
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vines & Vows

Outfit Details:
Dress: Knitted Dove, Wizard of Oz Collection (gift from mom - thanks!)
Scarf & Basket: Vintage, Antique Mall
Socks: UO
Shoes: Seychelles

Not so very long ago a good friend of ours married his lady love and the Mr., the babe, and I ventured a couple hours away to an enchanting little vineyard in the countryside where the festivities took place.  Weddings are magical indeed and this one was no exception.  Who can resist a night filled with lots of love, laughter, salted caramel espresso cupcakes and grapevines as far as the eye could see?  Not me!

Anyhow, I received this Wizard of Oz themed dress from my mom as a congrats-you-had-another-baby gift and this was the perfect night to take it out.  I do adore putting on a fancier frock and dancing the night away.  It's off note but in case you were wondering - this little vintage picnic basket has been the best thing for carrying some diapers, wipes, a bottle, and pacifier when I don't feel like lugging around ye ol diaper bag whilst attending a special event. It's amazing how good one becomes at packing lots of baby paraphernalia into a seemingly small space second kid around.

Cheers to great weddings and great loves.  It was a splendiful evening - and as for the little guy, well he slept through the whole thing!  

Catch up with you soon darlings, 
Love bunches, 


  1. You look beautiful! I love the dress and you accessorized very nicely :D

  2. These photos!!! Oh my, how wonderful, you and the bb look adorable, the way you're looking at him says it all. And this dress? AMAZING, love the print, perfect for a wedding :)

  3. There is a whole collection of Wizard of Oz dresses? how did I not know this before?

    At any rate you look lovely and the picnic looks like a lovely time.

  4. It sounds like it was a wonderful time. Such a beautiful setting for a wedding. You two looked great for it but I must admit, my eyes were glued to the little guy! <3

  5. marisa you look stunning and what absolutely beautiful photos, your family are so so lovely..bug hugs to you all xxx

  6. You look wonderful! I just love this Wizard of Oz themed dress. It looks gorgeous on you. What a great gift. I love the basket and red socks you paired with it.

  7. What beautiful pictures! That is one stylish diaper bag for sure. The babe is absolutely ADORABLE! :)

    sorelle in style

  8. These photos are so darling! You look gorgeous in that dress and your little darling is an adorable addition to the photos.

    Giveaway: Win a $1900 aquamarine necklace!

  9. What a gorgeous dress, you look lovely!
    I love the picnic basket too, very cool.

  10. what an amazing print, your mom is pretty much the coolest for picking that out for you. You look beautiful and so does the little guy!

    - Caitlin

  11. You always have the most beautiful pictures :) and how adorably small is baby #2?! Freakin' cutie. Both of ya! Congrats to your friends on their wedding!

    xo Ashley

  12. Your little family looks just darling and I adore the dress you mom gifted you, what great taste she has! That collar is really something special! A vineyard seems like the perfect place for a wedding!
    xo Hannah

  13. These pictures are so sweet. Your little baby is so adorable. This dress is absolutely stunning.

  14. What a beautiful family. I love these photos! Your dress is lovely, and it looks like it was such a bright day! xx/Madison Have a nice weekend!

  15. Salted caramel espresso cupcakes??? Wow! I would LOVE to try them! They sound perfect! But I'm in my three months without sugar challenge so I will have to wait making them ;)
    You look like the most beautiful mother in the US :)!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Your baby is the cuttest <3

  17. oh my, that dress is beautiful! clayt is looking very sweet in the arms of both of you and it truly sounds like you had a wonderful time:-) xx

  18. How sweet! What a lovely location, too.

  19. You look so adorable! That dress is just so cute! Also, the picnic basket is such a great idea! And look at your little man, he's just so precious!


  20. That cupcake looks sooo good...and I adore that first picture... walking through a pretty scene with a baby and an adorable basket....perfect!

  21. How nice of your mom!! Your dress is so gorgeous! I love it on you and how it is designed. Look at your sweet newborn! awwww I like that I can see closer up shots of him now! Little feet!!!

  22. glad you enjoyed such a wonderful wedding w/ good friends! so kind of your mom to gift you this lovely dress. your pictures look like such a beautiful day in that orchard. and your little man, aww so sweet!
    Cuddly Cacti
    Mitla Moda

  23. That's an awesome dress! :D How sweet of your mom to have gotten it for you! :D

    I haven't been to a wedding in so long! Luckily, we have 2 coming up in November and December :).


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