
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Outfits: Train Spotter

Dress: Thrifted
Hat & Bag: Vintage, thrifted
Necklace & Shoes: Modcloth
Tights: Target

I did tell you that I adore poking around old places, right?  Anyhow, another afternoon saw me out and about, this time with my vintage styling-blogging gal pal Kayla of Fairytale of a Vintage Wallflower, and boy did we uncover a fascinating little gem in the next town over!

I've been friends with Kayla for awhile over Instagram...(imagine that!), however this was the first time we were able to meet for reals in person and it's kind of just awesome possum to find another human being who lives in the same town as you do and loves thrifting, vintage, blogging, taking photos, etc, know what I mean, so naturally it was a match made in blogger heaven...ha!  

Just before we hit the Thrift, we drove by this old dilapidated train station that apparently used to be the heart of the city when it built in the late 1800s.  After it shut down in the 70s, a restaurant/club...(see the colorful train car in the back) was added on.  How I would love to just see how booming this little station once was back in the day.  Anyhow, this is how it once look:

Interesting, right?  So that's just about all for now.  I do hope to poke around this little station once again, but for now, I will enjoy my second cup of coffee before the laundry calls my name.

Wishing you a good one!
Love Bunches, 


  1. I really like that colourful train car, it's neat! That's awesome you were able to meet Kayla in person and get to hang out :) I loveee this dress!! Looks so nice on you, and the colour is perfect.


  2. How cool that not only did you get to meet another blogger, she lives in the same town!

    Love how both your outfits play with the colorful background too. The pleats in that dress are so lovely.

    I used to love exploring abandoned places. Strangely a lot in the college town I lived in; it helped to make me think of them as beautiful and full of character instead of ugly which helped my whole view of the town. Sadly, don't anymore. I've only ever met two people while explore and while one was super nice (gave me a lot of history), the other was very threatening, so...

    Hope to see more old places from your explorations though :D

  3. What a cute train! How fun to have a blogger friend who has the same interests as you. I wish I had one of those haha. Red is such a great color on you and I really really love how you pull off berets. I want to go buy one for myself now haha.

  4. As you know, I love those kind of half-forgotten places! I would hve loved to make an outfit shooting next to a train like this :) Your little dress is so cute and the color just makes me happy!
    Thank you a alot for your last comment!
    Lots of love!

  5. Oh love your bright orange dress, it's just sooo refreshing and fun!!

  6. Is this train? It is so cute.
    And I love your dress, beautiful color!


  7. fantastic colors in these photos! love the rustic vintage setting, goes great with both your outfits!

  8. Aww, you look so pretty in orange! So fresh and cheerful :) I also loved Kayla dress. You guys are adorable :) Have a nice weekend Marisa :) xx

  9. What a pretty train station! The town in Oregon that I grew up in is super tiny and I guess it used to be booming back in the day. It's always weird to see pics of it in it's hey day and imagine it to be bustling. How fun you met a blogging buddy, it is so fun to meet people in person that you feel like longtime pals with via internet world. Have a great weekend!

  10. I'm so in love with berets <3 Maybe this is why I can't stop scrolling around these amazing photos <33 And you are charming! You good vibes are around you- genius :) And the train station looks just like movie one :)

  11. This sounds like SO much fun and you guys found an amazing location! Oh how I seriously dream of having another blogger friend from my town or area!!! Love the red dress :)
    xo Hannah

  12. the place looks amazing! i really like your dress and it sounds like you two had a wonderful time! xx

  13. This is crazy cool! I love the imagery in this post... cute dress too!

  14. Great pictures, it's so fascinating to explore old places! That dress was a great find too, niice and colourful for spring. Cute look :)

  15. Red is your color, Marisa! I love the location, too. You look gorgeous and happy.

  16. What a marvellous location, especially for your colourful outfit. It's always nice to explore in different places, particularly areas. I love your shoes! :)
    Have a great week Marisa

  17. Awe, that's so cool that you gals got to meet in person! :p I had the chance to meet a handful of "online friends" in person and those relationships always turned out to be even better than I'd imagined! Hm, I also met my Mr on Myspace, haha. I guess for a socially awkward person like myself, the internet is a tool that comes in handy when it comes to letting other ones to meet me.

    Also, I love the places you find for your photo shoots! ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend, sweet Marisa!


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