
Friday, March 28, 2014

Outfits: Green Goodness

Dress: Trollied Dolly via Jana's Closet
Cardi: Target
Hat & Bag: Vintage, thrifted
Tights: Hue
Shoes: UO

Hello there, 

I'm headed back to ye olde hometown this weekend for some family bday celebrations and I cannot wait to pack my bags and hit the road, Jack.  I'm just a family kind of gal, ya know?  So naturally after this very long month of being busier than a bumble bee, it will be very nice to relax and spend some quality time with my parents and sis and even get some of mom's home cooking if only for a couple days.  

As for me and my wee little family, well we celebrated the one warm evening that came our way with a big cup of italian ice ...and yes, that one warm evening was truly something to celebrate after what seems to be the longest winter ever.  I'm truly looking forward to seeing plenty blooms and leaves on the trees as I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an actual spring of warm weather.  Can you see my excitement as I even dressed in green from head to toe?  Actually it was part of a monochrome outfit challenge that the Flock Together gals took part in last week...I chose to go the route of Kermit the Frog obviously.  Did I ever mention that I so badly wanted to marry Kermit as a little girl?  The ironic thing is that the Mr.'s voice actual sounds a bit like Kermit the Frog, I kid you not - so I guess you could say I married my Kermit, ha!

Have one fine weekend darlings!


  1. I love monochromatic looks, though I never really do them. Perhaps that should be a personal challenge of mine, as well! Ugh...can this winter EVER be over?! It's getting ridiculous!!

  2. These photos are so so gorgeous and well-done! I love 2nd one especially, with the boats.
    xoxo, Lindsey Dish

  3. Really nice photos! You look lovely in that dress :D

  4. You look so nice in this- I like that you match your background with the boats a bit!

  5. Gorgeous pictures!! That dress looks so nice on you. Trollied Dolly has some amazingly cute dresses! And that's awesome you're going back to your hometown for some family time :)


  6. I love these pictures and that dress! Such a great colour.

  7. I am seriously swooning over this dress and this beautiful sunset. Green is my favorite color but I am always actually really challenged at how to style it for some reason! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Aghh I love the print on your dress, it's so cute!

    Chamomile Dealer

  9. What a relaxing atmosphere in these photos :) Love this outfit, too - green is my fave! I have yet to try this awesome teal and minty combo though, so pretty!

    <3 Megan

  10. you look so wonderful in that beautiful dress, i love the print! and it looks like keane has grown to be a lot taller, or maybe i'm just imagining it, ha:-) the sunset looks amazing there and i hope you have the loveliest family time! xx

  11. These pictures are so gorgeous! So are you! I love this dress and the cool monochromatic color scheme going on in the outfit. You look wonderful and the sunset in these pictures is super pretty.

  12. Awe, what a wonderful dress! I love its color, pattern and shape; you're totally rocking it! ;)

    Hope you had a great time with your family :p. I wish mine lived closer so I could pay regular visits, hehe.

    Happy week, dear Marisa!

  13. Ohh, How a beautiful photos!!!The setting sun is wonderful.


  14. love your dress. beautiful sunset photos!


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