
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On the Road

 Outfit Details: Cardi: Topshop (old, remixed) // Top (romper): UO (old, remixed) // Skirt & Shoes: Thrifted // Scarf: Vintage - gift from friend

Hello darlings!

Well I'm back from another long weekend away.  This one found me in my hometown to do some odds and ends which included trying on a dress for my sister's wedding in November, taking photos for a friend's album cover, and of course to celebrate Father's day with all the amazing men in my life - my hubby, father, and grandfather.  What a fantastic hodge-podge of a weekend indeed!  

Before it all began though, the hubs and I headed down to Maryland to catch Keane in concert - I think it was my 7th or 8th time seeing them, but they never do disappoint.  The concert ended on a very sweet note - see the photo below:)  I can always appreciate a band that takes time to chat with their fans.  All three times I've met them, they've been nothing but warm, gracious, and just completely down to earth.  One of the members even let us record a little video of him sending a greeting to our son who's name is also Keane - such a sweet little keepsake that will be fun to show our son someday.

So as you can imagine, I am pleasantly tuckered out from this lovely little weekend.   Now I'm looking forward to the first week in a long time where my husband, Keane, and I can just relax and enjoy our time together with minimal hustle and bustle :)  Though I love being a busy gal, I think I might just be a homebody at heart.

Love Bunches, 


  1. I love all your photos and outfits. I was also away last weekend and am looking forward to a low key weekend!

  2. That's so neat you were able to get that video!! I beat Keane is going to love that one day : )

    And girl you look great! You have such a pretty smile. I love what you are wearing!

  3. You look beautiful as always! And I love that Keane is so down to earth, that really makes me love a band more. That video sounds too cute!

  4. this outfit is so perfect! especially the head scarf and cardigan - it's a beautiful spring/summer outfit (spring for me as it's in the mid 90's all the time and cardigan's would be agony!) ;)


  5. Love the floral outfit dear! Glad you had a great time at home and at the concert! :)


  6. That sounds like such a wonderful weekend! :) Keane is pretty amazing. And I loooovvveeee that cardigan!

  7. aww, you look great! beautiful smile

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

  8. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! And a lovely outfit as usual, your style is impeccable.

  9. so cool!! what a great memory you and the hubby made :)

    such a great outfit too!

  10. Sounds like such a nice weekend. I love your outfit! Such nice summery prints.

  11. Beautiful photos! I also go to bands I love over and over; if I like the music and the way they perform, it never gets old! :)

  12. Oh your outfit is pastel-tastic! I just love it. Nobody can tie a headscarf quite like you can. You lookjust lovely xxx

  13. Hello my smiley friend! These are great pictures. I love that old bridge. So neat. Also really cool that you saw your (presumably) favourite band and got a picture!


  14. Gorgeous outfit and gorgeous photos. I especially love the ones on the bridge. That is one lovely bridge.

  15. It's always so much fun to meet bands who you love!! I've only met a couple artists but it definitely makes me smile.
    This look is gorgeous, I am loving the light feminine and summery colours! The dress is such a pretty pattern and I love the details on the shoulders

  16. This outfit is MY FAVORITE! I love love love the pastels on you and the setting is absolutely gorgeous! So glad you had a good time at the concert too you look like a rockstar yourself, look at those perfectly done smokey eyeshadow! Hooray for a relaxing week with your hubs and little one though, you deserve it!
    x Hannah

  17. Looking lovely per usual...The pastel colors in your outfit are ice cream cone sweet! x


    Anyway, you look adorable! The print on your dress is so cute and I love how you matched the colours so perfectly with the accessories.


  19. Love that sweater! You always look super sweet - the headwrap looks great on you!

  20. ah, so exciting that you got to meet them and the video sounds like the sweetest thing ever! love the picture of you and tom:) and your pastel outfit is gorgeous, especially liking the cardi! xx

  21. Sounds like a lovely weekend :) I've met Richard the drummer and he is very nice! You look stunning as ever, that dress is gorgeous xx

  22. Don't you just wanna grab his chubby cheeks?! They always seem like nice guys. I love your whole outfit, it's so dreamy. You look like a romantic version of a Wes Anderson charcter! I also love the farm, I have a thing for American farm buildings and wooden churches xx

  23. Ohhh i guess you had a fabby weekend ! Those photos are wonderful as always i adore your style, all your combos are perfect matches ! And the last pic is very nice and cute !!! XX Tani

  24. Love your pretty pastels! Sounds like a fun weekend! I'll be honest- I have no idea who Keane is and I always meant to look it up since that is your son's name. I finally googled it :) I haven't listened to anything yet, but I'm a huge brit-pop fan so the description sounds like a band I'll love...

