
Thursday, June 21, 2012

June Sponsor Spotlight

Happy Thursday darlings!

It's hard to believe this week is already coming to an end and summer is now upon us -well if you are on this side of the globe:-)  As this month closes out I wanted to introduce some of the gorgeous gals who have been my sponsors this month.  If you have not become acquainted with them yet, both of their blogs are really too darling for words - so have a peek and give them some <3 if you feel so inclined.

See you real soon!


 Hello! I'm Lisa from lala faux bois, a blog about my obsessions with traveling, vintage, and making stuff. I have dreams of seeing the world, but most the time you can find me petting my kitties or thrifting my heart out. 


Hello fellow Shades of Monet readers. I am Mary-Morgan from The Muffington Post and I am honored to be a part of Marisa's lovely blog this month. :) I am a hairdresser and makeup artist. When I am not working, I am baking yummy vegan treats or cooking yummy vegan meals. I love to craft, read comics, go thrifting and find wonderful secondhand gems, spend time with my prince charming Shey and our fluffy babies. I hope you will come by and say hi, I love meeting new, fantastic people! XOXO


Leave a comment, introduce yourself, or just say Hello. You never cease to brighten my day:-)