
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sun Falling

Outfit Details: Dress (underneath): Thrifted (remixed here) // Dress: UO (old) // Scarf & Shoes: Thrifted // Purse & Brooch: Antique Mall

Happy Saturdays darlings!  

No big plans today which is the perfect contrast to how life has been as of late.  I am officially on slow mo and loving it, if only just for a day or two.

So the weekend kicked off like this -  Upon eating a yummy homemade tomatillo and shrimp pizza, some friends and my little fam and I piled in the car and headed down to the beach area in my neighborhood to catch the falling sun...pure delight, (but I will admit it looks a bit like a Cialis commercial this time of day, which made us giggle).  Anyhow, this is the kind of thing I wish I would consciously think to do every night as a peacefulness dwells there like none other and sanity is captured once again:) 

Cheers to warm and sunny summer Saturdays!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Oh that wicker tapestry bag is so cute. I love it! xxx

  2. Great photos! Lucky you for living close to the beach. It looks like a really nice spot to go and relax. I'm in love with your little basket purse. So cute!


  3. These photos are so beautiful! Love the colours in the last one xo

  4. You always look so cute :) I love your bag.
    Have a great weekend, kisses

  5. awesome bag! glad your having a great weekend!

  6. WOW. Marisa, these photos are fabulous!!!! And I would totally be relaxed too if that was in my view! :)
    Have a lovely weekend!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  7. love your shoes and bag!


  8. These pics are gorgeous! Is that a cat brooch I see on you?? Too cute :) I love the layered dresses, such a good idea when it's too warm for layers with sleeves!

  9. Sounds like a GREAT way to start the weekend. And shrimp pizza? Never had that before!

  10. I'm loving this outfit Marisa; the dress is just so very cute!


  11. The lighting in these pictures are sooo amazing, I love the lighting!! I love the two dresses together, such a very sweet look.
    Sounds like a really great weekend love! Tomatillo and shrimp pizza sounds delicious

  12. Oh this looks wonderful! The setting is gorgeous and your outfit is too cute. Makes me want to rush off the beach right now myself. xx

  13. you look beautiful as always darling and don't you just love the beach? Your beach may be different than mine but they are all still fantastic! happy weekend!

  14. Tomatillo shrimp pizza? My mouth is watering.

    You look so lovely! I love the layering of the dresses, and what a fantastic sunset!


  15. I love how you layer your dresses! That's such a great idea!

    1. oh what would i give to be there on the beach and enjoy to watch how the sun rises...sigh...amazing how you layer your dress, it looks even more fabulous like that and i love that cute box bag! wish you a wonderful sunday darling!

  16. So pretty, such a peaceful backdrop! The second to last shot is so so beautiful, I love that head scarf too. I know I have to get you my little logo/ link for my sponsorship thing for July asap, I will email it to you any day now! Hope you are having a perfect relaxing Sunday and that its slightly cooler in PA! (It's been about 100 degrees all weekend here and its terrible to be outside).!
    xo Hannah

  17. these photos are beyond gorgeous! I love the lighting.. you look so beautiful too :) xxx

  18. Darling photos and beautiful landscape hope you are doing well!
    Xoxo Ilana

  19. Hattitude Style Blog

    marisa i love this shot. i want to be at the beach and the cottage right now! i spent it in toronto at a fundraiser and the race track. a fun weekend, but definitely am missing the beach cottage, can't wait for the long weekend!
    p.s. i'm pretty sure I just found that scarf in a thrift store this weekend and bought it! twins! ha

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  20. You look beautiful Marisa, and, more importantly, happy and relaxed. I love the way you wore those two dresses, they look like one! Perfection :)
    Also, the last photo is gorgeous.

    Life is a romantic poem

  21. I'm so jealous, it looks so beautiful there, you look lovely too. How lucky! send some sun our way! xxx

  22. too sweet & always so picture prefect! Thanx for sharing your adventures <3


  23. i LOVE the polka dots and color blocked dress together, just lovely. green and blue look so good on you. and these images are BEAUTIFUL, this location is stunning. sounds like a lovely weekend.

    <3 katherine
    current giveaway ::

  24. What an awesome way to spend a Saturday evening! :) I miss the beach ... and we live in California, hello? I think it's time to encourage the hubs to take a ride to Santa Monica Pier or Venice Beach, haha.

    I also love your outfit! I had to go check out the old post to see what the blue dress really looked like. You do such a wonderful job pairing items, Marisa! ;D

    Hope your week's off to a great start! :D

  25. Beautiful pictures and great blog.

    What do you think if we follow each other VIA GFC? I'd love it for sure. Will definitely follow back if you do decide to follow. Kisses x

  26. Oh, these images are STUNNING! Hope all's good with sweetie,

    Emma xo


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