  25. oh Marisa, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the epaulets on your cardigan! and what an AMAZING weekend! You're so lucky that you got to see Keane! They are freaking fantabulous!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  26. OMG, Marisa!!! I love your photo with Tom!!! :D What a lucky girl! How come you've met them so many times? Do you usually get VIP passes or wait till they leave the venue? I only saw them once in Buenos Aires and I'd love to go see them here in Cali. Unfortunately, we can't afford the tickets, so I'll have to wait for a next time. And how cool that you have a video of one of them saying hi to Keane!!!! :D Aweee!

  27. Hattitude Style Blog

    swoon marisa you've done it again. that outfit is AWESOME. i'm headed to london (ontario) tomorrow and they have the perfect vintage store with long flowy skirts like that. I'm going to have to pick myself up one. although we're in the middle of a heat wave right now in toronto, 43 degrees with the humidex...soo i've just been walking around in a bathing suit pretty much hah

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  28. that first photo is perfection!!!

  29. Awwww Marisa you are just GLOWING in these photos! You look absolutely stunning in your minty hues and I just can't get over how beautiful the scenery is!

    It really is so nice to meet somewhat famous people only to realize that they're just like us deep down. I bet Keane will be so happy and excited to see the little greeting. How sweet and thoughtful!
    Hoping you are having a wonderful beginning to summer love!

  30. So lovely and romantic!If you want we can follow also on bloglovin, fashiolista, google+, twitter and facebook?
    I just shared a new video, tell me what do you think about it!
    Come back soon to visit my blog: Cosa mi metto???

  31. I absolutely love your vintage look! Have fun!

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  32. Wao! You look gorgeous in this outfit! I love all the soft pastel colors, and how sweet and feminine you look.

  33. Diggin' all the florals, and that band seems so wonderful!

    xoxo Mama Wolf

  34. Your really know how to put an outfit together, love it :) Ixx

  35. I am in love with this outfit, lovely lady. You look beautiful! I'm glad to hear you had a nice weekend.

    1. sweet as candy, that was the first what i thought looking at your pictures;) light colours look so great on you! oh and to have chat with a band you like i think this is the greatest thing, well we can see your happiness from your eyes, really a wonderful picture darling!

  36. I'm in love with your cardigan. It's 100% perfect.

  37. This cardigan is amazing, I love the details on the shoulders ! The mix of prints and colors is very clever, as always !!!

  38. So pretty! Really love the way you layered this look! Suuuper cute cardi!

    ox from NYC!


  39. ah i LOVE your cardigan! SO pretty. I want to DIY a cardi to look like this one. and your dress is so lovely - it fits you well and goes perfectly with the cardigan.

    and i love how happy you look seeing keane! its great that you and your husband go and see them - and its cool you've seen them so many times.

    <3 katherine

  40. I love your outfit! Just found your blog through Chantilly.
    I also love your Etsy shop, it's so cool that you have larger vintage dresses. I always find like size 0's haha

    1. Thanks so much Arielle! I get a large majority of my vintage dresses from local antique malls in my area and really I think that this part of PA must have a larger number of curvier women because they aren't that hard to find - I'm a curvy gal myself, so I'm always keeping a hawk's eye out for large vintage dresses anyways..hehe.

  41. I think these are the best photos posted on your blog and the best background too and the cutest outfit!! Love the scarf too you have on your head! I am going to give Kaene a listening to now, because I never heard it before.

  42. I meant Keane. And listening now to the Strangeland album. Very lovely.

  43. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I'm sbsolutely in love with the print on the dress and the colours! It makes me wish the UK had better vintage and thrift stores around! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


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