
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Oh Daisy

" Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower? " - Kathleen Kelly, You've Got Mail

Hat: Vintage - thrifted 
Blouse: Vintage - thrifted 
Shorts: Topshop (2010)
Boots: Vintage - thrifted

Oh hello there,

We had a pleasant dance with Fall weather just so briefly the other week and I thought what better thing to do than to pull out my favorite new sweater from my armoire?  So here it is - daisies.  Gosh, I do love daisies, so naturally I was thrilled when I spotted this little beaut on Chicnova.  As much as I loathe the weather getting cooler, I do love a good sweater and truth is - I simply do not have that many to my name.  I'm pretty sure I go into denial during the cooler months - hence the reason I don't wear a coat very often as well as sweaters nonetheless.  However - I see that pattern changing pretty darn quickly if I happen to find more sweaters as cozy and adorable as this.  

Ok, I'll stop rambling on about my sweater.  But really - it made me quite happy on this chilly day.  

In other news, it was the busiest weekend to date.  I had friends and family in and out of my house all weekend long... so much of weekend was spent cooking up a storm.  Better yet, it sweetly concluded with this dark chocolate peanut butter brandy cake my friend and I whipped up.  Sounds all fancy-schmancy, right?  Not at all.  We totally went the cheaters route and used a devil's food box mix, swapping out the water for brandy then dumping in a healthy heap of dark chocolate chips.  The frosting was our own chocolate peanut butter and it was simply out of this world!

So I'll leave you with that - if you're in town and have a hankering for something sweet, drop on by my place. :-)

Have one loverly week darlings, 
Love bunches, 


  1. I love that movie! And that quote is perfect for you sweater :)

  2. Hah! I love that movie and that quote. They are, by far, the friendliest flower. And you look adorable in your daisy sweater! xoxoxo

  3. You look so cute and cozy :) And that's so true that daisies are very friendly looking, great quote! That cake sounds delicious too. What a great idea.

  4. Aww, I love the color of that hat!! One of my favorite colors for fall :) missed you, girl!

  5. Love the print clash, such a great combination!!!

    Have a great week,
    Mary x

  6. Oh look at you in your daisies and dots! I love the look on you, and you're right, the sweater is a great one. I too really need to add some sweaters to my wardrobe. I'll wait until this major heatwave is over to address that.

    And that cake sounds scrumptious, for sure! xo

  7. You always look like the cutest, grown-up girl scout! Trust, it's a compliment. Actually, even though I haven't seen the movie.., this reminds of Moonrise Kingdom.

    xo Ashley

  8. Your jumper is THE CUTEST and I love how your yellow hat matches the yellow on the daisies :) Oh, if only I could stop by for some chocolate brandy treats, that sounds divine xx

  9. What a cute combination! Ramble on about that great sweater!

  10. This sweater is fantastic!! I love the daisy print, it looks perfectly lovely with the polka dot skirt. I need more sweaters like this in my life too :)

  11. omg, Marisa, this outfit could not be more adorable. That top is everything. You look so presh! Fab post, love. If you get a moment, I'm sharing two new looks today. I'd love to hear your thoughts. :) xo

  12. This outfit is so adorable! I absolutely love your daisy sweater and how perfect it looks with those polka dot shorts. What a fun mix of pattern. Great beret too!

  13. I love your combination skills, whatever you put together I'm in love with it! So once again, I love the look :D

  14. What an awesome jumper, and it looks great with the hat! I'm always in awe of all the amazing things you bake, that cake sounds incredible :) xx

  15. OH. my goodness. This outfit is amazin' :D You look so pretty, m'dear. Love this sweater to bits! You have totally inspired me!

    <3 Megan

  16. Just discovered you randomly via Pinterest (took me to a post from years ago!). After clicking around a little I think it's safe to say you are one of my new favs. I absolutely adore your style!

  17. First I was drooling over this darling outfit and then that amazing sounding cake! I love the black & white with a pop of color. As much as I love color, b&w can be so fun and interesting sometimes. Amazing sweater.

  18. That sweater... Super adorable! That's something I know a lot of gals in San Francisco would wear! Thanks for sharing.

    Loving your blog, by the way... Would you like to follow each other? Let me know so I can follow you back!




  19. Marisa this sweater is so super cute and I can definetly believe that it makes every day a little happier and brighter :)
    Have a wonderful weekend with friends and family and have a good time preparing yummy food!

    Lots of love!

  20. so sweet! you look beautiful! i am loving your blog..

  21. I really like this look on you, the daisies and polka dots are perfect together! It's not quite tight weather in Vermont yet but almost, I can't wait for the real fall weather to kick in.

    - Caitlin

  22. Aw, what a darling print mix between daisies and polka dots! Even though you don't like cooler weather, your layering skills are so amazing that we get to see you shine in the fall :) I absolutely love how you matched your beret to the yellow in the daisies.
    And that cake sounds amazing! No harm in dressing up a box cake, I do that all the time :) Cakes from scratch are a tough thing to get right and I rarely try because something inevitably goes awry, haha. I love to have family over and cook for them, sounds like a great weekend!

  23. Hi!
    So cute styling.
    I love knit!!
    It is autumn soon.


  24. That sweater is just adorable! I love how you paired it with the polka dots - so perfect! And oh, of course, the 'You've Got Mail' quote is just so accurate. Golly, I love that movie!


  25. Awe, daisies were my mom's favorite flowers so they always remind me of her. Also, her middle name was "Margarita", Daisy in Spanish :).

    And I feel I don't have enough sweaters or coats either, probably for the same reason. I so dread cold weather!


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