
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Outfits: Marilyn Moment

Outfit Details: 
Dress: Dear Creatures swap Via Amy, The Amy Loo blog
Hat, bag: Vintage, Thrifted
Tights: Modcloth
Jacket, Shoes: Target

Well the wind was certainly angry today my friends...  Anyhow, I remixed this pretty little Dear Creatures dress from Amy one last time before sending it back...b/c come on, it's loverly, isn't it?  Anyhow, this time around the weather was very cool and crisp and I simply had no other option than to layer it up and throw on my trusty ol beret to keep my ears from getting frozen.  Trust me, it was that cold and windy, so much that this dress was nearly blown up to my chinny chin chin.  Eeks, quite the Marilyn moment - but probably much less graceful and way more awkward...ha!

Oh well, nothing more to say than just that.  It's been another super busy month for me but I'm looking forward to slowing down for a second and seeing Ingrid Michaelson again in concert next week in Philly.  Yeah, can't wait!  It's time to put on the pause button for sure.  

So here's to a summer of slowing down just a bit and really taking some time to do the things you want to do.

Love Bunches, 


  1. Super cute! I love those tights and the whole outfit is so colorful! The first picture is so adorable!


  2. Those tights are seriously so cool! Alex

  3. Those tights! That design on the back was definitely a surprise but a good one. And you look so pretty in orange :) It's been super windy here too but not cool enough for tights so I've been having to come up with outfits that won't cause me to flash the whole city. So annoying haha.

  4. Hello Sunshine. The outfit looks terrific. What amazing tights. You reminded me of a trip to Montreal I took with my mom once ... we were walking along a street in the old section when a sudden gust lifted my dress. A nicely dressed man was walking towards us when it happened and as he went by, without missing a beat, he said 'thank you'. My how we laughed!

  5. Adorable and I love those tights! I wish I could wear tights all year round in Austin but I can only get away with it for a few months then it's blazing hot! Looking cute and sweet as always!

  6. I actually really like this set of photos because of the movement of the clothing- but maybe wind is prettier in photos than real life. Still, you are a doll!

  7. I really love this ensemble, so innovative and personal! Cute!! :)

  8. love your thights. it is so pretty. :) Irene Wibowo

  9. Lovely photos! Your outfits are always unique and beautiful as are you. I hope you are doing well and I am sure you are doing just what I went through with two young little boys, although yours are spread out more so that must be different anyway. I pray that you will have plenty of rest and energy too!!! hehe. You are beautiful and shine!

  10. Hi!Marisa! You are so cute.
    I love your dress.I love dot patterns!


  11. We had a really windy spring and I narrowly avoided many a Marilyn moment :) Love how you remixed this- I just sold this exact dress on ebay and after seeing you guys style it on FT I'm kinda regretting getting rid of it!

  12. Dear Marisa! So good to be back in your blog and look at all the beautiful posts from the last weeks! I am sorry I was absent for so long. My stay in the US was awesome and I am back in the bloggerworld now :)
    I love your tights and the wind in the skirt gives the outfit a perfect touch ;) Beautiful pictures once again, in all the last posts! The happy ever after post is especially beautiful - what a great place!
    Lots of love!

  13. Your tights are amazing! This whole outfit is so good, it's so colourful :) Your little denim jacket is really cute, and I'm still in love with your bag! xx

  14. that dress is so pretty and the wind makes it perfectly puffy, hehe! and i adore those tights! i have those marilyn moments far too often and they're definitely never graceful:-) xx


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