
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Seven Tubs

Outfit Details: Dress: UO (old - remixed here) // Blouse, Brooch & Scarf: Thrifted/Antiqued // Hat: TJ Maxx // Shoes: AE (old) // Tote: c/o Cute Vintage

Sunny days call for explorations - I say it all the time, but really, this is one of the best things about spring and summer I do believe.  Today found us out at Seven Tubbs Natural Area which is laced with plenty of trails, bridges, and waterfalls to make the heart go pitter-patter just a bit.  I've been longing to check this place out for a while now and it surely did not disappoint.  Note to self - next time pack a picnic lunch and wear some flip-flops and shorts so I can really get down and dirty and well...just splash around in the falls like I was ever so tempted to do.  When it comes to me, I'd rather be chasing waterfalls than pavement any day.  

On tap this next coming week - a darling DIY,  an easy summer recipe, oh and a Keane concert!  My schedule is maxed out per usual - but I don't mind :-)

The weekend is almost here - do enjoy darlings!

Love Bunches, 


  1. I like your colourful outfit today! Have a splendid weekend!

  2. Super cute outfit! LOVE your unique style.

  3. sooo beautiful miss marisa :) i love that shade of yellow. and your hat tops it off perfectly. by the way, i'll definitely be at that camp this summer, and i so hope to see you!! xo!!

  4. Hattitude Style Blog

    ooo marisa i just love this little jumper. what a cute little number. whereever you go thrifting man oh man! i want to come! haha

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  5. wow so beautiful picture... it's supported by the nice place... ;)

    best regard :)

  6. I absolutely love the yellow dress; it is so sweet and cute! Hope that your summer is going well! If you are going to be traveling to my next of the woods anytime this summer, let me know!


  7. I love your style! It's so cute! That place you explored sounds wonderful! I do love a good adventure!

  8. This sounds like the most amazing day!! I love exploring and seem to not have enough time in my day to day life to do so, which is so crappy.
    I love this look, the top underneath this dress is such a brilliant idea and adds so much! You look so awesome

  9. Awe, Marisa, you can't be any cuter! :) Love this outfit and especially the patchwork looking tee.

    Oh, my! Keane's concert!!! :p Yay! I've been listening to them a lot these weeks.

    Hope you have a great weekend! ;D

  10. love that dress - and the whole colouful outfit:) your explorations always look like so much fun! x

  11. Ah, that is the cutest dress on you! I love the quirky print and how playful and fun it is. :)
    xx Maria

  12. It looks beautiful here, and Keane is too cute (loving his curly hair). The bright colours you wear always cheer me up (London is grey and rainy..) xxx

  13. That sure does look like a pretty place to be! I bet it smelled amazing there too. Though your outfit might not have been suitable for waterfall frolicking, it certainly was perfect for looking good!


  14. I love this dress on you. You look beautiful! Cheers to a wonderful weekend full of love, adventure, and exploring! xo

  15. Cute photos and great idea to wear the dress over another top. Must try...
    Have a lovely weekend.

  16. I love that hat so cute. Especially on u! I'm so jealous u r going to see keane! They are on my all time fav list. Also I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't wait to see pics of your next adventure there where you get down and dirty lol. Jealy for sure.

  17. I really love this outfit and wouldn't trade it for shorts and sandals for any occasion. The print contrast is awesome and I would never have thought to layer like you did!

    1. oh the same happens to me always when there is an opportunity that it would be fun when you might get dirty i don´t have the right stuff on and when i´m wearing capri jeans and a tee nothing happens haha
      and what a cute dress you are wearing! oh i love gnocci next time you are going to cook it i will take a plane and come over haha

  18. That is seriously the one thing I dislike about doing most of my shoots in nature areas! I always want to be able to actually hike and get dirty, but I am always wearing terrible footwear, and usually a dress to boot. Sometimes I feel like my blog is misleading, as if I am actually out for a real hike or something you can find me in spandex and some hideous oversized t shirt haha.

    Anyway, this area looks beautiful & I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
    x Hannah

  19. Let m tell you, adventuring is one of my favorite things to do!

    As always, adore the whole outfit. You always wear the greatest colors!

    xoxo Mama wolf.

  20. You have the lovliest of family adventures. I wish we had the weather for it over here. The rain is incessant as ever unfortunately. Love your outfit as always xxx

  21. This yellow dress is amazing, and this little boy lovely !!!

  22. This looks like such a fun place to visit! Visiting waterfalls is one of my favourite things - the sound is so relaxing too. Hope you have a lovely week, Marisa.

  23. Oh my goodness what a beautiful location! I love the sound of a rushing waterfall, it really makes me miss the mountains so much. I really adore that dress and that hat on you! You look simply wonderful and look at cutie patootie! I could eat him up heheh


  24. I love this top under this dress! It's such an awesome pairing. I love tops under dresses even if I never do it. And your HATS. I'm seriously running out of compliments because I feel the same amazement for all your photos.

  25. Great colors and that sounds like a magical place <3

  26. i always told to my self too: wore a short and flip-flop. but, i don't know, always change my mind at the last moment. dresses always prettier than anything, hehehe. but, looks like you had a great time with your little family. the view look really beautiful and so your outfit. i love the way you mix you colorful blouse with yellow dress :)pretty :) and also good luck for anything, marisa. xx :)

  27. wouldn't think the top and the dress would go together but hey you really pulled it off! i'm so much in love with this whimsical look <3


  28. Aw new blog design!! And new blog name!!
    :) you look lovely as always, Marisa Noelle :) that dress is so sweet and I love your hat <3
    Waterfells! Trails! Sounds like a place I'd love to visit :) and the last photo is adorable.
    Life is a romantic poem

  29. How gorgeous is this post!! Loving that beautiful hat too!

    I came across your blog today via another favourite of mine (hearted girl) and so glad i did! It's filled with inspiration. You have a great style. I'm hoping you might like to follow each other? I've started off by following you :)
    Looking forward to checking back again soon.
    Maria x

  30. I must admit I'm very jealous! I want to visit a place like that!

    You look super cute, I like that yellow dress and your sweet flats :)

    Thank you for your comment on my blog- it was very kind of you and encouraged me :)


  31. How beautiful is that waterfall! Looks like such a fun excursion with the little one. These are dear photos! You look lovely as well- that yellow is stunning on you!

  32. You must get told this all the time, but you are sooo beautiful!

  33. I LOVE visiting waterfalls, they have to be the prettiest thing ever. This dress is really lovely- I love the color and the lace and it looks so great layered over that top. You look pretty as ever!

  34. you put all those colours and patterns together so well! and you little guy is so cute!


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