
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pumpkin Head

Dress: Asos
Hat: UO
Scarf & Bag: Thrifted
Shoes: JCrew Outlet (gift from Mom)
Brooch: Swap via My Avonlea Vintage

Oh hi darlings!

So no, I have not jumped on the pumpkin latte train yet...I'm telling you, as much as I love those little suckers, I just can't bring myself to let go of summer.  Really, the season is not technically over yet, so bring on plenty of mocha banana fraps before the 22nd and the cold weather rolls around. 

In celebration of these last days of summer, I hopped on a kayak the other day and paddled my way around our lake, taking in every lily pad that I possibly could.  Of course, I got stuck in a wee storm and some howling wind right in the middle of the lake - but luckily that blew over quick and if anything, it made my afternoon on the water a little more adventurous.  

Other than that, at the end of this week I will be leaving for vacation on Hilton Head Island, SC once again.  It's my home away from home and well, the end of this week just can't come quick enough.  However before then, the Mr. and I will be heading to Philly to see Vampire Weekend - yep, this week is just chock full of exciting things!  So I'll end it right there - wishing you one awesome-possum week as well my friends!

Cheers to a sweet summer's end and a fantastic fall to come!
Love bunches, 


  1. Such a lovely outfit. The hat is absolutely amazing! But did you or did you not have pumpkin latte? I'm very confused...

    1. Lol -yes I did actually - yesterday. This post was written last week and oops I forgot to take that part out :-)

  2. Your hat is just too cute on you, I love the color and the title of this post is great :) Your kayaking adventure sounds really fun too. I am so over summer haha but it doesn't get very cold here so I can understand why you'd want to enjoy your last few weeks of warm weather.

  3. I love your hat!! What a gorgeous colour on you, and so perfect paired with this striped dress. Sounds like a really wonderful time, have so much fun lady!!

  4. As usual the details make the outfit--I like the cute green flats and the pretty brooch best :)

  5. I love the brooch with the dress and the hat, it ties it all together in a way. Great outfit, once again :D

  6. You got stuck in a storm in the middle of the lake?! That sounds super frightening! And super adventurous too ;)
    About the outfit, I adore it! The dress looks great on you and I simply can't take my eyes off the hat <3

  7. i love your hat and especially your shoes! i've got to say though... i dove into the pumpkin spice craze with full fervor as soon as i saw it being served at my favorite coffee shops! haha. <3

  8. Cute, cute! The orange hat is adorable against that pop of royal blue! And this location is perfect for your outfit! Alex

  9. I completely agree, we still have a few days left in summer, and, though I am excited for fall, I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer just yet. Love the colors in this outfit and the hat (I should wear hats more). Anyway, have fun in SC!

  10. Dark blue and orange are so amazing together!

    XO Imke

  11. Ohhh, you have some excitement coming up lady! Good for you. I'm with you and still enjoying whatever summer we continue to get.

  12. I love your dress, and your hat! It's such a gorgeous colour :) Have fun in Philly! xx

  13. Hello!
    It is a very cute dress.
    I love border!


  14. All the accessories- that hat. The scarf!

  15. This dress is so lovely <3 aw I love stripes!

  16. Enjoy your trip down to this part of the world! I live just south of Savannah and yesterday was our first below-90-degrees day in ages - fall is definitely in the air, finally! Never thought my New-England-born self would say that an 80 degree day is fresh and lovely, but there you go :D Have a great trip!

  17. That dress is just so adorable - I love the blue with the orange hat! I hope that you have a fabulous vacation!


  18. so excited for you to see VW! love them! hope you have the best time, at the concert and on vacation! my husbands family is heading down to HH next week. wish we could be going too! :)

  19. Everything fits perfeclty here, I love the hat and colours in your shoes! I have to admit, I am very ready for autumn season. Wishing you a wonderful weekend Marissa and enjoy your holiday. xx/Madison

  20. Ah Vampire Weekend! I'm so jealous! I hope the concert is amazing. I'm sure it will be - or was.

    Anyway, this striped dress looks awesome on you! It's seriously so cute. I love the hat you paired with it too.

  21. The title of this post dress me in and made laugh! I'm still not ready to let go of summer but it's downright chilly here today!

  22. I really love the print on that scarf and even though I have a giant drawer full of them, I feel like my collection isn't complete when I see another beauty like this one :) I made some pumpkin syrup last week so I could add it to my iced coffee at home- still doesn't really feel "fall" around here, though all these pumpkin recipes are making me crave it. Hope you had a good weekend away!

  23. beautiful hat!!! :) have a great week

  24. I absolutely love kayaking! I'd love to go again soon...glad the storm blew over quickly, that can be scary out on the water. I love your floppy hat! I can't decide if I'm ready to let go of summer yet or's so nice to be able to throw on a dress and go-fall requires more layering!

  25. the hat is very lovely and goes so well with your dress! kayaking is so nice and i hope you're having a beautiful holiday! xx

  26. I can't let go of summer either! I so hate winter :/. It's still really hot here so I can't even tell fall has started except for the pumpkin everything at the stores, hehe.

    I read in your latest post that you're on vacation, so happy vacation time! ;D

    It's good to be back here in your blog ;).

  27. Love the colors and relaxed feel of this outfit :)

    <3 Megan


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