining haha). Sounds like you had a perfect rainy day. Hope the weather improves and have a lovely week!

  16. Aww if we lived closer to each other we could take our kiddos to story time together. Recently my littlest had to graduate to the next story time class but we went to the new class last week and the lady was not nice, I actually walked out ;-( I'm sad becuz we really liked going to story time @ that particular library, oh well we'll find a new one <3


  17. Looking amazing! I really love your necklace x

  18. Mm, gelati!

    I love storytime at the library, I can't wait until Felix is old enough to go. They do a singalong one for younger babies so I'll have to try that out soon!

  19. This print mixing with the plaid dress and floral blazer is AMAZING!!! I absolutely love it, what a wonderful combination, you look gorgeous. It sounds like a fun day going to the library and snapping a few pictures :)

  20. really loving the mixed prints goes very well together hope you are doing well dear!
    Xoxo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  21. Lovely outfit full of color, I adore your hat!If you want we can follow also on bloglovin, fashiolista, google+, twitter and facebook?
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    Win a pair of sparkling earrings from Velanch

  22. That jacket is fantastic, and those shoes perfection! Ahhh lovely outfit.
    rainy day activities have something magic about them, i can't really explain it!


  23. Ooh ! These 2 prints together are beautiful, the colors fits great !

  24. vintage'd fascinations!!! love the darling patterns with corresponding colors Marisa. you are the cutest, how many times can i say it? but gosh, it's true! just thinking about slipping something like this on makes me smile, it's such a cheerful look and you always come up with brilliant mixes that i go completely mental for!

    i haven't visited a library in eons but remember the familiar smell of mounds upon mounds of books. it was always a very comforting place, you never felt like you'd get rubbed the wrong way in a library ;) glad you 2 got in some story time together! gelati windup ain't bad either...mmm. xo ♥

  25. this plaid dress is SO cute on you - it's the perfect colors in plaid form! and your little blazer is an amazing match to it. i love it!

    and that sounds like a wonderful rainy day - and thats awesome that the author gave away free books to the kid - awesome! and banana gelati sounds SO gooodddd

  26. i love this dress and the whole outfit! you look fabulous!

  27. I love the whole outfit!So colorful!!!
    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know!

    1. oh i love to read a good book or watch mad men on rainy days too... well unfortunately we had to much of these days now :(
      and you look so lovely with that floral blazer and this checked dress, i also love the matching necklace with the blazer;)

  28. sometimes rainy days can be the best. they give us permission to be a little lazier! and what a perfect day you had! just found you through a little slice of special. loving your blog!

  29. I love the pic of you in the rain, so pretty! I love when rainy days can be relaxing, they make me feel so lazy it's hard to do anything else :) I've been catching up on the new season of Mad Men, I love watching shows after they air so I can watch a few episodes at a time!

  30. Love the dress! And I've been making more and more frequent trips to the's the best place to go in the rain! :-)

    xoxo, Erin

  31. I love your pattern mixing skills! Those colors go absolutely perfect together and you just look so gorgeous love :)! I completely adore the photo of you catching the rain. It is SO sweet! Hahaha.. that would've been kind of creepy to take photos of the children while they were being read to! That's probably why I don't like photographing weddings. Everyone is quiet and trying to pay attention to what's going on and it can get a little embarrassing when a photographer has to step in front of family members to get a good shot! :S haha (totally off subject!)


  32. Love your floral blazer. You make me want to make a trip to the local library. I havent done so since college. :)

  33. Such a beautiful colorful dress!!
    I would love for you to visit my blog sometime!!

  34. Oh Marissa, you look so lovely. I just adore the dress and the clashing floral blazer - perfect. Sorry about the rain. If you lived in the UK you'd be well used to it!:) xxx

  35. Oh Marisa this is the BEST outfit / combo of all your posts i've seen ! I totally felt in love with this ! The dress is so cute and matched with this floral blazer is sooo adorable- a bit strange but thats why i LOVE it !!! Have to get a floral blazer asap !!! Btw guess you had a fabby day at the library, i love childrens books too :) XX Tani

  36. so cute! I'm a bit of a fan of childrens books. I'm rather enamoured of your blazer!


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